I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1039 Can other people’s sea of ​​consciousness nourish their souls?

There were still ten days before July 15th, so the King of Hell asked Qin Shu to stay in Fengdu City first, and she could also wander around.

Qin Shu only stayed around for half a day. She tasted some special snacks in Fengdu City and went to the Nishang Pavilion here before returning.

The King of Hell looked at her and asked in surprise: "Why are you back so soon?"

Although Fengdu City may not be as lively as the cities in the world of cultivating immortals, this city has been built for tens of thousands of years and has housed countless ghost cultivators. Compared with the cities in the world of cultivating immortals, it has its own characteristics.

Qin Shu doesn't have that much free time. For her, cultivation is the most important thing.

In the past, I couldn't find anyone in the world of cultivating immortals to show me how to cultivate my soul. Now I've come to the ghost world and met the ready-made power of the King of Hell. Why don't you hurry up and ask?

"Senior, do you know how to temper your soul?"

As soon as Qin Shu said these words, the King of Hell was also stunned, "Tempering the soul?"

Qin Shu nodded. Before that, she had learned from the "Soul-nurturing Technique" that she had accidentally obtained. But later, after she tempered a branch of the soul, she wanted to refine a second branch of the soul, which seemed to be impossible. Not so easy anymore.

But the effect of having multiple souls is also significant. For example, she now has two soul villains in her consciousness. If she can perform three functions at the same time, she can do more things at the same time.

But then, I heard the King of Hell say: "The soul must be cultivated, where can it be tempered?"

Qin Shu: "?"

Has she already tempered her soul? It can be seen that this tempering method is also useful.

Seeing the astonishment on Qin Shu's face, the King of Hell also sighed and told her in detail: "The soul is very fragile. If it is generally cultivated, the richer the soul is cultivated, the more ghost magic can be used. The more.”

Qin Shu heard him say it was normal... then her situation should be a special one.

After a little analysis in her mind, she roughly understood.

No wonder her soul can no longer temper a second split soul. It should be that the original soul has been completely squeezed out. Now if she wants to split another soul, she has to cultivate the soul again.

"Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts, but how to cultivate the soul?"

Qin Shu suddenly thought of the magic core she had absorbed. The substance in it seemed to be very useful to her soul.

But this is just like taking a pill, it is still a foreign object. It would be great if you could learn how to cultivate it yourself.

The King of Hell thought for a while and said: "I teach a simple method of cultivating the soul, and I practice it while meditating."

Qin Shu quickly cupped her fists and thanked her, "Thank you, senior!"

The King of Hell sat on the ground in the courtyard in front of Qin Shu, and Qin Shu also sat down beside him.

Then I heard the King of Hell say: "Be calm and break free when you are about to enter concentration..."

Qin Shu listened to his explanation and followed his instructions.

In the end, she really discovered that according to the method of the King of Hell, her two souls walked out of the Consciousness Mansion and entered the Consciousness Sea.

It turns out that the best place to nourish the soul is the sea of ​​consciousness.

I don’t know... can other people’s consciousness nourish my soul?

As soon as this idea came up, Qin Shu quickly suppressed it.

Practice well and don’t have any thoughts that you shouldn’t have for now.

Her practice is really endless.

The King of Hell originally thought that she was just learning a technique, but he didn't expect that she would just meditate on the spot for half a month. Seeing that July 15th was coming, he was really shocked.

Soon, in the evening, Judge Cui came to see someone.

"What about her?"

The King of Hell led him into the courtyard and raised his chin at the figure in the courtyard, "Na!"

Judge Cui paused, looked at Qin Shu and asked in surprise: "What is she doing?"

It is said that what Qin Shu entered into the ghost world was only her soul body. Without a physical body, she could not practice or exercise. What was she doing?

"Nursing the soul."

Judge Cui clicked his tongue twice, "You are quite diligent."

The King of Hell shook his head, "That's quite diligent. She has been practicing for half a month."

Very few people in the ghost world spend such a long time raising their souls. They mainly rely on their wish power to improve their cultivation. If they have the time to do some work and accumulate more wish stones, wouldn't it be better than anything else?

Judge Cui had admiration in his eyes, but he said expressionlessly: "Tomorrow will be fifteen, so wake her up."

The King of Hell responded, moved, and fell asleep again.

Qin Shu opened her eyes, looked at the two seniors standing in front of her, and blinked.

"What day is it today?" Qin Shu asked.

Judge Cui put his hands behind his back and looked down at her with burning eyes, "July 14th."

Qin Shu quickly stood up and said, "Today, the gate of hell is going to open?"

"Yeah." Judge Cui nodded slightly.

Qin Shu was a little excited, "Could it be that... that one also wants to go out?"

The King of Hell shook his head, "No, the gate of hell opens every year, and he goes to the mortal world. He was a monk before, and he has no worries in the mortal world..."

At this point, he suddenly felt that he couldn't speak too absolutely, so he added: "I guess... we don't care anymore, right? Even if there is concern, after fifteen hundred years, it should return to dust and return to dust." ”

Qin Shu thought so. She touched her chin and thought for a moment, and suddenly an idea came to her.

"I understand!"

The King of Hell and Judge Cui looked at her at the same time, Qin Shu said: "According to what you said, the paper money and incense candles burned in the world are all the power of wishes. Those souls who open the gate of hell and go to the mortal world will definitely come back with a full harvest. When the time comes, he will return Grab a wave..."

The King of Hell and Judge Cui were silent at the same time. This female cultivator was much smarter than they thought.

According to the clues they found in the past thousand years, that person really did it.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Qin Shu continued: "If my guess is true, after fifteen hundred years, the power of his wish... I'm afraid it's terrifying?"

The King of Hell sighed, "You are really smart, maybe you guessed right, he did rob many souls before."

To return to the ghost world, you must pass through the Wangchuan.

But Wangchuan must take a ferry, he doesn't even need to go to the mortal world, he just needs to wait by the Wangchuan.

Qin Shu turned her head and looked at Judge Cui, who was standing next to the King of Hell, but whose face was darker than the King of Hell. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "Is this the legendary mantis stalking the cicada while the oriole is behind?"

The King of Hell sent the two of them out the door and told them: "Be careful and protect yourself first."

Today is the day when the gates of hell are opened. He has to stay in the King of Hell's Hall. If there is any trouble, so many ghosts will stay in the world, which will really cause a big trouble.

If not for this, he would have followed Old Cui in person to meet that troublemaker.

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