I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1006 The man behind the successful woman

Xie Shiyuan, who was still a little aggrieved, suddenly had a thought and felt her voice.

The corners of his lips that had just dropped could not help but rise again.

He raised his head and met Qin Shu's eyes. Her clear eyes seemed to dodge for some reason, and he heard Xie Shiyuan say: "It's a little hot."

Qin Shu pursed her lips and said solemnly, "Just be patient."

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

Before he could speak, he heard Qin Shu change the subject, "Ajin has saved a lot of colorful stones. We can start a furnace to make swords."

Xie Shiyuan had just followed her and witnessed everything, but at this time he still pretended to be surprised and said: "Is it enough so quickly?"

Qin Shu nodded slightly, "Ajin said that because of the Xi soil, her hair grew very fast, and her own strength also improved a lot."

In their opinion, this is the best ending. It won't hurt Ah Jin at all, and it won't delay sword refining.

Even Qin Shu felt that her luck seemed a bit too good.

Everything seemed to be the best arrangement, and what she needed would always be delivered to her by accident. I don't know if it was due to her own luck, or whether it was because of her... there was really a pair of big hands controlling everything...

Qin Shu raised her eyes and put all the distracting thoughts in her mind behind her, and said to Xie Shiyuan: "I am not sufficiently cultivated now to be able to temper this Zixiao White Jade Sword, so I must go back to the sect."

She wasn't sure, but if she could ask her master Yue Zhizhen to take action, the success rate of tempering might be much higher.

Xie Shiyuan frowned when he heard that she was about to leave again. He tried to persuade her in a gentle voice, "Wearing these shackles can only last a day or two, so there is no need to be in such a hurry."

He wanted to sit up, and the quilt covering him slipped down. Qin Shu subconsciously raised her hand to hold him down, and she pressed it on his vigorous chest.

There are strong muscles under the fingertips, but they feel cold and smooth.

Her mind suddenly shut down for a moment, and she came back to her senses after a while. As if nothing had happened, she said to Xie Shiyuan: "Since it can be solved as soon as possible, there is no need to delay it anymore, right? As soon as possible If you break these shackles, you will feel less pain."

Xie Shiyuan pursed his lips into a straight line, "It won't hurt."

As soon as he finished speaking, a touch came from his lips. He was slightly startled when he saw Qin Shu's fingertips touching his lips.

"You are indeed tough." Qin Shu retracted her hand and commented.

The irregular hand was held behind her back, and her fingertips were rubbed unconsciously. The soft touch just now seemed to still vaguely remain on her fingertips...

There was only one thought in my mind, and it was actually quite weak.

The dark golden vertical pupils slowly moved downwards along Qin Shu's face and landed on her lips.

Qin Shu felt something and quickly stood up.

"Your plan is definitely not just to break the shackles and ascend to the upper world. According to what you said, the frequency of the five degenerations of heaven and humans is gradually increasing, and we must seize the time. I will go back to find the master to refine the sword, so you can rest easy."

Since he would recover faster while sleeping, there was no need to waste so much time on himself.

Xie Shiyuan looked at her serious look, pursed his lips and looked a little aggrieved.

"You just came back, you didn't hug me, are you leaving like this? I'm not even as good as Ah Jin."

Qin Shu was stunned, his tone...

Why did a strange feeling of guilt suddenly arise in her heart?

Qin Shu thought for a while, then took another step forward, opened her arms and hugged him.

"Is it okay?" Qin Shu said.

"Just a hug?"

As soon as Xie Shiyuan spoke, Qin Shu frowned, "Don't push yourself too far. Don't think I don't know you were peeking just now."

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

Oh, I accidentally let it slip.

Qin Shu couldn't bear it, and finally bent down and kissed him on the cheek, "When I come back, you can sleep well. Don't wait until I come back next time and see you making a mess again."

At this time, Xie Shiyuan was extremely well-behaved, unlike the arrogant look he had before.

If he was a majestic snake in the past, now he is a well-behaved and sensible earthworm.

Even though Qin Shu was forced into the quilt and held down, he just looked at her with dark golden eyes without any complaints.

Qin Shu tucked him in with satisfaction and said, "Good boy, sleep well. I will be back as soon as possible."

Seeing Xie Shiyuan close his eyes, she turned and left the room.

The sound of closing the door had just come, and Xie Shiyuan quietly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the door.

Finally, facing the closed door, she sighed helplessly. Once she left, she didn't know when she would come back next time.

Maybe after everything is calm, they can stay together forever...

Just as he was thinking, suddenly another sneaky figure appeared within the range of Xie Shiyuan's consciousness.

He was not surprised at all when he saw this figure. The person coming was still Guo Chong.

It would be strange if he didn't come.

The next moment, there was a knock on the door, and Xie Shiyuan said loudly, "Come in."

Guo Chong opened the door and poked his head in again, "Lao Xie, I came here after seeing my sister-in-law leave. I didn't disturb you this time, right?"

Xie Shiyuan said helplessly: "Why are you here again?"

Guo Chong smiled and said, "Of course I have something to tell you. Can I come in?"

While asking for Xie Shiyuan's opinion, he walked in before Xie Shiyuan nodded.

Xie Shiyuan didn't throw him out after all. He watched him walk to the bedside and asked, "What's the matter?"

Guo Chong leaned against the bedside, folded his arms, lowered his head and said to him, "Old Xie, is Fellow Daoist Qin busy again?"

Even though what he said was not what he liked to hear, Xie Shiyuan could only nod his head at this time, "Yeah."

Guo Chong was not surprised at all, and said to him, "Old Xie, brother, I have to tell you in advance that the days of you staying alone in the empty room are probably still to come..."

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

His face suddenly turned ugly. Guo Chong saw it in his eyes, but he didn't care. He said to himself, "I saw the endless power of rules. Perhaps Qin Shu is the ray of hope between heaven and earth. If everything is really as I see it, she has such a heavy burden on her shoulders, so she will naturally be busy. You..."

Guo Chong frowned and finally said tactfully, "Don't hold her back."

Xie Shiyuan was silent again. He had this premonition a long time ago, and now Guo Chong just pointed it out.

Guo Chong raised his hand and patted his shoulder, then heaved a long sigh, "Old Xie, I know that being the man behind a successful woman... is really unfair to you."

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