No matter how angry Jiang Tingshun is, the game must still proceed normally.

After the referee's whistle blows.


"Psychic power!"

The two men's orders sounded at the same time.

The totem eagle's eyes glowed blue, and at the same time, a large piece of falling rock appeared above its head, falling directly towards it.

When the stone fell halfway, it slowed down and finally stopped in mid-air.

Chi Wan felt a little tired when she saw that the falling stone was controlled by telepathy and could not get close to the body of the totem eagle.

Superpowers are also very troublesome.

Can't everyone simply contract with a less flashy beast master and finish the fight easily and get off work early?

The grumbling in her mind did not affect the orders she gave with her mouth.


No matter what your abilities are, first come down and become a free-roaming chicken.

Yellow sand appeared on the playing field, covering the entire playing field very tightly.

When Chi Wan shouted "Sandstorm", the audience felt something bad.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, the sky was filled with yellow sand. It appeared on the field, blocking most of the entire field. Only a vague shadow could be seen, and the audience had no sense of experience.

"Fuck." The audience sitting in the front row immediately covered their mouths and noses with their sleeves to resist the flying sand and dust, and they were still shouting, "Sandstorm, get out of the beast-control competition!"

Behind him, there were some spectators shouting similar to him.

"Return the money, return the money."

"You are covering it up so tightly. Is there some secret you're worried about me seeing?"

"Don't use the sandstorm, okay? Can I pay for it? I didn't pay for the ticket to see the sandstorm."

"Why do I want to see a sandstorm in the arena? Can't we go to the desert? It's even more spectacular than this."

Chi Wan listens selectively to the audience's voices, only listening to good ones.

As for asking herself to refund the money, she pretended not to hear it.

The skills that you have worked so hard to develop are not just for show in a beast control record.

No matter how much the audience objected, half of the second game was played under the cover of a sandstorm.

Yes, that's right. After Sandstorm's time was up, Chi Wan felt that the skill was very useful and asked Xiaobao to use it again.

Therefore, during the whole game, the audience could only hear the orders of the beast masters on both sides, and did not see the movements of the beasts at all. They relied entirely on imagination. It can be said that they were lonely watching.

Who's winning?

Seeing that the sandstorm dispersed, the audience stood up directly to see if the result of the game was what they had guessed.

I saw Xiaobao and Totem Eagle standing together on the field, and it was impossible to tell who was losing and who was winning.

Chi Wan and Jiang Tingshun looked at each other, sparks flying between them. Neither of them wanted to give in to the other, and they shouted towards the arena at the same time.



The beast masters on both sides didn't respond, they staggered, and after standing for a few seconds, they fell to the ground.

The beast masters on both sides almost shouted at the top of their lungs, but they did not wake them up.

"Whoosh--both sides fell to the ground at the same time, it's a draw." After the referee finished counting down, he made the final decision.

It was a draw! ! !

Jiang Tingshun bit his lower lip, his mind was spinning so fast that it was almost smoking.

Chi Wan has 2 elite-level beasts and one extraordinary-level beast. The Stone-armored Bear has already retired, and the Frostfield Silver Wolf has only half a breath left. Next, the Moon Jellyfish only needs to wait a little longer until the Stone-armored Bear is exhausted. The remaining extraordinary-level beast was simply given away for free.

Jiang Tingshun was full of confidence after thinking about his next thoughts.

Before sending the beast on the field, she had always been full of confidence until she saw Chi Wan's new beast on the field.

Aren't they the two essence-level beasts we promised? What is this skeleton! ! !

What was in front of her was not the Frostfield Silver Wolf, nor the Masked Ghost as she had guessed, but a hooded skeleton with green will-o'-the-wisps burning on it. Anyone could tell it was a Mask. The evolved form of the ghost.

The prediction before the game came true. The bespectacled girl smiled from ear to ear, pointed at the field, and kept saying to others: "I just said that the result of the game is not necessarily certain. You see, Chi Wan's beast control has evolved in the past. I Let’s just say she’s very scheming.”

The process is all right, but the result is wrong.

He Qiuyue, who was eavesdropping on the side, rolled her eyes and said to herself, "Chi Wan, you are so good at hiding this. It made me worry for several days. I was really afraid that you would fall among the top 10."

Chi Wan sneezed and turned his attention to the arena.

There was no suspense in the next game. After Haiyue Jellyfish sent Xiao Bu off the court, he was also very tired. When Xiao Bai came on the stage, who had recovered to half of his strength, a snowstorm directly froze him into an ice sculpture. It was because of Jiang Tingshun's surrender. Quick enough so he didn't get hurt more seriously.

After the referee announced the result, the host also walked onto the field, held Chi Wan's hand and raised it high, "The second top five player is born! Let us congratulate Chi Wan."

At the Wenhai Provincial contestant table, when he heard that Chi Wan had entered the top five, Principal Zhang didn't pay attention to who was next to him, so he hugged him and shouted excitedly: "Chi Wan has entered the top five."

Anyway, the people nearby are from his own province, so it’s the same for everyone he hugs.

Principal Qionghua, who was hugged by him, was smiling but his face was filled with tears.

When I think about my cabbage being overturned by the pig next door, not only was it overturned, but the soil was also moved to the cabbage's house. As a result, any of Chi Wan's honors now have nothing to do with her school. My heart hurts so much that I can't express it. Words come.

In a shopping mall in the center of Jiuhua City, citizens gathered in front of the big screen and hugged each other and cried and laughed after hearing the words "top five players."

These are the top five players from Jiuhua City, and they have a completely different meaning.

As for a higher ranking, these people have never thought about it.

Some people who came to the shopping mall were shocked. After asking what happened, they also joined the carnival.

Qin Fangzhi and her friends struggled to squeeze out of the crowd and found an open space to sit down.

She hadn't recovered from the surprise, and she didn't react until her friend next to her pinched her.

Does your daughter seem to be in the top five?

I still couldn't believe it, so I stretched my arm next to my friend and said, "Pinch me to see if I'm dreaming."

My friend drooled enviously all over the floor. Seeing her reaction, he didn't show any humility to her. He pinched her hard twice and said, "How does it feel?"

"It hurts a little, as if I'm still in a dream." Qin Fangzhi felt it for a while and said with uncertainty, "How about you pinch it a few more times."

"That's enough, stop showing off. If you keep showing off, I'm going to steal your daughter from you." My friend rolled his eyes.

Qin Fangzhi suddenly clapped his hands, stood up and ran directly outside the mall.

"Where are you going?" Her friend quickly stopped her.

"I went to Jing'an City to watch the game."

Her friend chased her and shouted: "The flying beasts are all booked, you run away."

"I'm going to Wanlin to borrow the flying beast," Qin Fangzhi paused, then changed direction, "If you don't borrow it, I'll roll around and cry."

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