"This gift is really important."

Chi Wan knelt down, picked up the small cloth lying at his feet with some disgust, and shook it vigorously.


Xiaobu dangled in the air and forced out a flattering smile.

"You are really diligent. You know you are not strong enough, but you still persevere." Zhang Qingying, who did not know the truth, praised.

There was more than one person who had the same idea as her.

"Yes! Not only hard work, but also courage."

"Watch it challenge Calumleo every day, and you won't be discouraged even if you lose."

"It would be great if mine were like it. Standing opposite Calumleo, you wouldn't dare to move."

Listening to the discussions around her, Chi Wan blushed and didn't dare to tell them that they were overthinking.

Xiaobu, it's not because of his hard work, but because of his idol worship that he behaves like this every day.

Kelum Leo, a monarch-level beast master, is the main beast master of a certain professional beast master in the school training center.

With golden fur and a noble temperament, he is completely the flower of the high mountains in the world of beast control.

Xiao Bu, a facial control person, was fascinated by it the first time he saw it. Even if he knew that the other person was a male, he couldn't stop his infatuation.

If Chi Wan hadn't held it back, it would have almost followed him home.

Later, when he learned about the gap between the two sides, Xiaobu didn't need to be discouraged. In addition to completing regular training every day, he went to see Yao in the name of asking for advice.

So, fortunately, Xiao Bu had perseverance, and being beaten all over his body by Kelum Leo every day did not affect his longing for the male god. He recovered from his injuries and continued to abuse him the next day.

Fortunately, Kelum Leo not only has the temperament of a king, but also the demeanor of a king. He is also very happy for the juniors to make progress, and he usually does not hesitate to give guidance.

If it were someone else with a bad temper who would be harassed every day, Xiaobu's ashes would have been scattered.

"But it seems like there is some use in seeking abuse every day?"

Chi Wan had a strange look in her eyes.

In the beast control record, the page belonging to Xiaobu has the words "Hold on (get started)".

Why don't you let the remaining two at home try it too.



Xiaobai and Xiaobao were training vigorously when they suddenly shuddered and felt a bad premonition.

That night, Chi Wan was in the dormitory.

The three beasts looked at the dark potion in Chi Wan's hand, with tangled expressions on their faces.

It's dark and bubbly, and it doesn't look like it tastes good.

You look at me, I look at you, no one is willing to take a step forward.

Even Xiao Bao, who usually eats everything, secretly took a few steps back and hid behind Xiao Bai.

Chi Wan felt a little tired with his hands raised, so he patted the table and said, "Why are you hesitating? This is a good thing! Xiaobai, you come first, aren't you shouting every day to become stronger and protect me? This can help you."


Why don’t you drink the good stuff!

Xiaobai cast a distrustful look and took a few steps back, only to find that there was no one around him. The two younger brothers had already hid in the corner. Seeing that they had escaped, they were beating their chests and exhaling happily.

"This is really good stuff." Seeing that Xiaobai didn't believe it, Chi Wan shook the potion in her hand.

Drinking this potion can improve the overall resistance of the beast, and it was also recommended to Chi Wan by the teacher at the training camp.

The results are good and the price is very reasonable.

There are two options, one is the high-end version, you can choose your own flavor, and the other is the low-end version with the original flavor, except for the taste, other effects are the same.

Of course, Chi Wan chose the low-end version, which was at least a few hundred yuan cheaper.

She believed that her beast master could pass the taste test.

Xiaobai gritted his teeth and refused to open his mouth.

"I don't believe in this evil today. Xiaobao, come here and help me. I will reward you with a box of cake tonight. Xiaobu, you can play on your phone for 30 more minutes tonight."

Chi Wan put the potion on the table and called for help.


Seeing that both of his younger brothers had betrayed him, Xiaobai wailed and ran towards the window.

"Stop it for me."

In order to reward them, the two of them stepped forward to help without Chi Wan's instructions.


Help! ! !

The entire dormitory screamed like a slaughtered pig.


"I'm going to have a heart attack."

"Whoever is abusing the beast at night doesn't even look at where this place is."

All kinds of curses sounded in the dormitory building.

Chi Wan apologized in her heart, picked up the potion, and walked towards Xiao Bai with a grin.

Little one, tease me, you have to drink today if you don’t want to.


After I finish drinking, it's your turn!

Xiaobai's pupils shrank sharply, wanting to protest.

It's a pity that Xiaobao and Xiaobu carried out Chi Wan's orders very well. They opened its mouth and could only make whining sounds if they wanted to speak.

These two fools! ! !

Watching Chi Wan's figure getting closer and closer.

Xiaobai's eyes showed despair.

"Okay, let's change the candidate next."


I come.

Feeling the taste of burnt orange water and cigarette ash in his mouth, Xiaobai's eyes flashed and he threw himself on Xiaobao who had not yet reacted.

We may not all share the blessings, but we must share the hardships!

Neither of the other two can be missing.


A moment later, the same wailing sound sounded again.

Xiao Bao rushed to the trash can and retched several times, but nothing came out.

Squatting beside the trash can with dull eyes.

It no longer says that wood tastes bad. This thing is hundreds of times worse than wood.

I also completely lost my appetite for the cake Chi Wan just mentioned.


Xiaobu suddenly felt bad, broke out in a cold sweat, and wanted to hide in Chi Wan's shadow.

Can't it afford to hide if it can't be offended? At worst, I won’t use my phone tonight.

Xiaobai jumped up from behind it and held it under its paws.

They said that no one should be missing, let him run away, and let him, the eldest sister, do whatever he wants.

After drinking the potion, the three eyes were lifeless and they lay in the bathtub of the bathroom.

The bathtub, which was more than enough room for one person to lie down at night, was filled to the brim.

The three of them were leaning against each other, and most of the water in the bathtub was squeezed out.

Seeing that the three of them were already lying down, Chi Wan poured a red potion into the tank. The remaining liquid in the tube was not wasted at all. He rinsed it twice with water from the bathtub. The originally transparent water soon turned into a strange liquid. red.

"Lie down for me."

Chi Wan conveniently pressed Xiao Bai down.

The red water overflowed again.


A little distressed.

The potion you just poured in is used in conjunction with the potion you drank. It not only promotes the absorption of the potion you just drank, but also relieves fatigue.

The prices are not cheap either. If Chi Wan hadn't uploaded Learning to Cultivate from Scratch before and the sales were pretty good, she wouldn't have the money to buy these things.

But I don’t dare to use this bathtub anymore.

Looking at the hairs of different colors on the water, Chi Wan secretly swore in her heart.

It is said that this medicine has a hair removal effect, but it shouldn't be that fast, right?

It should be the reason for hair loss in autumn and winter.

Cae lum leo


The name is taken from the Latin words "caelum" (sky) and "leo" (lion). The name expresses the lion

The king's temperament and nobility. The little lion symbolizes sunshine, cheerfulness and optimism, with a golden body

The shadows sparkle in the light.

The above is taken from xhs, I really can’t think of a name.

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