? ? ?

No, are you using your trick now?

The surprise came too suddenly, making Chi Wan suspect that the recent prayers to God and Buddha had worked.

Long Xingqun used it to deal with Xiaobao who still had the last bit of blood left. This was not a gift, but a gift.

Among the group attack skills, the Dragon Star Group is considered to have the strongest attack power, but not many people go out of their way to learn it. Even if they learn it, it is only used as a special skill to defeat the enemy and cannot be used easily. The main reason is that the Dragon Star Group After the group uses it, the beast master will greatly reduce its special attack due to the reaction force.

When Xiaobai comes on stage, it will have a huge advantage.

The Tooth Dragon raised its head and opened its mouth, and an energy ball shot out of its mouth and flew into the air.

A meteorite appeared in mid-air and hit the ground directly, throwing up a cloud of dust.

Compared with the online teaching videos, the dragon stars in the arena seemed to be malnourished. Not only were the meteorites sparse, but the intensity of the impact was not as strong as the impact before the small storm. After the impact, there were only a few small gaps on the ground, and the arena was completely empty. Requires substantial maintenance.

Is this the Dragon Star Group?

It seemed different from what she remembered.

Chi Wan looked at the ground, as deep in thought as the audience.

Zhang Yadi's face turned red and she touched the amulet uneasily.

The Dragon Star Cluster of the Tyrannosaurus has only been learned for a short time, and it sometimes works well and sometimes does not work well. The attack power is not as strong as the full version of the Dragon Star Cluster, and the sequelae are much smaller.

Although the skill is like Malnutrition, it should be more than enough to deal with a heavily armored bear.

The dust dispersed, leaving only the standing figure of the Tyrannosaurus on the field.


"The rock-armored bear fell to the ground, Zhang Yadi won."

Chi Wan watched Xiao Bao lie down on the stretcher and was sent towards the medical room by the medical beast, and turned all his attention to the playing field.

Now the game has become 2 vs. 2, and the advantage is on your side.

As a dragon-type beast, the Tyrannosaurus has a natural advantage, and Xiaobai is not bad either. At least the skill level is higher than the skill level of all players present.

If he didn't even have this advantage, Chi Wan might as well have killed him with a piece of tofu instead of participating in some kind of beast-control competition.

Later games. As long as the opponent's third beast doesn't evolve suddenly, Chi Wan's winning rate is very high.

Accompanied by the referee's whistle, a silver-white giant wolf appeared opposite the Tyrannosaurus.

"Freezing beam."

"Dragon Claw!"

The fighting on the field was very intense, and the audience was very happy to watch.

In the player's seat of Wenhai Province, Principal Zhang leaned back in his chair and watched Chi Wan's game calmly. His hands with nowhere to rest exposed his innermost feelings.

Qionghua's vice-principal had just returned from a phone call. He was passing by and saw Principal Zhang's hypocritical smile from the corner of his eye. He felt angry when he remembered the call he had just received from the principal.

Chi Wan was originally a student of their school, but he was still close to it, and these honors became their school's.

As a result, the situation was disrupted by the guy in front of me, who said angrily, "You've made a lot of money this time."

"?" Principal Zhang looked up.

"Didn't you make a lot of money by poaching Chi Wan from me? You don't know how to give our school a little bit."

Ah, what about you and us? It’s clearly us.

When talking about other things, Principal Zhang would still talk nonsense with others, and whenever he talked about money, he would get into trouble.

He immediately sat up straight and asked, "I had forgotten that she was your Qionghua's student before. If she wins later, won't Qionghua show any signs of it?"

You pry me into a corner and you want me to give her a gift. What's the point of this?

The vice principal laughed angrily.

Seeing him staying where he was, with his expression changing like a palette, Principal Zhang slowly sat down again and said, "If you can't live with the boss, find someone who can take charge."

Principal Zhang is a well-known iron rooster in Wenhai Province, but only a very small number of people can do it. Although Principal Zhang is stingy, he keeps his word and will definitely give what he says he will give.

The same cannot be said for Qionghua's principal. He will default on his debts and find a reason he can't refuse to put himself on the side of justice.

The reward he had agreed to give to Chi Wan was rejected by him. The vice-principal got it out of his own research funds.

Thinking of his research funds, the vice-principal's heart bleeds. He put on an ugly smile and prepared to say something, but he frightened the children passing by and cried. He was in the mood to talk nonsense with Principal Zhang.

Principal Zhang glanced at the other teachers in Wenhai Province, and those who accidentally looked at him looked away.

Someone has offended this guy again, and they don't want to suffer the consequences.

There is no one who can fight.

Principal Zhang sighed and returned his gaze to the playing field.

While the principals from the two sides were competing, the final result had already been announced.

Xiaobai's teeth clenched tightly on the back of the Tyrodon's neck and refused to let go.

The Tyrannosaurus's feet were frozen to the ground, unable to move. His neck had been bitten by Xiaobai and was bleeding. He gritted his teeth and refused to give up. While moving his short claws, he shook his head in an attempt to throw Xiaobai off from behind him.

Supporters on both sides were concerned.

"Come on! Tyrannosaurus, throw it off."

"Frostfield Silver Wolf, come on!"

Chi Wan and Zhang Yadi, who were supporting each other, happened to be sitting next to each other. When they heard cheers for their opponents next to them, they clenched their fists and started shouting at the top of their lungs, as if competing to see whose voice was louder.

"It's so noisy!"

He Qiuyue covered her ears, feeling that her ears were about to be deafened by the noise.

This fan is so crazy.

She took out earplugs from her bag and plugged them in her ears.

Fortunately, I searched online for strategies before watching the game and bought the necessary tools for watching the beast control game.

When everything was ready, He Qiuyue stood up and shouted to the stage: "Chi Wan, come on!"

The two people who were still competing next door were startled at the same time.

He Qiuyue ignored the eyes of these two people.

Chi Wan, you must win. I have already bought you to win, but don’t let my pocket money go to waste.

The two sides were in a stalemate. In the end, Xiaobai only played one game, and with less physical and energy loss, he won the second game.


He Qiuyue jumped up with joy.

"Well done!"

Principal Zhang couldn't help laughing, stood up from his chair, waved his fist, and celebrated Chi Wan in advance.

Although there is still one game left, as long as there are no special circumstances, Chi Wan is almost certain to win.

In the third game, there was no unexpected situation similar to the evolution of the field, and Chi Wan easily won.

"Contestant Chi Wan wins!"

Finally winning, Chi Wan was relieved.

Zhang Yadi is known as the "stepping stone to the championship." If he sent her out of the competition, does that mean that he = the champion?

Chi Wan did not tell anyone else about this idea. Even if she told others about it, no one would believe it.

But people still have to have dreams.

What if?

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