I Am In Naruto

Chapter 18 - Naruto vs Hiruzen (2)

Naruto punched Hiruzen. But Hiruzen talked "Enma, use the Kongou-Nyoi"

Enma: "Gotcha, transform"

Enma transformed into black adamantine staff and then Hiruzen swung the staff.

"Peng" Naruto was sent flying.

Naruto: "It's very hard"

Hiruzen: "Urgh, to think that I'd find the Nyoibo to be this heavy... it seems My body started to grow old"

Yamato thought: "You are very old, Hokage-sama."

Naruto rushed toward Hiruzen.

Hiruzen looked at Naruto "with that speed and power, You can only fight with full of flaws in your movement." He aimed his staff at Naruto. When Naruto was close to him, Hiruzen swung his staff.

Naruto dodged the staff and mocked, "Hahaha, old man. You said my movement has flaws, but yours too."Suddenly from the end of the staff, the upper body of Enma appeared and then punched Naruto hardly.

Enma: "Fool, kid"

Naruto was sent flying, his body was breaking the trees until he reached the ground.

"Uhh… so hard"

Hiruzen said to Naruto "Naruto, can you use ninjutsu at that form?"

Naruto then took a kunai. Then he threw the kunai. The kunai was covered by the Kyuubi red chakra. "Kage Shuriken Bunshin no Jutsu" the shuriken numbers became thousands.

"Earth Release: Moving Earth Core"

Hiruzen lowered the ground in the surrounding area at high speeds, allowing him to

create a giant hole in the ground to avoid Naruto's attack.

"Good, Naruto. You can use Ninjutsu at that form"

Naruto said loudly to Hiruzen "Our battle just started, Old man"

Naruto's skin started to peel from his body, revealing his red muscle and blood started to coagulated. The coagulated blood created an orb of blood, surrounding his body.

Hiruzen gulped. "My… this sensation… quite different from I've seen far"


The large shockwave appeared from Naruto's place, made surrounding trees and stones flying away, the shockwave was so powerful, sent flying everything around 500 meters from Naruto.

Yamato and Hiruzen tried to protect themselves.

Yamato: "Wood element, wood barrier"

Hiruzen: "Earth element, earth dome"

After a few seconds, the shockwave stopped. When they looked at Naruto, they were shocked. Naruto turned into the red blood-colored creature with four tails.

Yamato gulped "He is like a miniature of Kyuubi"

Hiruzen looked at "What a powerful chakra. Tt's best to stop this battle, I think I can't defeat him now, Oh my back"

Naruto "Aaaaarrhggh"

Hiruzen noticed something "Naruto, say something"

But Naruto ignored Hiruzen, and then he swung his hand, creating a powerful shockwave.

Yamato protected his face from the dust and smokes meanwhile looking at the battle. "He creates shockwaves with only one arm, unbelievable"

Hiruzen used Enma to created Barrier "can't get close to him"

Hiruzen looked at Naruto "Naruto, do you hear me?"

But Naruto kept ignored Hiruzen. One of his hand extended and wanted to catch Hiruzen.

Hiruzen "Damn, Naruto lost control of his body. Yamato, prepare the seal!"

Yamato "Yes, Hokage-sama"

Hiruzen rushed toward Naruto and swung his staff, the staff only made Naruto backed off for a few steps. Naruto looked at Yamato who prepared the seals, he raised all of his tails and pointed the end of tails to his mouth.

Yamato: "What is with the union of tails and this eerie concentrated energy?"

Hiruzen: "That would be dangerous. If I take a hit by that high-density chakra, I'll die"

Naruto then swallowed the ball. His body became larger like a ballon.

Yamato: His chakra is bȧrėly moving, how does he intend to fight with Hokage-Sama?"

Then Naruto shot the ball. The ball turned into an energy beam, with the ball-shaped energy at the end of the beam.

"Enma, extend"

Hiruzen aimed the staff at the ground around 45 degrees to the left, and then the staff extended, the staff became longer until it reached hundreds of meters fastly. Hiruzen used Enma to jump to the left, dodging the linear energy beam. Meanwhile, Yamato merged with the plants and trees, escaping from the beam

Hiruzen said "I almost died. Now he's more like the nine tails than ever…"

Yamato said "Incredible, what a fight"

Hiruzen then aimed his staff at Naruto, "Enma, extend" the Enma extended, and hit Naruto. Naruto was sent flying.

But then he looked at Naruto "Even Enma Adamantine staff couldn't hurt him. Yamato we should get Naruto"

Yamato: "Yes, Hokage sama"

Naruto "RAAAWR"

But when they looked at Naruto, they were shocked. Naruto was smiling.

"Old man, Captain Yamato. It's just a prank, Hehe"

Hiruzen and Yamato frowned. Naruto put off his form, his skin was burned all over his body.

"Oh, it's too painful… pain… pain… pain…"

Hiruzen looked at Yamato. Yamato then nodded. "This kid, let's give him a good beating"

"Yes, Hokage-sama. It seems he still couldn't control his body properly."

Naruto just lie down on the ground, because of his injuries, he couldn't move.

"Old man, Captain Yamato. Don't hurt me. I'm just joking"

Hiruzen clenched his fist and wanted to punch Naruto. "Stop, Old man… stop"

Hiruzen moved his fist toward Naruto's face.

Naruto "Old man…. I'm sorry … I'm sorry…"

But when the fist was close to Naruto, the fist stopped. Hiruzen looked at Naruto and smiled

"I'm just joking… Naruto. Hehe"

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