The staff member opened his eyes wide, took the sign from Chi Wan with both hands, and looked at the light carefully for a moment.

"Just wait a moment, and I'll go ask for you."

Although some small details were exactly the same as in his memory, he was still a little worried. After talking to Chi Wan, he walked to the back room to find other colleagues to check again.

Seeing the other party's actions, Chi Wan's careless expression instantly faded.

What on earth is this, the staff reacted so loudly.

Did she find a treasure?

Chi Wan's heart felt like it was being scratched by a cat's paw, and she wanted someone to tell her the answer right away.

The onlookers who were about to leave stopped, stretched their necks, opened their ears, and looked into the room.

After realizing that he couldn't hear anything, he turned around and started gossiping again.

"Would you like to guess what it is?"

"It's too childish. I'm not interested. It's better to wait a little longer."

Seeing that no one agreed, the proposer rubbed his nose angrily, "Has any of you seen the same thing?"

Someone lowered his head and touched his chin, thought for a while, and replied, "I don't think I've seen it before."

"I seem to have seen something similar, on the neck of an extraordinary creature. I was afraid of attracting other people, so I ran away." In the crowd, a boy with a flat head touched the back of his head and was a little interested in what Chi Wan just handed over. impression.

This person is the unlucky guy who was robbed of the trophy by Huang Xiaoyang.

Knowing that I might have missed out on a big reward, I slapped my thighs and cried out that I regretted it.

Just when Chi Wan was impatient to wait and wanted to go in to see the results, the staff finally came out, followed by a group of colleagues watching the fun, all with beaming expressions.

The staff member who had taken the item before smiled and said, "I've kept you waiting for a long time. Congratulations, this is a specially left Easter egg, only 3 yuan in total. We thought no one would encounter it, so we all forgot about it."

If you cherish it so much, you must be rewarded a lot.

Chi Wan looked at her expectantly.

Feeling Chi Wan's burning gaze, the staff member smiled and said, "According to the regulations, a golden sign can add 1,000 points."

"How much, 1,000?"

Chi Wan threw herself on the counter excitedly.

The reaction of the onlookers was similar to hers.

Points are a unique type of currency in the training camp and can be exchanged for basically anything, including but not limited to evolution materials.

At the beginning, the students were quite happy and thought the training camp was really generous. Many of them still dreamed of gaining powerful beast masters and reaching the pinnacle of their lives.

One semester has passed, and they have woken up from their daydreams and know that the so-called list is a big trap.

The exchange list is full of drawn cakes. It would be amazing for a normal person to exchange for one, let alone some of the treasures hanging at the front of the list.

Take Chi Wan as an example. Last semester, most of the points she obtained were of the highest grade, and she only managed to accumulate 1,000 points in the end.

For those who have been cleared, it would be good if they can accumulate 100 points.

Now Chi Wan's brand is worth her several months of work.

In addition to these 1,000 points and the first place reward, Chi Wan can completely exchange them for the evolution materials of the beast.

Make a lot of money!

Chi Wan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

If it weren't for the fear of being too arrogant and being covered with a sack, she wouldn't be able to help showing off now.

Not to mention Chi Wan's own thoughts, the eyes of other onlookers were red with envy.

If the scene had not been taken into account, someone might have wanted to grab it directly.

The little crew chief whose eyes he missed before was not only red, but also almost had his teeth bitten off. He pulled the arm of the person he knew and said, "Why don't I kill it? If I kill it, the 1,000 points will be mine."

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he slapped himself, "If I had known, I would have fought. It's not like I can't beat him. It's 1,000 points."

She kept chanting "1000 points", almost becoming the male version of Xiang Lin's wife.

"Are you bothered? I've said it so many times that my ears are almost getting calloused." The person he was pulling couldn't stand it anymore, so he covered his ears and protested at him.

"That's 1,000 points." Xiao Pingtou immediately retorted.

"1000, it would be the same for me." The speaker lowered his head, looked up at the sky, and sighed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the sign on the table that had not yet been taken away, and he couldn't help but feel sad when he thought about his double-digit loot. "How do you think this person is so lucky? Not only did he pick up so many brands, but he also got 1,000 points. How can I count the points of such good luck?"

"Who says it's not? You're better than me. I'm only in the single digits. The brands are so well hidden. God knows how she found so many."

Because she robbed me!

Upon hearing this, Huang Xiaoyang muttered, eager to clear his name.

Then he saw Zhao Jingyi, the big devil, who was staring at him eagerly. He shrank his neck and took a step back, pretending that the robbery had not happened.

I almost forgot about this big devil.

Not to be offended.

Sneak away first as a courtesy.

Chi Wan held her head high and walked out of the exchange office under the envious eyes of everyone.

Chi Wan didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he was out of the sight of the crowd.

He glanced around and patted his chest.

"Scared me."

The looks in the eyes of the people around her were too scary, and she was worried that if she stayed any longer, they would be eaten alive.

"What are you scared of?"

A voice came from behind, and Chi Wan jumped up from where he was in fright.

"That..." Seeing Chi Wan turn his head, Zhang Qingying smiled shyly, rubbed her hands awkwardly, pointed at Chi Wan's right hand, and hesitated to speak.

This was the first time Chi Wan saw this expression after knowing her for so long. He guessed what she wanted to say, so Chi Wan threw the sign directly to her.

"Be careful, this is 1,000 points." Zhang Qingying hurriedly took the things and looked down.

His brows furrowed as he looked at it.

"Is this 1,000 points? I don't see any difference at all."

"I don't see any difference other than the color."

After looking at it for a long time and not seeing any difference, Zhang Qingying carefully handed the things back.

She currently has 500 points. If she breaks this thing, she won't be able to afford the compensation if she sells it.

Seeing her behavior, Chi Wan twitched the corners of his mouth, took the sign, and threw it up nonchalantly.

Zhang Qingying watched with horror.

"Be careful."

"What are you afraid of? It's made of metal. It won't break even if I break it."

"Okay." Zhang Qingying spread her hands and said, "But you are really powerful. I heard that the only three brands are on very powerful extraordinary creatures, and the teachers have no hope."

Chi Wan hesitated and asked, "Are you sure you really want to listen?"

Zhang Qingying was puzzled, "Is there any secret? If there is, forget it, I still want to live for two more years."

Chi Wan looked at the sky, her tone changing.

"Everything starts with a nutrient solution."

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