The three of them didn't chat for long before Chi Wan received a notice to prepare for the competition.

The short one felt a little pity because the other party was about to leave before he could successfully preach, so he simply exchanged contact information with Chi Wan.

It happened that Chi Wan also had something to ask him, and they hit it off immediately. The two happily exchanged contact information and made an appointment to watch the game together sometimes.

Chi Wan wasted a little time and rushed to the lounge out of breath. The lounge was full except for Ding Weijing.

She felt that there were too many people outside, so she went to the lounge early to wait. At this time, she was preparing for the game. She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and muttered something unknown.

A contestant who also came to wait thought she was praying and took a detour, preferring to stand rather than disturb her.

Chi Wan quietly walked to her side and sat down. Before she could sit firmly, she heard the word "pumpkin" coming out of her mouth.


Chi Wan's head was covered with black lines, and he almost slipped and fell down.

Can today's game really be won?

Chi Wan was not sure.

It didn't take long for a notification from the staff to arrive.

Ding Weijing clenched her fists and walked out of the lounge on hands and feet.

As soon as she left the lounge door, she returned to her previous expression. Ignoring her trembling hands, she couldn't see any problem.

After settling down on the field, Chi Wan originally thought that Ding Weijing would not be used to it, but she didn't expect that as soon as she came on the court, her whole person became completely different.

Confident and generous, calm and steady, it is very consistent with the persona she has always presented to the outside world. It is no wonder that no one doubts her true face.

Chi Wan was still distracted by the huge difference between Ding Weijing, when the referee's whistle blew.

Two huge extraordinary creatures appeared on the field.

"Bubble Hippo, Venom"

"Xiao Bai, it's a snowstorm."

The familiar wind and snow once again enveloped the arena.

Off the field, two boys walked side by side, one with a short haircut and the other with natural curly hair.

He has short hair and a sinister look, and his hairstyle doesn't add any points to him. He looks more like he just came out of the police station.

He looked around to see if there was anything new.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he pushed the curly-haired man in front of him who was walking with his head down, pointed at the stage, and said excitedly: "Look, is that the freshman girl who defeated Chen Yansheng?"

The curly-haired man staggered due to his push. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to start fighting. When he heard his words, he raised his head and looked in the direction of his finger.

After squinting for a long time, he said, "It seems so."

"What do you mean, it seems like it's her, so where do you put my 0 eyesight?" The short-haired man was unhappy and pressed his shoulder. Halfway through, he seemed to have discovered something and came closer to his face, " Damn it, you didn’t wear glasses again just to look cool.”

"What does it mean to be cool? Your father and I don't wear glasses." The curly-haired man pulled him away from his eyes unhappily.

"Bah, isn't it because your goddess said she doesn't like the four-eyed boy, so you took off your glasses and act like you're blind every day without knowing what you're doing."

"What a goddess, are just talking nonsense, you are just an ordinary netizen." The curly-haired man blushed and said hesitantly.

"You still follow other people's example of online dating." The short-haired man seemed to have discovered a new world. He took his cell phone out of his pocket when he was not prepared.

The curly-haired man panicked and wanted to snatch it away, "I've seen the photos, it doesn't count as online dating."

"I don't believe it." The short-haired man stood on tiptoes and held his phone high to prevent him from touching it.

While the two were playing around, they didn't notice that everyone around them was staying far away from them, and they saw a burly voice approaching them.

"Why are you making a fuss? If you want to make a fuss, go out and make a fuss." The security guard held a child in his hand. The short-haired boy and the curly-haired boy lowered their heads. They were not at all arrogant like those in front of them.

When they came back, Chi Wan's game on the stage was already halfway through.

The short-haired man watched the competition on the stage and marveled, "This Chi Wan is indeed a strong opponent. Judging from her high level of beast control skills, it is no wonder that she can defeat Chen Yansheng. Although Chen Yansheng is a waste who relies on resources, that is only because of the battle between the two. Who can compare?"

The curly-haired man had already put on glasses. He had better eyesight than the short-haired man. He touched his chin, nodded and said: "She is very impressive for her age, but it can be seen that she has experienced systematic training, but not much. At most 2 months, Wenhai Province is still a small place. If she receives the same education as us, I am afraid we can already prepare in advance to compete for the runner-up."

"Is your talent so good?" The short-haired man turned his head, surprised by his companion's comment.

The curly-haired man said: "Her fighting talent is good, but she has a big problem with beast control. Although the skill level is high, she can't use it and it's a waste. No one should have told her how to raise it. After all, these are all It’s a secret that other people don’t tell anyone.”

After saying that, he shook his head and said, "What a pity."

I don’t know what I’m regretting.

"Senior, I accept." Chi Wan clasped her hands and said to Ding Weijing.

Ding Weijing's head was full of questions, and she followed her and cupped her fists and bowed.

I finally did this move. I had been on the field before and wanted to do it to avoid others saying I was faking it.

Chi Wan was satisfied.

In the match just now, Chi Wan was slightly better in the end, winning based on his skill level.

However, more problems have been exposed. Chi Wan now has no intention of achieving a good ranking.

As if aware of her dilemma, a haunting voice sounded in the cub's ears.

"After the system upgrade, a new virtual practice room has been added to perfectly solve the host's various problems."

Seeing that Chi Wan was not very interested in upgrading the system, the system panicked and tried to change Chi Wan's mind.

In the virtual practice room, Chi Wan was a little excited.

Sensing the change in Chi Wan's heart rate, the voice in his ear added: "There will also be a virtual teacher. At the same time, this system follows the three rules and will never harm humans or do any harm to the system."

So excited!

Chi Wan bit her gums and said, "Senior, please wait for me here for a while. I have something else to do and will be back soon."

Ding Weijing's outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

The curly-haired man and the short-haired man who had just walked over to say hello saw Chi Wan running past them quickly.

However, Chi Wan's companion still stopped where he was and greeted her in the same way.

"Hello, are you Chi Wan's companion?" Considering the appearance of his companion, the curly-haired man spoke first.

"Yeah." Ding Weijing nodded without even looking at them.


School girl, come back quickly, I'm scared.

It's not obvious on the surface, but my heart is so nervous that I'm about to jump out of my chest.

Are all the people in Wenhai Province so aloof?

The curly-haired man and the short-haired man looked at each other, puzzled.

"Senior, may I ask where that venue is?" Chi Wan asked, pointing to the building soaked with green cursors.

That building is not shown on the visitor map.

"Oh, that's the school history museum, not open to the public."

How to upgrade the system if it is not open to the public?

Chi Wan has a big head.

Seeing Chi Wan's expression, the senior continued: "There are at least three A-level beast masters guarding there. It should be impossible to break in."

System upgrades don’t seem to be that urgent.

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