I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1001 Consider your little preferences

A transformed spirit pet? !

It is either a great demon in the transformation stage or an ancient beast with inheritance.

No matter which one it is, it is enough for him to look up to.

And such a demon beast is actually the spirit pet of Junior Sister Qin Shu...

Thinking back to the time when Junior Sister first came to Tailai City, how old was she at that time? She was still a young disciple in the Qi Refining Stage, and she sat on the roof and had an epiphany for half a year.

At that time, he knew in his heart that this Junior Sister had a promising future, but he never thought that it would be so promising.

This talent is rare in ten thousand years, and even in a million years, it is estimated that there are only a few.

Qin Shu didn't know that her simple words could cause so many emotions from her family Shu and Senior Brother.

At this time, she was standing in front of a pile of spirit pet spaces with Sang Ze, choosing one by one.

Qin Shu chose a simple ring space, light blue, which matched her black robe.

But Sang Ze insisted on having a pink jade pendant. Qin Shu frowned and looked at the flower and bird pattern on it. She couldn't help asking: "Sang Ze, although you paid for this spiritual pet space, but... I still can't figure it out. Why is your aesthetic so avant-garde now?"

Sang Ze glanced at her lightly, clenched the jade pendant in his hand, and said to Qin Shu solemnly: "We can't just think about ourselves when buying things. There is also Xiaoxiao. She fell asleep, and we have to consider her. Look at this jade pendant. No matter the pattern or color, Xiaoxiao will definitely like it."

Qin Shu: "..."

It does look like something Xiaoxiao would like. It is pink in texture, with flowers and birds on it, and a small squirrel in the corner.

"You pay, you decide." Qin Shu finally gave the choice to Sang Ze.

Sang Ze also decided to buy this spiritual pet jade pendant without thinking.

"I want this one!"

There is no difference between Sang Ze's money and Qin Shu's money. Nishang Pavilion directly gave them the lowest cost price.

But even so, this small jade pendant for a spiritual pet still cost Sang Ze 100,000 top-grade spiritual stones.

Qin Shu stole a glance at Sang Ze, and seeing him spend spiritual stones without blinking, she felt relieved.

It seems that this kid has obtained a lot of things from the inheritance land, and I hope it can support him to practice well.

After coming out of the Nishang Pavilion, Qin Shu finally replaced the gray, lowest-level monster bag on her waist that had accompanied her throughout her entire cultivation career.

Now she has a pink jade pendant hanging on her waist, which is very small and integrates a lot of the cool aura on her body.

She looked up at the sky. The sun was overhead. If she rushed to Nanxiang City now, she should be able to arrive before dark.

She moved and rushed to the south.

She quietly calculated the date in her heart. Today was the 16th. Although she didn't know what the big snake would do on the 15th of every month, she had avoided it anyway.

She rushed all the way, and her flying speed became faster and faster.

Until the sky became darker and darker, the moon in the sky floated up, and the spiritual energy around Qin Shu also rushed towards her frantically at this moment.

As she moved, the spiritual energy in the air actually formed a storm vortex, and swept towards the horizon with her movement.

Qin Shu had previously planned to break through a small realm in the Kunpeng small world, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. She did get a lot of good things in the small world, but her cultivation had not been broken.

Previously, fighting with the five brothers had exhausted her spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in her body, which had always been used to be filled, suddenly became barren, which also broke the balance of her original body.

In addition, the moon on the 16th was very round, and the effect of the innate moon spirit body had almost reached its limit. After absorbing all the way, her cultivation actually showed signs of a breakthrough.

Qin Shu stopped and found a tree branch to sit cross-legged on.

She pinched the Ziwu Jue, closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling the unusual activity of spiritual energy in the meridians.

This state lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and the acupuncture points belonging to the middle stage of the out-of-body state were opened by the spiritual energy as if water had flowed into the water.

Qin Shu waited until her breath stabilized before she opened her eyes again and started to hurry on her way.

When she arrived at Nanxiang City, the first ray of sunlight just happened to shine on the gate of Nanxiang City.

Qin Shu moved and walked in.

Guo Chong was sitting on the tower. When he saw her from a distance, he jumped down from the wall and landed lightly beside Qin Shu.

Qin Shu glanced at him, raised her eyebrows, and said, "You have achieved the golden elixir so quickly? Not bad?"

Guo Chong folded his arms and chuckled, "I really don't know if you are really praising me or teasing me. If I am fast, how about you?"

Qin Shu laughed and admitted openly, "Of course I am faster."

Guo Chong sighed, looking helpless.

He could have been faster. Ordinary cultivators might not feel it very clearly, but they, the divine beasts, felt it more acutely.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth was getting less and less. At this rate, he felt that he could only cultivate to the fusion stage at most and then stop.

By that time, if the passage from the Xiuxian world to the upper world still could not be opened, they would never be able to go back.

It was just like in the demon world, just waiting to die in another place.

Qin Shu inexplicably felt that the aura around him suddenly became depressed, so she looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Guo Chong shook his head, "No, I'm just curious."

Qin Shu did not stop and followed his words and asked: "What are you curious about?"

Guo Chong smiled, "Of course I am curious about you. Old Xie sent Fei Fei and me to Qiyuan Mountain because he thought we were in the way. But who would have thought that you would follow us right after we left..."

Qin Shu: "..."

She no longer dared to think about what Da She was feeling at the time, so she could only bite the bullet and say, "I had my reasons."

Guo Chong winked at her, "I believe it."

Qin Shu said helplessly: "Of course you should believe it, can't you see it?"

Guo Chong nodded, "I can not only see this, but also other things."

Qin Shu tilted her head slightly, glanced at Guo Chong beside her, and asked back: "Other things?"

Guo Chong responded, his eyes looking forward, not falling on Qin Shu, and suddenly said.

"I seem to see the endless life..."

Finally, he said five words, but these words seemed to be repeated in his mouth, and Qin Shu did not hear them clearly.

"Hmm? What?" Qin Shu asked again.

Guo Chong shook his head, "Nothing."

Qin Shu thought he saw the immortal sword technique he had comprehended, so she didn't ask any more questions. She just asked, "Is the big snake back?"

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