Chi Wan's country, China, has been around for about 800 years since its founding. The name of the capital city has been changed many times, but the location has remained the same. It has only been expanded around the earliest city to meet the needs of residents.

Nowadays, Jing'an City is divided into the outer city and the inner city. To the naked eye, it seems that there are hundreds of years between them.

The outer city was expanded in the later period and is at the forefront of the times. Its architectural style perfectly satisfies most people's fantasies about the capital. It is full of tall buildings and fashionable.

The inner city is a residential area. The city is surrounded by ancient city walls that were used to protect against wild supernatural creatures eight hundred years ago. The buildings within the walls are also antique. The entire inner city carries a sense of history from top to bottom. The taste seems to have never changed since ancient times.

Walking in the inner city, there are blue bricks with time stamps under your feet, and you are surrounded by trendy men and women in beautiful clothes. The perfect fusion of classics and modernity gives Chi Wan the illusion of time and space.

Well, it is indeed an illusion.

Chi Wan walked through the commercial street and looked at the tall buildings in front of her that were similar to those in the outer city, and her filter of the inner city was instantly shattered.

This is not the breath of time, it is clearly the power of technology.

A few minutes ago, she was feeling sad about spring and autumn, lamenting the passage of time, until she passed through the souvenir wholesale market when she entered the city and saw buildings in front of her and in the outer city that seemed to be copied and pasted.

Later I learned that due to the limitations of the times, the designs that seemed advanced eight hundred years ago could no longer keep up with the times. After all, no one could have imagined that after the stability of future generations, the population would continue to rise, and such a small area would not be able to satisfy a family. Young and old live.

Hundreds of years ago, people had no idea of ​​caring for ancient buildings, so those old buildings were transformed into a mess as generations passed, making them more conducive to people's habitation.

The level of reconstruction varies. For the sake of the family's reputation, the state paid for it to re-plan the entire inner city decades ago. After all, there is an extraordinary creature in this world that can be worth ten humans, so building a house requires some effort. The cost of materials, food for extraordinary creatures, and labor costs are not high.

The current inner city, except for a small commercial area when entering the city, is just like the retro commercial street in the scenic spot, deliberately built to look like ancient times. The rest is a modern city, no different from the outer city, which ruined Chi Wan's good interest. .

In the hotel, Ding Weijing put down her toiletries. When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Chi Wan changing her shoes and getting ready to go out. She looked at the sky and asked, "Where are you going?"

It was the finals of the beast-taming competition, and the hotels in the capital were overcrowded. The hotels could only book rooms for two, so she and Chi Wan were placed in the same room.

"Go to Beijing University and have a look." Chi Wan looked up and answered her while changing her shoes.

Peking University is equivalent to Peking University and Tsinghua University in the beast-controlling world, and is even more powerful than Peking University and Tsinghua University. It ranks among the top three among all beast-controlling universities in seven continents.

When visiting the capital, Kyoto University is one of the must-see attractions.

Chi Wan also wanted to see how big the gap was between himself and the students from Peking University.

"Then wait for me." Ding Weijing thought for a moment, still a little worried, and decided to come back later to pack her luggage.

No way, Chi Wan was the only underage in the group that came to the capital this time. When the teacher in charge was arranging the room, he secretly told her to help Chi Wan more often.

Although the capital was very safe and there shouldn't be any problems, she would just go and have a look.

She changed her shoes very quickly. She turned around and saw that Chi Wan was still where he was, as if he was wandering again. She asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"Uh, right away." Chi Wan came back to her senses and replied with a sad face.

Ding Weijing is a very serious and responsible captain. Although she is strict in everything she does, she has a good character and takes good care of her teammates.

After Chi Wan spent some time with her, she realized that this person was afraid of society and had to hide herself with a serious appearance. Sometimes, Chi Wan would hallucinate her as Qin Fangzhi.

No, Qin Fangzhi is not usually so serious.

Let her go shopping with Ding Weijing, and she would rather go to the training ground and run 3 kilometers.

At the gate of Beijing University.

Chi Wan had already calmed down, bought a ticket at the school gate, and started checking in according to the online guide.

Seeing that Chi Wan didn't hold her back, Ding Weijing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello, can you give me an experience card?" She followed the online guide and found a small duty room hidden in Beijing University.

As a prestigious school on seven continents, Peking University lives up to its reputation. In addition to outstanding graduates, Peking University's various special training grounds are also very good. The ice and snow training room that Chi Wan had experienced before was completely childish compared to it.

Beijing University is also very popular. As long as you are a tourist, you can use your ID card to get an experience card and experience any special training ground for 10 minutes for free.

"Little sister, our Beijing University training room is all arranged for elite level and above beast control. Your beast control may not be very good." The senior in the duty room took a look at the age on Chi Wan's ID and said softly.

The Beijing University training room is specially prepared for its own students. The students are taught by teachers and know what to do. This is not necessarily the case for outsiders. Many have heard about the Beijing University training room and want to join in the fun. Not only do they crowd out He wasted his time as a student, and injured his own beast due to improper training.

Can you blame her for being so young?

Chi Wan was speechless. She simply approached the window of the duty room and authorized her senior sister to see what she saw and said, "I have an elite beast master."

16 years old, elite beast master?

There are perverts coming from somewhere.

When the Beijing University sister saw the information on the screen, she almost swore, then lowered her head, looked at the face on the screen carefully several times, finally equated the two, and handed it to Chi Wanyi with a strong sense of gossip. card.

Ding Weijing coughed and said a little embarrassedly: "Give me one too."

"Senior, has your beast control evolved?" Chi Wan's eyes widened.

Ding Weijing's three beasts are all extraordinary. If they can evolve, they will have a greater chance of getting a good ranking. If Principal Zhang knows about it, he will definitely pat his thigh and shout that the advertising fee is less.

Ding Weijing blushed and said, "Yeah."

After the two left, the senior in the duty room immediately took out her cell phone to gossip, "Sisters, I just saw a 16-year-old little pervert with two elite-level beast masters. He is scarier than Senior Liu back then."

"Is that little pervert's last name Chi Mingwan?"

"Huh? How did you know?" The senior looked around in the duty room, thinking that her good sister had set up surveillance here.

"How long have you been out of the training room? You don't even know the biggest news recently."

"Only a week?"


"Okay, a month."

"Wang Xue, you still dare to consider yourself a beast master, are you afraid that your beast master won't run away from home again?"

"Probably not." Wang Xue scratched his head, sensed the position of his beast master, and was shocked, "Where is my beast master!!!"

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