I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1035 He only wants to enter reincarnation

Hei Wuchang's hands trembled, and he almost lost his grip on the chain and dropped it to the ground.

However, Bai Wuchang quickly picked it up with quick eyes and hands, and the collision of the chains made a dull sound.

Hei Wuchang looked at Bai Wuchang in confusion, and Bai Wuchang was so angry that his green eyes almost popped out of their frames, "Are you confused when you were on duty? This is King Qin! Why don't you use chains when you go up?!"

Hei Wuchang lowered his head in shame and didn't say a word from beginning to end.

In the end, Bai Wuchang came over and apologized, asking her not to argue with Hei Wuchang.

This looks really like the old employees who led the new ones in the workplace in the previous life.

If one person gets into trouble, the seniors will get into trouble together.

Naturally, Qin Shu would not care about this with them. She came here for business.

Therefore, she waved her hand directly, "It doesn't matter."

As soon as these two words came out, Bai Wuchang was obviously relieved and said to Qin Shu: "We will take you to see the King of Hell and Judge Cui right now."

Qin Shu shook her head, "There's no hurry."

When she said she was not in a hurry, Bai Wuchang became anxious again.

"I'll take care of him when we get back, don't be angry..."

Qin Shu quickly interrupted him and said: "I'm not angry, didn't I just happen to meet you? I'm going to send a soul to reincarnation, and I thought you two should get acquainted with your business, or get this matter done first. ?”

When Bai Wuchang mentioned something else to her, he knew that she had a lot of money and really didn't intend to argue with that idiot Hei Wuchang.

He also said seriously: "It's just to send a soul into reincarnation. There is no need for you to go there in person. I will do it for you."

Qin Shu shook her head and rejected him, "I'll go by myself. This person has some connections with me, so I have to give her a ride myself."

Bai Wuchang thought for a while, pointed to the arch bridge not far away hidden in the misty ghost atmosphere, and said, "Then we have to let him walk across the Naihe Bridge."

Only those who have the ability to walk on Naihe Bridge, drink Meng Po Soup, and retain some memories can become ghost cultivators.

"If he still has memories after walking over, he is a chosen ghost cultivator who can go to Fengdu with us."

Qin Shu shook her head, "This person is in a special situation. He just wants to enter reincarnation."

Bai Wuchang was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He has been a ghost errand for so many years. Although this kind of situation is not common, it does happen.

"If you can speak to Judge Cui, I will help you check to see if I can find a good life for this person."

Qin Shu also thought so, "He was originally destined to be an immortal, but now that he has entered the mortal world, he must have a very good destiny. But I still want to see it for him in person. He has helped me a lot in this life, and I also want to help him in the end." A handful."

Although the two of them had never met, the other party's corpse oil really helped her a lot.

Bai Wuchang led Qin Shu to the Naihe Bridge. The soul must walk across this bridge on its own, and no other ghosts can do it for them.

Even if they are related households, they can only go to Naihe Bridge and take out the soul-nurturing jade pendant to release that person's soul.

This person's soul has always been in the soul-nurturing jade pendant, but as time goes by, the degree of solidification of the soul cannot be compared to the new soul.

But when he stepped into the ghost energy, his soul suddenly became solid.

Qin Shu also saw the real face of this person for the first time. He was a middle-aged man with his eyes closed and an expressionless face.

It was as if everything in the world was no longer worthy of his gaze. No wonder he was obsessed with reincarnation.

Naihe Bridge has a natural attraction for souls. Even with his eyes closed, he now accurately stepped on the steps of Naihe Bridge.

There are still hundreds of ghosts lining up on the Naihe Bridge. Some are hesitating before their fate is over, while others are flowing forward with confusion on their faces.

Only this one, as if his goal was very clear, raised his feet and walked quickly towards Po Meng.

Po Meng looks like a woman in her thirties, but to be on duty here, her cultivation is at least on the level of a ghost official.

The middle-aged man had a lot of cultivation before he died, and he lived a long time. His soul was much stronger than the souls in the mortal world.

Because of this, when he came to Mrs. Meng, his memory had almost no loss.

Po Meng could tell the aura on his body with just one glance.

Integrated, not loose or loose, this is an excellent material for cultivating ghosts before the Qi has dispersed.

Nowadays, there are more souls in the ghost world, and their selection of people is much stricter than before. It is rare to meet someone with such a solid aura, and even Po Meng has begun to cherish talents.

She glanced at the man in front of her and said bluntly: "If your breath doesn't dissipate, you can turn into a ghost."

The man directly rejected her kindness without even thinking, "No need."

Po Meng looked at him curiously and saw that he had not even opened his eyes.

Seeing this, she understood and sighed, "That's all, let's just drink a bowl of soup."

Qin Shu was far away, but she could still clearly see the turbid Meng Po soup.

"Drink Meng Po soup, and you will be a muddy person in the next life. You will not be afraid of your soul when you die, and you will not be afraid of your next life."

Her slow tone sounded slowly, and the male cultivator directly picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

However, his soul was too solidified, and a bowl of Meng Po soup still couldn't disperse the energy in his body.

Just like that, he stood on the Naihe Bridge and drank eight bowls without hesitation.

The anger in his body began to dissipate. At this time, a smile finally appeared on his lips, and he murmured: "It's bitter..."

Before he finished speaking, the energy in his body suddenly released, and his eyes slowly opened.

Looking at him again, he was no different from the surrounding souls.

Meng Po took the bowl back and cursed, "You are spreading rumors before we leave. My Meng Po soup is obviously sweet! You actually said it was bitter. If you scare those little ghosts behind, I don't know how many more changes you will have to make tonight."

Qin Shu watched the tall figure gradually merge into the countless souls on the other side of the bridge. Although their steps were slow, no one looked back.

Qin Shu didn't know what this senior had experienced. He voluntarily offered his body and now voluntarily drank Meng Po soup.

But she could also see his determination. He had completely said goodbye to this life.

Qin Shu thought of the Book of Life and Death in her hand. Unfortunately, the Book of Life and Death could not see the cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation. She still couldn't know what he had experienced in this life.

She sighed and looked at the Black and White Impermanence beside her, "Let's go, let's go see the King of Hell."

The Black and White Impermanence looked at each other and quickly agreed. They took out a piece of paper money and turned it into a flying magic weapon, and took Qin Shu to the King of Hell's Palace.

They both knew that if the soul of the male cultivator just now really turned into a ghost cultivator, he would definitely be a very powerful existence. Perhaps even the two of them who have been diligently accumulating wishes for many years here still cannot compare to him.

It's a pity that the man is determined to reincarnate, otherwise he can probably become a ghost messenger.

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