First they were classmates, then they were colleagues.

Asuma's father, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was Kurenai's immediate superior. With his intentional matchmaking, how could Kurenai, who was now alone, stand up? How long could she stand up?

In a very distressed mood, Kurenai got drunk.

""You little brat in front, stop right there!"

A loud shout in the street attracted many people to stop and watch.

Hongdou carried Xirihong on her back and trotted to Qingkong, accusing him:"You are Qingkong, look at what you have done to your teacher!"


What the hell, Qingkong's face was full of black lines.

After the words were out, Hongdou also realized that something was wrong.

Especially under the strange looks and pointing of those villagers, her cheeks turned slightly red and said:"I mean, as a student, you have to respect the teacher and can't treat her like this." Damn

, what's the difference between this and not explaining at all?

Although she didn't care about the villagers' opinions, she didn't want to be misunderstood and treated as a little pervert.

Qingkong frowned and said:"What do you want to say?"

"Well......I mean, Hong admires you very much, you can't let her down.......No, what am I talking about."

Not to mention Hongdou herself, Qingkong was getting more and more confused the more he listened.

What's more, after hearing this, the villagers around them looked at Qingkong and the other two with more and more strange looks.

It was really a sudden disaster, a scandal from the sky.

If there was really something wrong, Qingkong wouldn't mind what these villagers thought, but the problem was that he hadn't done anything yet.

How could he be framed out of thin air?

"Hey, explain yourself clearly, what did I do?" Qingkong crossed his arms and said with a headache.


Hongdou's temper also came up and said,"You still dare to say you didn't do anything? It's really funny. It's all because of you that Hong has become what she is now!"


"Don’t explain. Let me tell you, from childhood to adulthood, this is the first time that I’ve been so sad when seeing blood. If you weren’t too young, I would beat you up right now, do you understand, little brat?"


Damn it!

The mud fell into the crotch, it must be shit.

Qingkong turned cold and walked away.

It's not that he was afraid of Hongdou, the bitch, but he couldn't reason with her. What a bunch of bullshit she said.

"Hey, stop right there!"

Qingkong continued walking.

"Did you do something wrong? Do you think you don't have to take responsibility if you run away?"

Qingkong shuddered.

"I tell you, that's impossible. Even if Amaterasu comes today, you can't escape the punishment of justice. You must be held responsible for Hong's crime!"

Hongdou said righteously, standing directly on the commanding heights.

The villagers around nodded, feeling that Qingkong was really a scumbag. He had made the teacher like this, but he still wanted to escape and was irresponsible.

"Oh, the young people nowadays, it's really hard to describe"

"Who says it isn't?"

"We are getting old, we can't keep up with the times"

"That’s amazing! Is this the popular way to play among young people nowadays?"

"Teacher-disciple romance, it's really too bold......"

The villagers were talking about it, their eyes sparkling.

They were talking one after another, as if they were watching some big drama of the year.

Fortunately, Hongdou was not deaf. She quickly waved her hand and explained,"No, everyone misunderstood. That's not what I meant."......"

But please, with all that bullshit as a prelude, it's pointless to explain now.

Plus, when they were drinking before, Kurenai Yuhi didn't make it very clear.

Now that she's thinking back,

Hongdou suddenly doubted whether she had made a mistake and guessed right.

After all, if it was just a problem of educating students, it wouldn't be so serious that Kurenai Yuhi would be so distressed that she would go get drunk.

So, now there is only one explanation.

That is, she was trapped by love and fell in love with her student. Yes, that must be it.

Hongdou's eyes lit up, and she felt that she had finally discovered the core of the problem, the ultimate secret.

""Go, go, I'll cover for you!"

Hongdou handed Xihihong to Qingkong, and then urged him.

Are you sick?

Holding Xihihong, who was bigger than him, Qingkong was really convinced.

He was still a child, do you want to embarrass me like this?

But staying here was obviously worse. It was one thing to disdain to explain, but being treated as a monkey was another.

So under Hongdou's push, Qingkong simply left first.

Holding Xihihong, he disappeared in an instant.

A few minutes later, Qingkong came to an uninhabited grove.......

Ahem, it's not that Qingkong wants to do something bad, the problem is that Yuhi Kurenai is drunk, and he doesn't know where she lives, so where can he send her.

As for going back to his own home, that's even harder to explain. He might as well be completely blamed.

Qingkong simply found a place where no one was around and waited for Yuhi Kurenai to sober up.

Putting her on the grass, Qingkong looked down. It's true that a drunk woman's cheeks are rosy and she is really tempting.

What's more, she is Yuhi Kurenai, a queen with a pretty face and a good figure.

She was framed for no reason, so should she get some interest first?

Of course.

Qingkong was just thinking about it casually. No matter how beastly he was, he wouldn't attack a woman who was drunk and unable to resist.

That's too despicable, not a manly act.

Ten minutes later.

Qingkong sat on the other side, holding his chin and thinking about life.

When will Lady Kaguya come down to earth?

And when will the Otsutsuki clan appear?

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