I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 101 Let me go to the next door to find a teacher

"Let's play with it."

Qin Shu looked at the colorful storage rings in his hand and the tone of his voice. She always felt like he was cleaning out his inventory.

Of course, the inventory he cleared was all good stuff for her. She had only seen such a large storage ring at the second senior brother's place.

Just when Qin Shu was hesitating, Xie Shiyuan's clear voice sounded again, "You said you helped me make elixirs, does it still count?"

Qin Shu: "..."

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world, and there is no free storage ring.

"What elixir do you want?"

Qin Shu raised her eyes and saw Xie Shiyuan's eyes were slightly closed, and his long eyelashes were clearly defined. Qin Shu couldn't help but sigh, where is the snake spirit? He is clearly an eyelash expert!

Xie Shiyuan thought for a moment and then raised his eyes, "I haven't thought about it yet. I'll come to you when I think about it."

Good guy, this is a blank check! In this case, should she accept these storage rings or not?

Xie Shiyuan clearly saw the desire in her eyes, but for some reason, she hesitated.

"No?" Xie Shiyuan asked.

Qin Shu shook her head and said, "It's not that I don't want it, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to make the elixir you asked me to make."

After hearing what she said, Xie Shiyuan chuckled and turned away, "Don't worry."

Just when Qin Shu thought that the snake suddenly had a conscience and wanted to comfort her, she heard him say: "According to your current cultivation level, you can barely make a second-grade elixir. As far as I am concerned, , it’s really useless.”

Qin Shu: "..."

She decided that she would make elixirs well in the future to impress this snake!

Xie Shiyuan casually threw the handful of storage rings to Qin Shu. Seeing the little thing wearing storage rings on all ten fingers, he still looked up curiously and asked him, "Why do you have so many storage rings?" Quit? Don’t you need it?”

As soon as she raised her head, she met his meaningful eyes, and saw him slightly raising his chin and asking lightly, "What do you think?"

Qin Shu really didn't think much about it at first, but now she saw his expression and suddenly understood.

Her pupils shrank, and Xie Shiyuan saw it clearly. The corners of his lips raised slightly, "How dare you raise a snake if you are so cowardly?"

Qin Shu's lips were tense and her expression was very complicated. At this time, she had only one thought in her mind.

When he was healing him, he heard everything he said...

But when she said this, she didn't expect the snake to grow so big.

"If you don't want to raise me now, why don't you leave." Qin Shu muttered in a low voice.

She has not yet found a way to take out his inner elixir. If his inner elixir is not returned to him, he will definitely not leave.

Xie Shiyuan has a sharp ear and eyesight, so the words she said naturally fell into his ears word for word.

"You do something for me." Xie Shiyuan said.

"What's the matter?" Qin Shu asked curiously.

Xie Shiyuan took out a token with his backhand and threw it to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu stretched out her hand covered with rings and caught it steadily.

The ink on the token is as thick as night, warm and delicate. There is not a single word written on it, only a snake with closed eyes is engraved on it.

Just as Qin Shu looked at the token carefully, a voice came from above her head, "Help me send this token to Yanyu Tower in Tailai City to a person named Liniang."

After Qin Shu heard this, the gossip hidden deep in her heart suddenly aroused unexpectedly. She winked at him and said, "Are you in love?"

Xie Shiyuan snorted disdainfully, "In my place, people are only divided into useful and useless. Do your job well, and don't ask about things you shouldn't know."

Qin Shu said honestly, "That's all, I'll have someone help send it there another day."

Xie Shiyuan was just about to enter the cave when he heard her words. He stopped, slowly turned around and asked in a deep voice: "With so many storage rings, can't you just take a trip?"

Qin Shu also said: "As an alchemist like me, who can refine hundreds of top-grade soul-boosting pills a day, why should I go there in person for such a trivial matter as running away?"

Seeing Xie Shiyuan's eyebrows twisted into a ball, the broken hair on his forehead was moving in the wind.

Qin Shu continued: "Snake, you don't know, we humans have an old saying, 'Money can make the world go round.' We don't need to do this kind of trivial errands ourselves."

"No." Xie Shiyuan's eyes fell on Qin Shu again, "You must go in person this time, no one else can find it."

The two looked at each other speechlessly, but Qin Shu finally compromised.

"That's all, I'll go, but I'll have to wait three days before I leave after taking the elixir that my second senior brother made."

Xie Shiyuan nodded in agreement and heard the little girl next to him say: "When the time comes, I will be on the road and exercising at the same time. Anyway, where can I run instead of running?"

Xie Shiyuan was stunned, then saw Qin Shu's eyes light up, and then continued: "By the way, I have to take on a few missions to Tailai City."

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

She didn't want to waste any time.

Qin Shu was excited when she suddenly felt news coming from the jade slip. She immediately took it out and saw that it was from her junior sister.

"Shu Shu, I asked Master Wanjian, and she said that you can join the Sword Sect, but if you want to join his sect, you have to pass his test."

test? We, the flower-growing children, are most afraid of tests!

Qin Shu immediately replied firmly: "The test is good! I am lucky to be valued by Master Wu Jian."

"When is the assessment scheduled?"

Qin Shu replied instantly, "It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. How are you today?"

After receiving a positive reply from Chiyu, Qin Shu looked at the big snake in front of her who was watching her playing with the jade slips curiously, "I will go to the Sword Sect to become a disciple first and come back later."

After saying that, she ran down the mountain in a hurry. Halfway there, she suddenly remembered that she had to tell her master if she wanted to join the Sword Sect.

She took out the jade slip and sent a message to the master. Her eyes paused for two seconds on the rings in her hands. She quickly took off all the rings that showed the temperament of the nouveau riche, leaving only the master for herself. That one.

In the cave next door, Master Lingxu just picked up the tea cup and took a calm sip.

This tea is made from Silver Silk Treasure needles, which is a rare and top-grade product. A small sip can purify the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, he had just finished drinking it when the next moment the voice of his precious little disciple came from the jade slip, "Master! Disciple, go to the Sword Sect next door to become a disciple!"

Master Lingxu was so frightened by her that his hands shook and he spilled most of the tea.

He looked at the tea in his hand and then at the bright jade slip.

For a moment, I didn't know whether I should feel sorry for my apprentice who was about to run away, or whether I should feel sorry for Cha Shui.

However, Qin Shu on the other side of the jade slip was still chattering, "Master, don't worry! Even if the disciple joins the Sword Sect, you will always be number one in the disciple's heart!"

"Disciple, let's go practice swordplay! I'll be back in the evening!"

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