The first day of competition was over, and the group returned to school quietly.

"You guys take a rest, Chi Wan, come with me."

Principal Zhang called Chi Wan, asked the other contestants to make their own arrangements, and brought Chi Wan to the office.

After closing the door, Principal Zhang showed a bewildered smile and looked at Chi Wan as if he were looking at a gold mine.

This is a great hero!

After so many years, it was finally his turn for others to envy him. Before, he was the one who envied other people's schools for their luxurious atmosphere and powerful students.

Unexpectedly, as luck would have it, wealth and wealth finally arrived at his home.

When he was poaching, a group of people laughed at his figure. Isn't he just a student with some talent? There are not many examples of geniuses dying halfway.

Who would have thought that Chi Wan would give him a big surprise today. Those who laughed at him almost felt regretful.

Thinking of those sour voices he heard today, the corners of his lips couldn't stop rising.

"As long as you make it to the top 8 this time and get a spot in the finals, the school will give you your fourth beast," the principal said.

Chi Wan's eyes shone and she asked, "Principal, can I change the leaf-necked dragon?"

Leaf-necked dragon, the latest evolved type, has dual attributes as a grass dragon, rough skin and thick flesh, and is consistent with its gorgeous appearance. The price is almost double that of its initial type.

It’s more profitable than stock trading. When I get up every morning and see its price rising in a straight line, Chi Wan will curse “rich people” in his heart.

Principal Zhang almost spit out his tea and said, "Well, this is a school, not a wishing fountain. Let me be more reliable. You can go to the school nursery and the secret realm to look for it. Whichever one you like, it will be yours." ”

Why don't we talk about Phyllosaurus, why not Qinglong?

Can their school afford that thing?

One is enough to replace a dozen.

Principal Zhang took a sip of water to hide his guilty conscience.

"Can that be exchanged for a physical reward?"

I should have known better than to have even a glimmer of hope in this stingy school.

In the breeding garden, those with high potential have long since disappeared, so why not give a physical reward and take this opportunity to prepare all the evolution materials for Xiaobao.

The training camp ended too suddenly, and she hadn't gathered enough yet.

"Okay, no more than 200,000." The principal straightened his expression and assumed the posture of a business negotiation.

"50w." Chi Wan was unwilling to give in.

"No, the maximum is 210,000." The principal didn't want to give up.

In the end, during the bargaining between the two, the transaction was completed at an ultra-low price of 250,000, which was lower than the previous reward price in Qionghua. It also gave Chi Wan a further understanding of the poverty of the school. know.

It seems that we are on the wrong pirate ship.

How can a cub of extraordinary creatures cost more than 200,000?

Chi Wan touched her chin, feeling that something was not right.

Principal Zhang smiled like a stolen cat, picked up a dozen materials at hand, and said: "We have negotiated the price, let's talk about the strong opponents you may encounter in the competition."

He picked out a single card from the dozen, handed it over, and said: "This person is your opponent in the next game. He came from the capital. There are 3 beasts, 2 are dragons, and one of them can't hide it. Yes, no one outside knows.”

"Is he another refugee?" Chi Wan flipped over the luxurious registration form.

Inter-provincial candidates who seize quotas in other provinces are jokingly called "fugitives". They can't stay in their own provinces, so they choose to go to other weak areas to seize quotas.

The owner of this information in Chi Wan's hands has this origin.

The resume is very luxurious in the entire Wenhai Province, and Chi Wan is not sure about the standard top four reserves.

"However, the competition in the capital is so fierce. Players like this will go to other places to abuse their wealth."

"It is said that there is a genius in the capital. He is already a C-level beast master at the age of 18. He has contracted 4 beast masters, 2 of which are elite level. The others have grown up under his pressure, and each one is more perverted than the last. .”

"Fortunately, the rules of the competition are 3v3." Chi Wan felt guilty for a while. She was once again glad that the competition had detailed regulations in this regard, otherwise she could have thought of how to lose in advance so as not to be embarrassed.

"Yes, otherwise we can consider the selection of the second team members in advance."

Some are happy and some are sad.

Chi Wan had a pleasant conversation here, but everyone in the small conference room was not in a good mood.

Including the coach, a group of people looked sad.

There are 7 members in the school team, but only 4 participated in the game today. The current score is 2 wins and 2 losses, which is not a good result.

Lu Shasha was excusable. She met the seeded player and was disappointed to lose, but she also forced the opponent to use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box. Although she lost, it was an honor.

Zhang Sizhong was not strong enough, and he was almost defeated by both sides. He almost won the competition, but in the end he still lost.

Although Guan Tianjun won, in order to show his gregariousness, he did not want to be too exaggerated. He thought about many sad things about himself before suppressing his smile.

The remaining three people who did not participate in the competition, including Ding Weijing, were all nervous and restless due to the atmosphere present.

Coach Zhang is leading everyone to review.

Zhang Sizhong, who missed the victory due to small mistakes, is the main target of the review.

"It's just a small mistake. Why am I so miserable? I was so close to winning." He had said this no less than ten times tonight, and others were tired of hearing it.

A good review of the game will soon become his complaint meeting.

"Shut up, there's still a little problem." Coach Zhang was so angry that he slapped the table so that the whole conference room shook, waving his arms and pointing, "That's called a mistake. Tell me, When the other person was burned before, you didn't do anything, did you want to show your gentlemanly demeanor? And..."

As mistakes were pointed out one by one, Zhang Sizhong's ears turned red and he couldn't lift his head.

"Old Zhang, please keep your voice down. The opponent is still a child, and there will be an Easter match later." A teacher next to him suppressed Coach Zhang's waving arm with his hand, and motioned Zhang Sizhong to step aside with his eyes.

In the early knockout rounds, the loser will also have a rematch mechanism. The top 8 in the rematch, together with the 56 selected people, will be the top 64 in the qualifiers. They will participate in the points competition and win a spot in the finals based on the number of points.

"Kid, when I was his age, I already went to the capital to participate in the finals." Speaking of this, Coach Zhang became even more angry.

"Your high school distance standing is less than 30 years old, but I remember this year is the 25th beast control competition."

A small murmur echoed in the conference room.

Except for Coach Zhang, everyone else was suppressing laughter.

"Whoever said that, get out of here."

When a scene of a teacher corporally punishing a student was about to take place in the conference room.

In the newspaper office, two reporters who had just returned from the competition were being tortured by their superiors.

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