I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1020: This is not something you can say

What? A Taoist partner? Judging from her age, she is only a few years old, how come she has a Taoist partner? I have never heard her talk about it before...

When did her Taoist partner come? In the place where she passed the thunder tribulation? That place was smashed into a bottomless abyss by the thunder tribulation, how could she survive there?


Mr. You looked in the direction where Qin Shu left, and his expression gradually became solemn.

He knew that his idea was a bit outrageous, but there seemed to be no other explanation.

When Qin Shu flew halfway, she bumped into the Purple Sky White Jade Sword flying towards her.

The Purple Sky White Jade Sword is now very different from before. There are many mysterious patterns on it, and even the color is much clearer than before.

It flew up and down excitedly, and finally circled around Qin Shu.

Qin Shu's speed did not slow down at all, and she asked the Purple Jade Sword beside her: "Where is he?"

The Purple Jade Sword shook, making a crisp sound, and rushed to the bottom of the valley with a "whoosh".

Qin Shu followed closely behind, and after flying for a while, her sight was blocked by the mist at the bottom of the canyon.

Such a sudden heavy rain met the high temperature at the bottom of the valley, and a large piece of water mist formed at the bottom of the valley in an instant, which could not be dispersed for a while.

At this time, the Purple Jade Sword also stopped, and flew around Qin Shu obediently.

Qin Shu opened her consciousness and explored the surroundings. She was suddenly startled. A huge black figure coiled at the bottom of the valley seemed to be looming under the cover of white mist.

Qin Shu hurriedly fell to the ground. However, she had just passed through the milky white fog, and before she could get close, she saw the huge figure disappearing from her sight bit by bit...

This was the first time Qin Shu had seen such a big snake. His true form... was it so big?

Then what she had seen before...

Qin Shu looked up at the phantom that was about to dissipate, and murmured, "Big snake."

The breeze around seemed to sense something, slowly lifted her hair, and a small yellow flower floated from somewhere and landed in her hair.

The wind gradually rose, the fog around swirled up, and the rain in the sky fell again.

Qin Shu seemed to sense something, looked up at the sky, and saw a black thing falling from the sky.

She moved her mind, subconsciously reached out to catch it, and it was warm in her hand. At the same time, she was sure that the figure she saw in the clouds before was really Xie Shiyuan.

What fell into her hand was a scale as big as a pot lid, with spots of blood on it.

Qin Shu's heart tightened instantly. He... was injured?

Come to think of it, it was only three days after the fifteenth day, and I didn't know whether the five decays of the heavenly man this month had a serious impact on him.

He hadn't recovered for a few days, and he had to endure such a terrible thunder tribulation again.

Qin Shu took out the communication jade slip and saw that the column belonging to the big snake was still blank. Her lips gradually tightened. After thinking for a while, she sent him a message.

"Big snake, are you seriously injured?"

After waiting for a long time without receiving his reply, Qin Shu thought again and again, and found the column of Li Niang in the address book, sent her a message and asked: [Li Niang, is your master okay? ]

Since Qiyuan Mountain emerged from the sea, Li Niang has been sent to take charge of all matters of Qiyuan Mountain.

There are too many cultivators coming and going from Qiyuan Mountain, and she is busy every day.

Just now, she sent away the two quarreling cultivators, sat cross-legged and took a breath, and felt a fluctuation on the communication jade slip.

She took out the communication jade slip and found that it was sent by Madam.

She raised her eyebrows and looked a little surprised. Madam had rarely sent her messages in so many years, and she didn't know what it was this time.

She was also stunned when she opened it.

Lord? Are you okay?

This... she didn't know. In all conscience, she hadn't seen the Lord for almost eight years.

She thought about it, and replied with the communication jade slip: [What happened? Madam, I haven't seen the Lord for almost eight years, or I can help you find out? ]

Qin Shu also frowned when she received this message. Li Niang didn't know either, so what about Guo Chong and Su You?

She replied to Li Niang and asked her to help find out, and sent messages to Guo Chong and Su You to find out.

What she didn't expect was that except Li Niang, Guo Chong and Su You didn't reply to her.

Could it be that they were also in seclusion? It wouldn't be such a coincidence, right?

As the rain got heavier, Qin Shu also put up a protective shield on her body. In the mist, she looked like a glass lamp, and the raindrops splashed on it, creating a fluttering water butterfly.

She put away the jade slip, raised her hand to take the purple jade sword that had been floating in the air, and flew towards the You family.

Since the big snake had left, it was meaningless to stay here, so she should go back first.

When she went back, she saw that Mr. You was still waiting for her there.

Seeing Qin Shu coming back, Grandpa You hurriedly asked, "How is it? Did you find your Taoist partner?"

Qin Shu nodded, then frowned, "I only saw a little figure vaguely, and he disappeared."

Grandpa You: "..."

Qin Shu raised her head and met Grandpa You's unspeakable look. She was startled and heard Grandpa You's comfort, "Child, you are at the age when you are just beginning to fall in love. It doesn't matter if he avoids you now, he will regret it in the future..."

Qin Shu: "?"

Why do I feel something is wrong the more I listen?

Could it be that... Mr. You thinks he is just wishful thinking? Even becoming a Taoist couple has a hidden story?

She helplessly held her forehead with her hand. How could a smooth process be turned into a big drama?

"Senior, it's not what you think. He must be injured and afraid that I will worry..." Qin Shu made a reasonable guess.

However, in the eyes of Mr. You, it was Qin Shu who kept making up for her face.

He gave Qin Shu a look that the old man understood, and then continued: "Let's go back first. It's raining so hard, maybe he is looking for a place to hide from the rain? It's not that I don't want to see you. When the weather clears up in the future, I will ask someone to go to the Seven Killing Pavilion to issue a reward and help you find it."

Qin Shu: "..."

This old man is the old boss of the Seven Killing Pavilion. He said that he would go to the Seven Killing Pavilion to issue a reward, and he might really issue it.

Qin Shu said quickly, "No, no, no, senior, let's go back first and talk about the rest later."

Grandpa You gave her a loving look, "Good child, go back first. You are young and have little experience, and you don't know that there are many good men in the world. If it doesn't work, our Zijin..."

Qin Shu was overwhelmed when she heard him say this, and quickly stopped his dangerous idea.

"Senior, this is not allowed, I am Zijin's master."

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