In the early morning of April 2, it happened to be a working day. Those who should go to school should go to school, and those who should go to work should go to work.

Qin Fangzhi got up late today and hurried to work. When she walked into the office door, the originally noisy office suddenly became quiet, and her colleagues all looked at her with strange eyes.

what happened?

Are your clothes on inside out?

The zipper is also down.

She casually glanced at the reflection on the glass door not far away. She was fully clothed and there was nothing out of place.

Or did you just wake up and there are still marks on your face?

Sitting at the workstation, I couldn't help but take out the mirror and check it carefully.

Her hands were nowhere to be found, betraying her nervousness.

When she was restless, a colleague with whom she usually got along well, encouraged by other people's looks, mustered up the courage to ask: "Sister Qin, can you teach me your method of raising your daughter?"

Although her child has just learned to walk, there is no problem in educating her in advance.

As long as she has half of Chi Wan's ability in the future, she can wake up from her dreams with a smile.

? ? ?

Did she not wake up today? I encountered such outrageous words.

Qin Fangzhi was confused and pinched her thigh secretly. A burst of pain made her believe that all this was reality.

It seems that all this is not a dream, there are actually people asking themselves how to raise children.

Do you know that every time relevant topics were discussed before, her daughter was the target of ridicule?

The only time it became the focus of everyone was during the Chinese New Year, but it was not so lively at that time and only a few people asked about it.

Although they are all colleagues, they don't know much about their respective families. After seeing the photos, they can't match up the people in the news with the people in real life.

The very few people who knew her family's situation were dismissed by her with a parenting manual she found online.

Qin Fangzhi asked, "Did I give it to you every now and then during the New Year?"

Besides, there is no way to train Chi Wan in their family.

When they were children, their family also tried to force Chi Wan to study hard, and tutored her in person every day. After teaching for a semester, both adults were so angry that they almost had cerebral hemorrhage. Qin Fangzhi dreamed that he was bald many times. By the end of the semester, the two When the adults entered the hospital, Chi Wan's grades declined.

After many twists and turns, they found out that their children were really not good at studying. They simply chose to focus more on their work and work hard to make money, which also gave Chi Wan one more choice in the future. Otherwise, her husband's job would be I have less money and many things to do, but I haven't resigned yet because the children of fire station employees are given priority in admission.

Later, for the sake of both parties' health, their family held a family meeting, and the requirements for Chi Wan could not be lower. As long as the child's moral character was good, they were not so focused on performance.

Anyway, Chi Wan has been beaten so many times since she was a child, and never once was the reason for not doing well in the exam.

Thinking of this, Qin Fangzhi simply told the truth, "Well, there's really no special method, it's just what I gave you last time."

Over the years, she and Chi Wan's father had been prepared for their daughter not to pass the high school entrance examination, and had already thought about their future.

Who would have thought that within a year, she would be a different person, specially recruited to Qionghua, and she and her father would go to the temple overnight to fulfill their vows.

Not only that, people who had failed the excellent examination all year round suddenly became junior trainers, and their ability to control beasts was far beyond that of their peers.

She was also very imaginative and wondered whether there was a subcutaneous substitution. After all, although extraordinary creatures have been around for so many years, they have not been thoroughly studied yet. Maybe one of them has a special ability to exchange souls.

Later, she secretly did a paternity test without telling Chi Wan and her father, and it was confirmed that there was no problem. Chi Wan's little actions had not changed, and his feelings for her had not changed, so she felt relieved.

"Sister Qin, please don't hide it from me. It's all been exposed on the news." The other party pointed to the news on the phone and said to Qin Fangzhi.

I don’t know where the main picture of the news was taken. Chi Wan is holding a bouquet of flowers and smiling silly. At her feet is a novice with the same silly smile. The headline of the news is "A genius girl who only comes across once in a thousand years."

It has been upgraded again. During the New Year, she was still "a genius girl who only comes across once in a century."

Qin Fangzhi took the phone and complained in her mind that the marketing account was getting more exaggerated day by day.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that Chi Wan had published another paper. It was also revealed that he was 16 years old and already a D-level beast master. He also participated in the national beast master competition in his senior year of high school and won the first game very easily.

The whole news is full of flattery, even better than during the Chinese New Year.

He also said that their family’s teaching method was special, that they had noses and eyes, as if they were lying under her bed and eavesdropping.

If she were not a relative of the person involved, she would believe it to be true.

After roughly scanning the news, Qin Fangzhi sneered, returned the phone, and said disdainfully: "This is all made up. My family really doesn't have any special methods."

Seeing the distrustful looks on his colleagues' faces, he then added: "Before Chi Wanwen was in high school, I would be trained like a grandson by her class teacher every now and then. It's not like you haven't seen this before."

The others thought about it after hearing this, and it seemed that this was really the case. The scene of Qin Fangzhi being scolded by her daughter's head teacher was no longer a spectacle in the office.

Hearing this, one person touched his chin and muttered in a low voice, "Could it be that after 9 years of accumulation, he suddenly became a success? It's not that I can't accept it."

We can accept it too!

The others nodded wildly.

Qin Fangzhi was speechless by everyone's thoughts, "There's really no secret, it's just ordinary teaching."

Everyone shook their heads, still not believing it.

Why doesn't anyone want to believe her when she tells the truth?

Qin Fangzhi scratched his hair twice irritably.

When it was almost time to get off work, the boss of the company suddenly walked into the office.

As a boss, he has passed the early days of starting a business. Now the company is on the right track and has privileges. He does not need to work nine to six like ordinary workers.

Now that others were already thinking about what to eat for lunch, he slowly came to work, still carrying the fresh vegetables he just bought from the vegetable market in the morning.

When he passed by Qin Fangzhi's workstation, he knocked on her workstation and said, "Xiao Qin, come over here. I want you to fill in some information."

It’s time to work overtime again.

When can we turn over and take charge of our own affairs?

In the mournful eyes of other colleagues, Qin Fangzhi walked into the boss's office with heavy steps.

Seeing Qin Fangzhi come in, the boss hurriedly came to greet her. After making sure the door was closed, he asked in a low voice: "Well, Chi Wan is your daughter, right? I heard that you have special education methods. Can you teach her a little bit?"

"Who said that?" Qin Fang stopped holding her forehead and sighed.

The boss said rationally: "That's what the Internet says."

? ? ?

The real person is right in front of you, but you still believe the rumors on the Internet?

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