Chi Wan was not present and the game continued.

On the stage is the third game between Ding Weijing and players from other provinces. This game will determine who can advance to the next round. All relevant personnel are watching anxiously, wishing they could go on the field to help.

On the field, the Electric Mantis seized the opportunity, dodged, moved under the Bubble Hippo, raised its sickle-shaped forelimbs, and cut two cross-shaped wounds on the Bubble Hippo's abdomen.

The painful Bubble Hippo tried to fight back, but its huge size and the drag of its injuries only accelerated its failure.

As the Bubble Hippo fell to the ground, the referee judged the opponent to be the winner, which also announced that only Chi Wan, the only native seedling left in Wenhai Province, carried the hope of the whole village.

That night, everyone from Wenhai Province who came to participate in the competition gathered together, except Chen Yansheng.

"This is the information about your opponent in the next game." A teacher whom Chi Wan knew pointed at the information on his phone and explained to Chi Wan. "Zhang Yadi, two elite level beasts and one extraordinary level beast. Just like you, we have searched all her previous competition videos, and these should be all."

Now only Chi Wan, a native born and raised child, is left in Wenhai Province. Everyone is staring at her, hoping that she can continue her victory in the last game and win glory for Wenhai Province.

The accompanying teachers also put aside the competition between schools and began to use their own methods to find solutions for Chi Wan, although Chi Wan felt that he did not need it.

"I think we can send Masked Ghost to test the opponent's strength first."

"Should we let the Frostfield Silver Wolf play to improve morale?"

"We do not rule out the possibility that the extraordinary beast on the opposite side will suddenly evolve. We must also prepare in advance."

A young man whom Chi Wan had never met interrupted, "She has already defeated the seeded players. There should be no need to take this kind of competition so seriously."

Where did this fool come from?

Others present looked at each other.

Ignore the second generation who came here to get gold plating.

Principal Zhang rolled his eyes inconspicuously and spoke in a mobile phone discussion group where there were no young men.

No wonder my head is empty.

Others suddenly understood, turned a deaf ear to the young man's suggestion, and continued to discuss other methods.

As the protagonist, Chi Wan was also used as a backdrop. Although issues related to her were discussed, no one thought of asking her opinion.

Who is the protagonist? It’s better to go back and rest.

Chi Wan yawned and rubbed her temples. Reading was too taxing on her brain and she still had a headache.

Principal Zhang tapped the table lightly, "You go on, I'll get you a glass of water."

He walked to the door and motioned with his eyes to Chi Wan to follow him out.

"This is your opponent's information. Go back and study it. Don't listen to these people's advice. Anyway, none of them have achieved your level in high school."

Principal Zhang handed her the information he had just brought out. The others were so noisy just now that no one noticed his actions.

"Is it okay?" Chi Wan looked back at the people still arguing in the meeting. The loudest one was Qionghua's principal.

The thin door of the conference room could not cover the sound of arguments inside. Someone passed by the door and involuntarily pricked up his ears to hear what was going on inside.

Principal Zhang sneered, "A group of laymen want to guide the experts. What you did when you played Niu Susu, do it now, regardless of other people's suggestions. During the previous competition, one or two people said that you would definitely lose, but now you have won." , started pointing fingers again, who are these people, bah."

Seeing that Chi Wan was still hesitant, he added, "If you have any objections, let them come to me. I just want to show them how hard they worked to find information, so I can give them some face. Now that their tails are raised to the sky, I give them face."

I want to say that the principal should pay attention to his image.

Chi Wan swallowed what was on his lips, took the opponent's information and left, leaving the principal to engage in a verbal battle with the "confucians".

Seeing no one around, Chi Wan simply found a place to sit and flipped through the notes in her hand.

"Let me take a look, Zhang Yadi, the strange monkey..."

The next day, the player area.

"Yadi, it doesn't matter if you lose. It's good to be here. It's our best result in the past 20 years." Zhang Yadi's coach comforted her softly.

Zhang Yadi was born in a province with the lowest level of beast-controlling ability. No one in this province can advance to the second round of the beast-controlling competition for senior high school students every year. Everyone has become accustomed to being eliminated in the first round of the beast-controlling competition.

As a result, this year, a genius named Zhang Yadi appeared. She survived two rounds and had two elite beast masters. Her status in the province was similar to that of Chi Wan, and she was the hope of the whole village.

As a result, just when the whole province was elated and thought it could break the record, Chi Wan appeared as a roadblock.

On the other side, Chi Wan was still studying Zhang Yadi's information.

Watching her flipping through the pages, teachers from other schools stood up and wanted to make some suggestions.

The person next to him bumped his head with his elbow and pointed him in the direction of Principal Zhang with his eyes. He was sitting upright in the seat next to Chi Wan.

The teacher who had just been educated by Principal Zhang yesterday sat down again.

If you can't afford to offend her, just do whatever she wants.

After the last game, the host announced the players to come on stage.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Chi Wan and Zhang Yadi stood on the field at the same time.

On one side is the senior high school student who defeated the seeded player, and on the other side is the talented girl who came out of a backward province. Both sides have great gimmicks, which is the kind that marketing accounts love to watch.

Seeing Chi Wan standing opposite, Zhang Yadi wanted to cry but had no tears.

I finally had hope of breaking the record, but I met a perverted player like Chi Wan.

In one year, two beasts were evolved to the elite level, and their skill levels were also ridiculously high, much more exaggerated than myself.

They all say they are geniuses, but the real genius is just across the street.

When the referee's whistle sounded, Zhang Yadi stabilized her mind and formed a seal with her hands.

In the last game, Niu Susu lost to Chi Wan because she underestimated her opponent. In this game, as long as she fights hard, the result is not certain.

Two beasts appeared on the field at the same time.

Looking at the monkey-like beast on the field, Chi Wan's opponent's information also appeared in his mind.

The strangely powerful monkey is a fighting beast with flexible movements and extremely fast speed.

According to the data, Zhang Yadi's strange monkey is proficient in flame fists and can also shadow clones. If the opponent's true identity cannot be found in time during the battle, the outcome of the game will be difficult to predict.

"Gather your strength."


At the beginning, the two sides did not start fighting directly and were in the stage of testing each other.


Chi Wan's eyes narrowed. Unexpectedly, the strange monkey made a fake move and jumped out of the place with a lunge. The speed was so fast that Chi Wan couldn't see it clearly with his naked eyes.

The flames started to ignite from the right hand of the strange power monkey, and the fist with the fire light went straight towards Xiaobao's face, which was not protected by stone armor.

The next second, Xiaobao flew up from where he was and fell far away.

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