I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1015 Tempering the Purple Sky White Jade Sword

Seventy-nine years were shortened to three years, which was good news for both of them.

Qin Shu didn't wait for Orochi's reply. She was a little disappointed, but not too surprised.

The big snake has been affected by the five declines of heaven and man, and may have fallen into a deep sleep now...

After taking a look at the sky, purple light flashed slightly in his eyes, he put away the jade slip of communication with his backhand, and walked lightly towards the gourd-shaped refining room with his toes.

When she arrived, the You family's grandfather and grandson had already arrived.

The housekeeper led a group of servants who were still making final preparations. Qin Shu stepped forward and saluted Mr. You, "Senior, is there anything else you need me to do?"

Mr. You shook his head, "You, you just need to adjust your mentality and control the flames later. Don't worry about anything else."

Qin Shu originally wanted to ask Mr. You what the probability of repairing his Zixiao White Jade Sword was, but then she thought about it. This would also put pressure on the old man invisibly. It would be better not to ask anything, and he would definitely do his best. And for.

After about a quarter of an hour, everyone in the weapon refining room evacuated, and the housekeeper stepped forward to report to them.

"Master, everything is ready."

Mr. You nodded slightly, turned away and looked at Qin Shu, and asked, "Shu'er, are you ready?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Ready."

Only then did Mr. You smile with satisfaction, raised his hand and hit the gourd-shaped protective shield outside the refining room with golden spiritual energy. Then he turned to Qin Shu and said, "Let's go in."

He took the lead and walked in, followed closely by Qin Shu.

The two figures had just entered the protective shield. There was a wave of water at the entrance, and they soon returned to their original state.

As soon as he entered the refining room, a strong water aura hit his face.

In the past, she had always felt that fire and water were incompatible, but she had never thought that one day water aura would become the key to successful weapon refining.

Mr. You came to the weapon refining table and glanced at Qin Shu. Qin Shu quickly presented the Zixiao White Jade Sword with both hands.

At this moment, Qin Shu felt the fluctuation from the Zixiao White Jade Sword for the first time.

A wave of emotion flowed into her consciousness along the palm of her hand, it was something called excitement.

It has been almost twenty years since the Zixiao White Jade Sword was in her hands. She rarely felt the emotions of the Zixiao White Jade Sword. The last time was during the trial at the Sword Tomb.

Time has passed for so long that she has almost forgotten that there is a weapon spirit in the Zixiao White Jade Sword...

She subconsciously used her spiritual energy to soothe the sword in her hand before handing it out.

Mr. You raised his hand, and a burst of spiritual energy hit the weapon refining table.

The originally icy blue weapon refining table suddenly started to fluctuate like running water. When the Zixiao White Jade Sword was placed in it, the whole surface seemed to be wrapped in the icy blue light.

Mr. You quickly made the seal with his hands, and did not forget to send a message to Qin Shu: "I will give an order later. You must put a drop of your blood into the sword as quickly as possible. Do you remember it?"

Qin Shu was startled, then nodded quickly, "Write it down."

I heard people say that high-level swords are made of flesh and blood, and the power contained in a drop of her blood is no less than that of hundreds of ordinary people.

Mr. You flipped his wrist, and four rock-mounting stones were placed at the four corners of the weapon refining table, as if he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to control the sword after it regained its power.

Immediately afterwards, he drove several more magic formulas into the mountain-holding stones. The moment he stopped his hand, Qin Shu could feel that the entire weapon refining table seemed to have become thicker, as if it had merged with the four mountain-holding stones. .

After doing all this, Qin Shu received his message, "Fire."

Qin Shu quickly sacrificed her earth's core fire, and Mr. You made a secret to drive the flame into the weapon refining table.

He did not directly use the fire of the core of the earth to temper the sword, but used his own flame to wrap the fire of the core of the earth. The fire of the core of the earth can burn through everything. When the fire of the core of the earth breaks free from the shackles of his own flame, The Zixiao White Jade Sword has been successfully preheated, and if it is tempered at a higher temperature, the effect will be better.

Qin Shu was inspired by his move. She had always used the fire from the center of the earth to temper directly. The tempering efficiency was very high, but if there was a flame with a slightly lower temperature, maybe... it would be different. Effect.

After she returns, she can try using the earth fire in the refining room to wrap the earth's core fire.

The fire in the center of the earth has been burning for more than a month, and the Zixiao White Jade Sword has not changed at all.

Qin Shu suddenly began to understand, no wonder... it takes seven, seven and forty-nine years to repair the Zixiao White Jade Sword. This sword is really too resistant to burning.

More than a month passed, and in the third month, the groove in the middle of the Zixiao White Jade Sword began to melt.

Qin Shu felt a little joyful in her heart, and her consciousness quietly glanced at Mr. You beside her, only to find that the look on his face was a little more solemn than at the beginning.

As smart as Qin Shu, she understood that the next step might be more difficult.

She quickly braced herself and heard Mr. You say again, "Increase the flames."

She quickly raised her hand to release the flames. The movements in Mr. You's hands were so fast that they were invisible to the naked eye. Qin Shu could barely see his movements clearly with her spiritual consciousness.

One after another magic formula was penetrated into it. When the spiritual energy fluctuations on the weapon refining table stabilized, he made a move and a handful of breath soil appeared in front of him.

He carefully controlled the air and spread it evenly on the groove in the middle of the Zixiao White Jade Sword. The light of the sword was instantly hidden by the air.

Grandpa You once again controlled the fire spirit to slowly wrap the entire sword with the fire of the earth's core. After doing all this, he raised his hand and touched the storage bracelet, and a huge three-layer purple gold treasure furnace appeared in front of them.

The originally stable and balanced spirit in the room suddenly fluctuated. Grandpa You pinched his fingers again, and when the spirit in the room was restored to balance again, he used the spirit to wrap the Zixiao White Jade Sword and carefully sent it into the purple gold treasure furnace.

When the lid of the treasure furnace was closed, Grandpa You was obviously relieved.

He raised his hand and pinched a cleaning spell to remove all the sweat on himself and Qin Shu, and then sent a voice message to Qin Shu: "You can relax a little next."

After hearing this, Qin Shu knew that they should have passed the first stage of refining the weapon, and then waited for the Xirang to be refined.

She looked at the three-layer treasure furnace in front of her, guessing that this should be the treasure that Grandpa You mentioned that can shorten the 7749 years needed to repair the sword to three years.

"Senior, how long will it take this time?" Qin Shu asked.

Grandpa You shook his head, "It's hard to say. This is my first time to refine Xirang, so I have to wait and see."

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