In AY City, it's still dark outside.

None of the shop doors on the street were open, and there was only a sanitation worker cleaning up the fallen leaves from last night on the road.

In the hotel, the light in Chi Wan's room was on.

"Ah sneeze!"

Chi Wan sneezed heavily and threw the used tissues into the trash can in a shooting position.

His technique was not very good, so the paper towels flew over the trash can. There were still paper towels surrounding the trash can, which Chi Wan had thrown in the wrong place.

But she didn't have the energy to care about this anymore. It took most of her strength to just throw the tissue. Now she has a splitting headache, her body is weak, her whole body is sore, and her throat feels like there is a razor blade in her throat. She can't even talk about the pain. Not coming out.

An hour ago, after discovering that something was wrong with her condition, Chi Wan First World contacted the hospital. After learning about her condition, the other party said that there was no specific medicine for colds, and there was no way for medical beasts to treat it.

Moreover, there are too many colds in winter, and the hospital beds are already full, so the patient can only solve the problem by herself. She was given the names of several medicines and asked her to buy them by herself.

After checking with the hotel, they found that these drugs were not included in the hotel's emergency medicines, so I had to ask Yushou to go out and buy them.

Considering that Xiaobu bought a second-hand mobile phone at a high price before, Chi Wan was worried that it would be cheated again, so she asked Xiaobai to accompany it and teleport back after the purchase to save time.

It just took a long time to go.

Chi Wan was a little worried, but unfortunately she could only worry now.


Xiaobao walked out of the bathroom, took off the hot towel, and put the freshly wet towel on her head.

This is also a simple way to reduce fever. Xiaobai and the others haven't come back yet, so now they can only rely on this method to save themselves.

Why haven't Xiaobai and Xiaobu come back yet? Something must have happened.

Chi Wan was a little restless. If it weren't for physical reasons, she would have wanted to get up.

The clock in the room showed that only about 30 minutes had passed since Xiaobai and the others, but she felt like a century had passed.


Xiaobai and Xiaobu came back without knowing it. Xiaobai was holding a big bag in his mouth and could not speak.


I bought the medicine!

Xiaobai rushed to Chi Wan's bed, threw the bag beside the bed, and asked Chi Wan to find medicine by himself.

Most of the beasts are illiterate. It's okay to let them pass a message. It's too difficult to teach them to read. Most of the beasts don't think it's necessary and are unwilling to learn. Even if they are forced by their masters, they only spend three days fishing and two days sunbathing. net.

Even Xiao Bu can only listen to the sound when watching videos on the Internet. However, he has been secretly learning to read recently and is expected to become the first literate beast in the family.


Seeing that Chi Wan had found the medicine, Xiao Bao handed over a glass of water at the right time. Due to his body structure, he had to do this kind of work of serving tea and water at home.

"Why are you back so late?"

After taking the medicine, Chi Wan cheered up and asked about what he was worried about just now.

Xiaobai scratched his head in embarrassment.


It was too early and the pharmacies were not open yet, so we looked for many.

Chi Wan patted his head.

The high fever made people go crazy. How could she forget that not all pharmacies are open 24 hours a day? She should have asked the hotel front desk if she had known.

The other party is a local and must know better than her.

After asking about the matter, Chi Wan took out cash from the bag on one side.

Mobile payment is not popular in this world, and online payments are all direct payments bound to bank cards.

When buying things offline, you need to pay by credit card or use cash.

After Chi Wan came to this world, he was ambitious and thought about creating a mobile payment platform to make his family rich. Later, he learned that such a thing already existed, but it was boycotted by others, and he declared bankruptcy within a year. .

Chi Wan took the cash yesterday to buy tickets, and now he is a little lucky.

He handed the cash to Xiaobai and warned, "I feel a little uncomfortable. I'm going to bed first. You can use this cash to buy food. Don't starve yourself. Don't worry about me."

"Wake me up if there's an emergency. If my family calls me, just say I'm sleeping and don't tell them I have a cold."

After saying that, Chi Wan huddled under the quilt and showed the three beasts what it means to fall asleep in three seconds.

The three beasts were left behind. You looked at me, and I looked at you, feeling a little helpless.

The atmosphere in the room was a little depressing, and Xiaobu felt a little bored.

It doesn't have the temperament to stay.

Although I was also worried about Chi Wan, it was annoying to have him stay in the same place all the time without being able to say a word, except when he was surfing the Internet.

If I say now that I want to go out for some air, I won't be beaten.

Xiaobu's eyes moved quickly, and suddenly he had a good idea in his mind.


I'll go out and buy food. What do you want to eat?

It’s so smart to go out and buy food for a chance to get some air.

Xiao Bu was secretly happy.

Xiaobai didn't even raise his eyes, "Bing."


It's not in the mood to think about that right now.

Chi Wan had always been sick at home before, but now he was out of town and he didn't know what to do. It was the time when he was upset.

Xiaobao bit his finger and thought for a while: "Yan."

As long as you can eat enough.

Although he was a little worried about letting Xiaobu go out, Xiaobai still handed him the cash.

It wanted to guard its owner and would not go out. Xiaobao went to buy food, fearing that most of the food would end up in his stomach.

After much deliberation, Xiao Bu is the most suitable person to have at home.

Xiaobu took the cash and felt secretly happy. Before leaving, he caught a glimpse of the poster of colorful flowers from the corner of his eye. His heart ached again, and he even walked out a little slowly.

It’s all about buying food anyway, it doesn’t matter where you buy it, right?

Xiaobu stood in front of the shopping mall where yesterday's lottery was held, and decided to make one last bet.

I bought enough 205 yuan and used the 5 yuan off yesterday's 50. The coupon was sandwiched in a pile of cash. Chi Wan didn't notice it, so he handed it over together. The cashier discovered it.

I took the ticket to the lottery place and the staff still remembered it.

Xiaobu was full of confidence and moved the rocker of the lottery.

A golden ball passed out.

The staff member looked surprised and said: "Congratulations on winning the special prize: a seven-day tour of Jiuhua City."

Jiuhua City, isn’t that where you came from?

Did you draw a ticket to go home?

Xiao Bu touched his head, a little confused.

In the afternoon, Chi Wan finally woke up.

After stretching, I felt that my throat was no longer so uncomfortable and my body felt much more relaxed.

"The effect of this medicine is really good!"

It is indeed a black technology medicine in the world of beast control. It is much more effective than the traditional Chinese medicine in the previous life.


Seeing Chi Wan wake up, Xiaobai rushed up and licked Chi Wan's face excitedly, his tail wagging so much that he could only see the afterimage.

Xiaobao was a step too late and could only stand at the head of the bed.

"I've made you worry." Chi Wan touched the heads of the two animals one by one, only to realize that one was missing. "Where's Xiaobu?"


It went out to buy lunch.

"Really?" Chi Wan looked at the clock.

It's already 3pm and I haven't come back from buying lunch. Are you sure you're not lost?

Even Xiaobao's stomach was growling a little.


If you say Cao Cao has arrived, Cao Cao will arrive.

Xiao Bu teleported into the room, holding a piece of golden paper, and happily said to Chi Wan: "Let's go to the concert."

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