I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1010 Ask my old man to help you refine

You Zijin shook his head, "I don't know."

He thought for a moment and asked, "Master, do you have something to ask Master Yuezhi?"

Qin Shu sighed and said, "I came back to ask Master Yuezhi to help me temper the Purple Sky White Jade Sword, but I didn't expect that he happened to be in seclusion."

You Zijin was stunned and asked her, "Are you anxious?"

Qin Shu nodded, "A little anxious."

In her opinion, the Five Degenerations of the Celestial Being is a very uncontrollable thing, and no one knows when it will decay faster.

As the degree of the Five Degenerations of the Celestial Being increases, Xie Shiyuan will definitely be more affected.

If he can help him break the shackles as soon as possible, it will be better.

You Zijin thought for a moment before tentatively saying, "Otherwise... ask my old man to help you refine?"

Qin Shu was stunned and asked, "Your old man?"

You Zijin nodded, "Yes, my old man's ability to refine weapons is not bad."

He touched his chin, "To be honest, he is on par with Master Yuezhi."

Even this sentence of being on par was a conservative statement.

The You family's ability to refine weapons is still independent, and they have their own unique techniques.

And... his old man's cultivation is not low.

Qin Shu's eyes lit up when she heard You Zijin's words, "Will your old man be willing to help?"

You Zijin patted his chest and agreed, "If it were someone else, it would be hard to say, but you are different, you are my master! The old man will definitely agree to help, Master, don't worry!"

Qin Shu naturally couldn't be completely assured, but what he said did provide him with a new direction.

If the master can't come out of retreat for a while, I can consider looking for other weapon refining masters.

You Zijin's grandfather is one of them. Because of You Zijin's relationship, the old man is likely to agree, but I don't know how the old man charges.

She asked You Zijin, and You Zijin shook his head, "I don't know either, or we can ask the old man first?"

Qin Shu agreed and asked him to help ask first.

You Zijin agreed and immediately took out the communication jade slip and sent a message to his old man.

Not long after, You Zijin's communication jade slip lit up, and Qin Shu's eyes also lit up.

You Zijin opened the communication jade slip and smiled, "It's a message from the old man!"

"Hurry up and see what he said!" Qin Shu hurriedly urged.

You Zijin clicked it and the smile on his face became even bigger. "Master, the old man promised to take a look for you first!"

At their level of cultivation, refining weapons also depends on fate. They have to see if Qin Shu can make the sword first.

In Qin Shu's view, since he agreed to take a look first, it means that he is at least halfway successful.

So, she hurriedly asked, "Where are we going to meet your grandfather?"

You Zijin thought about it and said, "We still have to go back. If we meet somewhere else, my grandfather promised to refine the sword for you, and he will have to go back in the end, so we can save trouble."

Qin Shu thought so too, so she agreed directly, "Then when do we set off?"

Seeing her impatient look, You Zijin said, "Or... now?"

Qin Shu was so satisfied with what he said!

This kid! He is really good at seeing!

"Let's go!"

The two hit it off, You Zijin took out his magic weapon and planned to fly back, but was carried over by Qin Shu.

"Let me give you a ride. You'll be waiting for who knows when at this speed." Qin Shu said with disdain.

You Zijin was not angry even though he was disdainful. He stood behind Qin Shu's sword, "Thank you, Master!"

This is better, and he doesn't have to fly by himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Shu shot out like an arrow from a bow.

You Zijin knew that she was very fast, but he had never experienced it himself. Now that he had flown out of the range of Xuantianmen in the blink of an eye, he began to understand why his master disliked his speed so much.

Qin Shu put a protective shield on each of them and asked You Zijin, "Which direction is your home?"

You Zijin: "..."

He pointed to a direction completely opposite to theirs at the moment, "Over there."

This time it was Qin Shu's turn to be silent, but the flying sword under her feet did not hesitate at all, and turned directly to fly over there.

The next step was much simpler. You Zijin pointed the way, and Qin Shu was only responsible for flying.

A day later, the two had already reached their destination.

This was a huge mountain, surrounded by a thin layer of mist.

This layer of mist isolated them from everything in the mountain. Qin Shu knew in her heart that this was not a thin mist at all, but a barrier set up by the You family.

You Zijin flipped his wrist, and a token appeared in front of him. He raised his hand and sent spiritual energy to it, and the black wooden token floated up.

The bright light on it gradually burned a hole in the mist. You Zijin put away the token with satisfaction, turned around and said to Qin Shu: "Master, please follow me."

Qin Shu followed him and passed through the big hole. The mist behind him began to slowly wriggle again, and it didn't take a moment for the mist to return to its original state.

Qin Shu looked at the mountain that appeared in front of her and asked You Zijin: "Where should we go next?"

"Leave?" You Zijin turned his head and looked at her, smiling and said, "Why do you want to leave? Master, don't worry, let's wait a little longer, someone will come to pick us up."

Qin Shu listened to him and stood still.

Sure enough, after a while, she suddenly felt a wave of vibration under the ground.

The next moment, two vines broke out of the ground without any warning.

Qin Shu almost cast a spell subconsciously, but she held back.

You Zijin seemed to have gotten used to the scene in front of him, and saw the two vines growing taller and taller, and finally two flower buds appeared on the vines.

Then, the flower bud slowly bloomed, and there were actually two cushions in the center of the flower bud.

You Zijin tiptoed and flew up first. After he sat firmly, he turned his face and called Qin Shu.

"Master, come up quickly!"

Qin Shu responded and flew up and sat on it.

After both of them sat firmly, the flower bud slowly closed again.

Perhaps worried that Qin Shu would do something surprising, You Zijin quickly sent her a message.

"Master, don't move. The bud is moving very fast. It's just afraid that we will fall out."

Qin Shu responded and actually found a comfortable position to sit down without moving.

About a quarter of an hour later, the bud opened again, and rows of magnificent garden buildings appeared in Qin Shu's vision.

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