I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1022 It's time to split the bracelet

It turned out to be for the master.

You Zijin accepted the jade pendant and said goodbye to his grandfather again.

He was exhausted when he came here, but he felt much more comfortable when he returned.

The housekeeper specially prepared a carriage, which was fast and very stable, so he could lie down all the way back to Xuantianmen safely.

However, when he returned to the sect, he found that his master was not in the sect.

He asked the senior brothers and sisters in the sect, and no one had seen his master.

It can be seen... she didn't come back at all.

You Zijin weighed the jade pendant in his hand. Why did he suddenly feel like he couldn't give it away?

If he really couldn't give it away, it was also his master's bad luck.

Their Qisha Pavilion has a strong information network in the world of immortal cultivation.

He took out the communication jade slip and sent a message to Qin Shu, and then returned to the cave by himself.

According to his understanding of his master, she would not come back for a while.

He could take this opportunity to think about the seal-making technique.

For three years, he felt that he was just one step away from mastering it completely, but he was just a little bit short every time.

If an observer saw it, his seal-making technique was almost exactly the same as his master's, but only he knew that his technique was actually a little bit short.

He sat cross-legged in the courtyard, repeatedly making seals while recalling his master's seal-making technique in his mind.

His fingertips adjusted slightly, and the spiritual energy input was slow and fast...

Finally, he felt that he was almost successful.

At this moment, he suddenly got excited, and the spiritual energy input stagnated for a moment.

The mark that originally appeared in his hand also burst because of the lack of spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy flowing around cut off half of his bangs and two of his sleeves, and even the hem of his clothes disappeared.

You Zijin looked down at his embarrassed appearance, and shook his head with a helpless smile.

He still had to calm down. He was a little too impetuous compared to his master.

He could not figure out how his master could be so calm at such a young age.

Qin Shu did not know what happened to her little disciple. She did not go to Xuantian Gate after returning from You's house, but went directly to Chongtian Palace.

Her mother and Duoduo were both in Chongtian Palace, so she had to go and see them.

As for the big snake, Li Niang did not tell her anything.

It seemed that such a big snake disappeared out of thin air, and no one knew its whereabouts?

Qin Shu used the shielding of the sky to try to calculate the position of the big snake, but when a little black and gray demonic energy appeared in her field of vision, she was lifted out by a black shadow.

Since neither connections nor metaphysics were useful, Qin Shu had no choice but to wait.

She returned to Chongtian Palace and started refining Qingyuan Pills for a few days. The medicine inventory of Chongtian Palace suddenly became abundant again.

On the fifth day of her retreat to refine pills, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Shu frowned. Everyone in Chongtian Palace knew that she was afraid of being disturbed when she was in retreat. Who could it be at this time?

Her spiritual sense probed out, and when she saw the person outside the door clearly...


The lid of the purple gold alchemy furnace flew straight to the roof and embedded on the beam in the middle of the roof.

Qin Shu didn't care about cleaning up the mess, and hurriedly walked out of the house.

When her hand touched the door, she seemed to think of something, raised her hand to pinch herself the cleaning spell, and re-tied her slightly curly hair, then opened the door and showed a smile.

"Are you back?" Qin Shu said.

Standing outside the door was Xie Shiyuan. He heard everything that happened in the room just now and also used his spiritual sense to check it out.

He naturally knew what happened inside, but seeing her now acting as if nothing had happened, he couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, I just came back."

Qin Shu sighed, "You keep losing contact, which is really worrying."

Xie Shiyuan shook his head, "I'm fine. If there is something wrong, your spirit can sense it. In order to suppress the influence of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, I have been sleeping before."

After he explained this, Qin Shu could understand.


"By the way, after the Purple Sky White Jade Sword was successfully repaired, did you help to overcome those thunder tribulations?" Qin Shu asked.

Although she had already confirmed 90% in her heart, she still wanted to see Xie Shiyuan nod in person.

As expected, Xie Shiyuan nodded.

His dark golden eyes looked at Qin Shu, his eyes were extremely gentle, "I need this sword to help me split the shackles, so its repair must also be successful."

This was what Qin Shu expected. She looked at Xie Shiyuan and asked again: "Why did you disappear without even a glance when I followed the Purple Sky White Jade Sword?"

Xie Shiyuan raised his hand, and a small yellow flower appeared in his hand. He gently inserted it into Qin Shu's hair.

"I wanted to do this before, but my clone couldn't hold on until you came." His posture was very relaxed, but his expression was very regretful.

Qin Shu was startled, and only felt that the half of her head with the flower was heavy.

She came back to her senses, looked up at Xie Shiyuan's eyes, and asked again: "By the way, what's the matter with this thunder tribulation? Why are there more than ninety? Isn't it ninety-nine eighty-one at most?"

Xie Shiyuan nodded, "Well, someone is cheating."

"Playing tricks?" Qin Shu widened her eyes and looked up at the sky.

There was nothing in the cloudless sky, but she couldn't help but think of conspiracy theories.

"Could it be... someone doesn't want the Purple Sky White Jade Sword to be repaired successfully?"

This thought just came up and she couldn't hold it back any longer, "Someone must know that you want to use the Purple Sky White Jade Sword to break the shackles, so they deliberately want to destroy the Purple Sky White Jade Sword!"

Qin Shu was talking excitedly, and when she turned her head, she saw Xie Shiyuan's smiling face.

He was born with a very good appearance. He didn't like to smile in the past, and his face always gave people a feeling of keeping people away from him.

Now he is smiling like a flower, which really makes people a little uncomfortable.

"What? Am I right?" Qin Shu asked.

Xie Shiyuan nodded slightly, "Yes, that's what you guessed."

He said it so lightly, which made Qin Shu a little uncertain.


Xie Shiyuan still nodded, Qin Shu crossed her arms with one hand and touched her chin with the other, "So... Big Snake, are those who don't want you to go back the gods?"

Xie Shiyuan always answered all of Qin Shu's questions.

"It's them."

Qin Shu was very satisfied, she nodded slightly, and then continued: "Now that the Purple Sky White Jade Sword has been successfully repaired, it's time for us to split your bracelet."

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