I Am In Naruto

Chapter 20 - Maito Gai and Rock Lee

Naruto was asked to come to the training field 3 at four in the morning.

He saw very familiar faces

Green tights, thick eyebrows… it's Rock Lee and Maito Gai.

Naruto immediately got closer.

Naruto admired these men, especially Gai. He couldn't use chakra, but he was the strongest taijutsu master in this world, even Ten tailed jinchuriki, Madara was closed to die after fighting him.

Naruto felt the ground tremble.

"I am sorry, sensei"

Rock Lee was very exhausted carrying all of these weights after he threw it on the ground, causing the cracks on the ground. Lee felt so embarrassed.

While shedding tears, Lee said "I am sorry, sensei. I'm already 14 years old but I can't hold these 2 tons of weights directly"

Gai then looked at Lee "Don't open the fifth gates until you can wear the 2 tons of weights."

While shedding tears, Gai encouraged Lee "You are applying your self-rule in a wrong manner. Wearing 2 tons of weights directly could qualify you in opening the 5 gates? That's not a rule. You impose a rule on yourself to spur you on and help you overcome a challenge or difficult situation. so even if you fail, applying that rule keeps you extremely disciplined and focused. You jumped from wearing 1 ton of weights to 2 tons. Although you are failed, the effort is effort."


However, he knew that his hard work is not for nothing the power he will gain is really enormous. Naruto thought "Lee, You said you tried to wear 2 tons of weights, but you already can wear 1 ton?"

But suddenly...

Gai "You deserve a big hug"

Both of them hugged.

Lee "Gai sensei"

Gai "Lee"

Naruto disturbed them "Cough... cough...."

Gai "Oh it's you, Naruto. "

Naruto "sorry for disturbing you, Gai sensei. I am Uzumaki Naruto, Hokage said you will be my taijutsu instructor"

Gai "I'm Konoha's Sublime Green Beast of Prey, Maito Gai. This is Rock Lee, my disciple. Lee from now he will be your junior"

Naruto: "nice to meet you, first brother"

Hearing this, he smiled and hugged Naruto "Finally, I have a brother."

Then Gai hugged Naruto and Lee.

"Lee... Naruto"

"Gai sensei, second brother"

Naruto thought "I hope this ritual will end soon" Naruto didn't want to reject this ritual, because learning respect from teachers is the way to earn their trusts.


Gai raised his thumb "Naruto, your youth has just begun."

"I've even have prepared a youthful present for you, Naruto" Gai pulled a green jumpsuit just like his and handed it at Naruto. Naruto stared it for a moment, then grabbed and wore it.

Lee "this is youth, you are so handsome, the second brother"

" To be loud is simply to be lively. Now we will start to run around the training field for 500 ŀȧps"

After running, Naruto was lying on the ground like a salty fish, who was too tired to utter a sound.

Gai and Lee looked at Naruto "This is youth, this is just starting. Now let's check your fighting capability in the water."

Naruto frowned "Wait, I can't swim well and dive" he couldn't swim meanwhile the original Naruto could only swim like a dog because he learned it alone. Nobody taught him about swimming.

After arriving at the river, Lee and Gai took off his green suit and Naruto followed them. They entered the water, followed by Naruto. They looked at Naruto, This guy only knew how to swim like a dog.

Lee "Let's have a competition, Naruto. let's compete who will hold the breath in the water the longest"

Naruto "Huh"

Lee "So you agree. Gai sensei"

Gai "This is youth, I will count. 3…. 2….. 1….. start"

Naruto gulped. He didn't even know how to dive. So he couldn't even hold himself underwater.

Gai: "Huh, you couldn't dive, let me help you just like I taught Lee"

To teach Naruto how to dive, Gai foolishly tied Naruto to a huge stone.

Gai "Are you ready, Naruto?"

Naruto "Wait…. Sensei…. Wait"

Gai brought Naruto

Gai: "don't worry, if you sink, we will give you mouth-to-mouth breathing"

Naruto faced became ugly.

Then Gai threw Naruto and the Huge stone into the river.

Naruto: "AAAAAAAA"

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