While being forced to listen to popular science, the mechanical beast control has been debugged.

"Baby! Come on, I'll give you some delicious engine oil when I come back." The bald man said in annoyance while holding the coquettish mechanical beast with him.

The mechanical beast master accepted this, rubbed his clothes, and walked back towards the cave in three steps.

Behind him, the bald man pretended to wipe away his nonexistent tears and shouted loudly: "Baby! Dad can't bear to leave you."

This is the first time the baby has done a mission. As a father, I feel so sad. I should have gone with her if I had known earlier.

The bald man continued to squat on the spot, feeling sad for the spring and autumn. The others remained silent and just watched the excitement.

When the mechanical beast master disappeared from view, the bald man's reason came back and he patted the back of his head.

No, I seem to have forgotten something.

Turning his head stiffly, he saw all his colleagues looking at him with indescribable expressions.

I didn’t expect you to be such a person!

A colleague who played well with him saw him react and said in a low voice: "Baby, daddy loves you!"

"I'm not, I didn't!" The bald man's head was so hot that it was almost smoking, and his toes dug out a castle.

The middle-aged woman held back her laughter and raised her hand to signal everyone to calm down and work was urgent. "Okay! Stop everyone."

After saying that, I couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing.

Everyone couldn't help it anymore, and the scene was full of laughter.

When the long-haired female staff and the female staff wearing masks returned to the work site, they saw everyone present holding their stomachs and laughing so hard that they couldn't stand up straight.

It seemed like we were only gone for two minutes, not two hours.

The two of them were completely confused.

After ridiculing his colleagues, the scene returned to the tense atmosphere that a workplace should have.

A group of people gathered around the computer to watch the video transmitted by the mechanical beast.

This beast has a special ability. It can be connected to any electronic device to send information or transmit real-time video of its own eyes, but there is a distance limit.

However, this ability has been complained about as useless. Why spend money to contract a beast when the network and monitor can do it? Not to mention it is cheap, but the distance is still far away.

Therefore, it has been placed as a mascot in the scientific research institute. It was not until this time that cave exploration was needed that the people at the scientific research institute thought of it. It was always safer to let it open the way than to go in with real people.

As the mechanical beasts move forward, the scene in the cave also appears in detail above the computer.

Geography-related scientific researchers also gathered together to discuss.

In the middle, a curly-haired man wearing glasses pointed at the mountain wall and said, "This road was probably caused by the earthquake. Look, here..."

He took a closer look, then turned around and asked doubtfully, "Does this look like a paw print?"

The person behind pushed up his glasses, came over, opened his eyes and looked carefully, and said, "It's true."

"Is this a mark of your visit here?"

"The mark is still very fresh. It may be that other creatures have broken in. I hope nothing unexpected happens inside."

"Ah sneeze!"

Xiaobao, who was training hard, sneezed, completely unaware of how much trouble his casual behavior caused to others.

"Well done! There are still 5 minutes left. Take a break after finishing." Chi Wan opened the timing tool and encouraged.

After telling the relevant personnel about the Silver Moon Frost Wolf, Chi Wan put it behind him, stared at the three beasts, and took the time to train.

The big event of Silver Moon Frost Wolf breaking the seal is not worth the resurrection match she is about to have.

"And you, don't be lazy, I'm always watching."

Hearing Chi Wan's suddenly raised voice, Xiao Bu, who was distracted, shivered and made sure he wasn't talking about himself. He patted his chest humanely and breathed a sigh of relief.

If I had known, I wouldn't have made a bad idea yesterday, the punishment of double training is too uncomfortable.

While Chi Wan and the others were working hard for the resurrection match, the mechanical beast master had already arrived at the entrance of the cave where the Silver Moon Frost Wolf was.

The crowd was talking again.

"Keep your voice down, don't wake it up."

"Look at such thick ice, there must be something terrible inside."

"Let it come closer. The pattern on this cave is indeed the style of Emperor Wu's period. Look..." The old lady suddenly walked forward, patted the bald man on the shoulder, held her reading glasses, and pointed to the entrance of the cave. Said the vague patterns hidden under the ice.

As the mechanical beast came closer, a voice came from inside.

"Hello! I am the mythical beast Silver Moon Frost Wolf. I am not dead. I am just sealed here. I still have a little energy to unblock. As long as you send me energy, I will definitely repay you when I come out. Let You easily become a divine beast.”

Except that the legend was changed to a mythical beast, the other words were exactly the same as what Xiaobai and the others heard.

After Xiaobai and the others left in the morning, Silver Moon Frost Wolf thought for a long time, thinking that the legends were all over the place and unattractive. He thought he was smart and changed the reward to a mythical beast.

It doesn't believe that there is a beast that can't be moved.

Hearing this, the entrance to the cave was quiet for a few seconds, and then burst into even louder laughter.



"Who taught it this? I can't stand it anymore."

"Help, I thought I was watching a fraud prevention program."

The middle-aged woman's mouth twitched, trying to maintain her serious expression, but in the end she couldn't help but join the army of ridicules, laughing until she was out of breath.

The old lady also laughed so hard that she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and continued to say to the bald man, "Can you go inside and take a look at this mechanical beast? I have seen similar patterns at the entrance of this hole in other ruins. I want to compare.”

"Okay." The bald man nodded quickly, knowing that his results could finally be put to use.

The wheels of the mechanical beast's chassis retracted, and four small claws sprouted out. A burst of air appeared from its body, and it flew directly up, slowly flying towards the cave.

"This is!"

"This is……"


As the distance got closer, everyone present could not control their expressions.

Time passed quickly, and the Easter match also passed by Chi Wan's training-match-training-match.

She was very lucky. She didn't meet any strong opponents and successfully got one of the eight places. In addition to her, Lu Shasha and Zhang Sizhong also got one place each.

There are 7 Wanlin school teams, and they got 5 places in the semi-finals, which is better than expected. The principal has been walking with wind these two days.

At the Wanlin training ground, Chi Wan was giving chicken soup to the beast.

"We are still far from the finals. We can't relax. Don't you want to beat up Chen Yansheng? Only by working hard can you have a chance..."

A phone call interrupted her, and the principal's voice came from the other end.

"Chi Wan, there is your express delivery."

Any express delivery needs to be delivered personally by the principal.

Chi Wan held her phone and couldn't figure it out.

There is a bug in the outline, I have to find a way to fix it

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