I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1063 Let him take you to see

Seeing that she recognized him, Qin Shu also grinned, "Ah Ling has good eyesight!"

Ah Ling felt a wave of spiritual energy around her, as if a protective shield had been put up. She looked around, and when she raised her head, she found that the shape-changing spell on Qin Shu's body gradually dissipated, and her original appearance began to change. Little by little it emerged.

She looked much older than before, and she was taller. Some traces of her past could still be seen in her appearance, but her brows were a bit more determined than before.

"I haven't seen you for many years, and you've grown up too." Ah Ling said with emotion.

Qin Shu smiled and said, "Ah Ling is exactly the same as before."

The same appearance, the same kind heart, but his strength is much more powerful than when they first met.

Ah Ling turned away and glanced at the guards kneeling on the ground, and said with emotion: "It's only been more than twenty years, but your cultivation has already advanced to such an extent."

Qin Shu smiled and said something modestly, and Ah Ling asked again: "Shu Shu, what do you plan to do with them?"

Qin Shu shrugged, "Of course I will send it back to the Lord of the City."

Ah Ling frowned, "City Lord? They are the people sent by the City Lord. We will send them back..."

Qin Shu looked at her, "What if the city lord doesn't know about it?"

Ah Ling didn't say anything, and Qin Shu continued: "I'll just go back and take them with me later."

Ah Ling nodded, looked at Qin Shu again, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Qin Shu showed her the fishing rod in her hand, "Actually, I'm really here to fish."

Ah Ling didn't know whether she believed it or not, so Qin Shu asked her again: "How long have you been here?"

Ah Ling thought for a while, "It's been almost a year, and I've been going here and there over the years. I came to this small fishing village a year ago and felt that the people here were simple and honest, so I stayed here for a little longer."

Qin Shu asked again: "Have you ever seen anyone salvage any fragments from the sea?"

"Fragments?" Ah Ling frowned slightly and shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

Qin Shu sighed silently in her heart, but she always knew that collecting the fragments was not that simple.

After bidding farewell to Ah Ling, she went to the beach alone to find a suitable place to fish.

She came here to fish for two purposes. One was to inquire here to see if anyone knew the whereabouts of the black fragments; the other was to see if the sea here would also be polluted by demonic energy. .

She sat here all morning and still no fish took the bait.

Ah Ling stepped on the rocks and looked for it, "How can you catch fish with an empty hook?"

Qin Shu turned her head and raised a smile at her, "How can I be considered an empty hook?"

Ah Ling was stunned for a moment, then checked carefully and found that there was something on Qin Shu's fishhook.

There was a ball of spiritual energy hanging on her hook, which was light purple. There were many fish surrounding it but they did not dare to come forward.

"Qin Shu, I just asked you in the village. Someone did find a black fragment, but it seemed to be of no use. Just in time for someone to buy it in Linxian City, they gave it away half-sold and half-gifted. "

Ah Ling's words matched those of the businessman in the city, which showed that the shopkeeper didn't lie either.

"Do you know where they were found?"

"I brought that man here. If you are interested, I can ask him to take you to see him?" Ah Ling said.

Qin Shu suddenly felt excited and was about to get up when her fishhook suddenly moved. Qin Shu quickly put it away and saw a big fish bite the hook.

Qin Shu laughed and said, "I really caught a fish."

She fired a ball of spiritual energy and pulled out the big fish at the end of the fishing rod.

It was a fourth-level fish demon. Looking at its scarlet eyes, Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice.

Her guess was indeed correct. Although there was no demonic erosion around here, the fish in the sea could swim.

She cast out a spell and hit the fish demon's head directly, piercing it.

She casually took out a rope and strung the fish together, then stood up with it.

"A Ling, are we going now?"

Ah Ling glanced at the fish in her hand, then nodded, and led Qin Shu up to the shore along the rocks.

A young man was standing on the roadside waiting for them. When he saw them approaching, he quickly greeted them, "Miss A Ling, my benefactor."

Qin Shu was startled, then realized belatedly that the benefactor he mentioned was actually herself.

Ah Ling nodded slightly, "Where did you catch the fragments before? Please tell Fellow Daoist Qin carefully."

"Yes, yes." The young man looked at Qin Shu with eager eyes. People always naturally worship the strong.

He told all about where he went to the sea, when he cast the net, what fish he caught, and which fish's belly he took out the black fragments from.

Qin Shu wrote it down, "Can you take me to the sea to see it?"

"Why not? Senior, are you going now?" the young man asked slightly excitedly.

Qin Shu nodded, "Yes."

"Wait a moment, I'll row the boat out right away."

After getting on the boat, we gradually got farther and farther away from the shore.

The young monk then curiously asked, "Senior, what kind of cultivation are you doing? Just now I saw that so many of them couldn't hurt you at all."

Qin Shu glanced at him and didn't answer.

Perhaps realizing that he was a little offended, the young monk quickly lowered his head and touched his nose, "It's me who talks too much."

The coastline gradually disappeared before their eyes. Qin Shu subconsciously opened Kunpeng's domain and closed her eyes to practice.

The monk did not dare to say much, and after an unknown amount of time, the voice of the young monk was heard again.

"Senior, we are here. I caught the fish here."

Qin Shu opened her eyes and looked around.

The sea has a characteristic that it is almost the same everywhere. She could hardly tell the direction.

"Did you pick up the three pieces here?"

"Yes, all here. I cast the net and caught about ten fish, but only three fish had black pieces in their stomachs."

Qin Shu asked again, "What is the difference between these three fish and other fish?"

The man squinted his eyes and recalled for a moment before saying, "It seems... a little more ferocious than other fish, but our fishing net is also a magic weapon after all. There are at least four monks on a boat, and they were successfully caught."

What he said made Qin Shu a little confused.

When they were in Nanzhou, the spiritual plants that swallowed the fragments were more difficult to deal with than each other. Why did they seem to be much weaker after being swallowed by the fish?

Qin Shu was somewhat puzzled, but the young man in front of him obviously could not help him solve his puzzlement.

Qin Shu stood up, looked at the deep blue sea in front of him, turned his head and said to the young man beside him, "I'll go down and take a look, you go back first."

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