"Clear sky, this...Who is this person?"

Inuzuka Kiba was also frightened by Orochimaru's appearance and asked tremblingly.

"Didn't you hear him introduce himself, Orochimaru?"

"So what should we do now? Should we go over and take a look?"

"Wait, he's here."


Following Qingkong's gaze, Inuzuka Kiba stood there in a daze, speechless.

Because the person who came was none other than Orochimaru who had just left.

He emerged from the tree trunk, licked his lower lips with his long tongue and said:"Funny little ghosts, are you guys really not afraid of death?"

"Ya, Hinata, you two should leave first."Qingkong waved his hand.

"Clear sky......"

"Be obedient, don't make me say it again, Ya, take Hinata and go first"


Knowing that he would be a hindrance if he stayed, Inuzuka gritted his teeth, then grabbed Hinata and retreated first.

"Sunny Sky......"

Hinata's voice was still echoing in the air.

But Orochimaru did not stop the two of them, but just looked at the clear sky with interest, without moving.

"Haha, little guy, do you think you can stop me by yourself?"

"Orochimaru, it seems that after all these years, you still haven't made any progress."

Qingkong shook his head, and then with a wave of his hand, a huge black dragon composed of mosquitoes also coiled around his head.

"This is......"

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru's eyes widened, and some memories suddenly came to his mind.

Five years ago!

In the Land of Water, outside the Hidden Mist Village!

He fought with a cold-blooded young man, and after more than ten rounds, he didn't gain any advantage.

Or rather, he was defeated by the young man, and he couldn't even take away the young Kaguya he had high hopes for.

This was a shame for Orochimaru, and one of the few defeats he had ever suffered.

How could he forget it?

So, when he saw the black dragon next to Qingkong again, Orochimaru not only remembered everything, but his face also became very ugly.

"I really didn't expect that you were hiding so deeply. No wonder I couldn't find any trace of you after searching several major countries!"

"Kamiya Qingkong, what a Konoha Genin, what a trick!"

Orochimaru's eyes gleamed, and a terrifying murderous aura spread.

"Haha, are you ready to fight me? Then you better think it over carefully. After all, this place is not too far from Konoha, and it won’t take much time for those Anbu to get here."

Qingkong said with a smile, not affected by Orochimaru's murderous aura at all.

In a trance,

Orochimaru put away his murderous aura and said calmly:"You are right, there is no hatred between us, and there is no need to do things too drastically."

"But I have a question that I'm very curious about. I wonder if you can answer it."


"How old are you? I mean age."

"I graduated this year and just turned 12 years old"

"So to speak......Five years ago in the Water Kingdom, you were only seven years old?"



Orochimaru was speechless.

He had never thought of this before, and he even didn't dare to believe it.

A child of only seven years old could suppress himself to that extent.

Although, when he was in the Land of Water, Orochimaru didn't use his true strength at all, and it was good to be able to use one tenth of his strength.

But at the age of seven, this was too incredible.

However, Orochimaru also understood that Qingkong had no need to lie to him.

"Haha, that's really interesting."

Licking his lips again, Orochimaru said with a smile:"Qingzora-kun, I am more interested in you now, how about joining my Otogakure?"

"To create your experimental material?"

"No, no, although I really want to study it, I will definitely get your permission before doing anything."

"What if I don't agree?"

"Is Qingkong biased against science?"

"Not really."

Qingkong shook his head and said,"I will definitely not agree to be studied by others. I advise you to give up this idea."

To be honest, Qingkong is not opposed to doing experiments.

But the premise is that he does it himself, not Orochimaru.

Because he is too dangerous. Who knows when he will clone a large number of small Qingkongs, how can people bear it?

"Is there really no room for negotiation?"

The negotiations broke down, and Orochimaru frowned.

"There is no room for negotiation."

Qingkong blocked the other party's thoughts and said,"It's not okay for you to study me, but we can work together in another way."

"Oh? How do you want to cooperate?"There is light at the end of the tunnel, and Orochimaru is also interested.

"It's very simple. I can train you a group of strong subordinates in a short period of time, and even give them the ability of bloodline limit. In exchange, you must teach me all your experimental techniques."

"Granting others a bloodline limit? Can you even do something like this, Haruzora-kun?"

"That's right"

"Then I really need to think about it carefully."

Without interrupting Orochimaru's thoughts, Qingkong stood there and admired the scenery.

To be honest, giving others bloodline limits was something Qingkong had just discovered. After the second awakening of the supernatural power,

Qingkong could control mosquitoes to become bigger or smaller.

The largest, tens of meters, hundreds of meters are no problem.

At the smallest, Qingkong can even shrink mosquitoes to the nanometer level, and then control them to enter the cells of the human body and modify the DNA gene chain.

Before, when delivering energy to Inuzuka Kiba and Hinata, Qingkong had secretly experimented with it, and he could indeed do this.

Of course, modifying the gene chain is not a small project.

If you want to give others bloodline limits, Qingkong must also calm down and spend a lot of time.

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