I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1065: Topic Prediction

When the housekeeper heard this, he was even more eager to ask for it, and the smile on his face became even bigger, "Please come in."

Qin Shu glanced at the sea monster following her and motioned for her to follow.

The group of people had just entered the City Lord's Mansion, when He Xin and Akabane squeezed out of the crowd.

Seeing that he didn't join in the fun, He Xin looked regretful, but he still didn't forget to ask the other monks around him, "Fellow Taoist, what happened here just now? Why are there so many people here?"

It happened that the person next to her was also a gossip, and when she asked about it, he told her everything like he was pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

"You came too late and didn't see that someone just went fishing and captured a bunch of guards from the City Lord's Mansion. Not only that, she also brought people to the City Lord's Mansion to look for trouble. No, she was invited in by the steward of the City Lord's Mansion."

"Fishing?" At this moment, He Xin suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Yes, she just went fishing, a female cultivator..."

Before this person finished speaking, He Xin had already turned his head to look at Little Senior Sister Akabane.

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

After leaving, He Xin looked at Akabane next to her and said to her, "Why do I think the person she was talking about is Shu Shu?"

Akabane nodded in agreement, "To be honest, I also have this illusion."

He Xin shook his head, "No, maybe it's not an illusion. This does seem like something she can do. Have you forgotten? What did she say she was going to do this morning?"

Akabane folded his arms and slowly raised his head to meet her eyes. They both said at the same time: "Fishing."

He Xin frowned. In order to verify her guess, she sent a message to Qin Shu.

But obviously, Qin Shu doesn't have time to reply to her yet.

Akabane's expression was as usual, "Don't worry too much, she has tempered her body to the Hunyuan realm, and with her body skills, if she wants to leave, no one can hurt her,"

He Xin's expression softened after being persuaded by her.

Akabane continued: "In addition, she is also a high-level alchemist. Have you forgotten why the city lord's palace summoned high-level alchemists here?"

When she mentioned this, He Xin was completely relieved.

"Okay, let's go back. I think she doesn't need our help."

When the two left, Qin Shu had been invited to the main room by the steward of the city lord's palace.

"Fellow Taoist, I wonder what the guards of our city lord's palace did outside to anger you?"

The manager's attitude was very good, and Qin Shu also discussed matters with him.

"Senior, I went to a nearby fishing village today, and I happened to run into these guards from your house. They arrested me and wanted the magic weapon in my hand. If that's all, they The entire fishing village was looted, even the inner elixir of the first-order sea monster was not spared. I thought, how could our city lord be so generous and allow his guards to do such filthy things? What is the difference between this bully? ? After thinking about it, I simply brought him back to you."

As soon as Qin Shu finished speaking, the steward's expression changed.

He glared at the guards with a sullen face, and then raised his hands to Qin Shu, "Thanks to my fellow Taoist for today. If you hadn't been able to distinguish right from wrong, I'm afraid our city lord would have been tarnished by these beasts because of his generous life."

Qin Shu waved her hand, "These are all trivial matters, and I just happened to meet them."

The steward glanced at the servants beside him and said, "Hurry and prepare a generous gift!"

Qin Shu quickly interrupted him, "Senior, forget about the generous gift. I have something to ask you. I wonder if I can..."

The steward said seriously: "If you have any questions, just ask, but I will tell you anything I can."

Qin Shu nodded and smiled, "It's not a big deal. I just heard that the city lord's palace was going to hold an elixir refining conference, and the elixir was to be refined to increase longevity. I'm a little confused, why don't you just buy the spiritual stone directly? Where is the Shouyuan Pill? If not mentioned elsewhere, it must be available in Nishang Pavilion."

When the steward saw her like this, he knew that she had guessed something, but there were some things that even though everyone knew, they couldn't explain clearly.

He sighed and said to Qin Shu: "Most of the longevity-increasing pills in this world are only effective the first time you take them... You are so smart, you should understand what I mean."

Qin Shu thought for a while and then asked: "Senior, can you tell me the pills you have bought?"

The steward thought seriously for a long time and did not dare to tell others about the elixir that his city lord had taken. He was obviously in a dilemma.

Qin Shu also saw it, and she simply stated her purpose of coming, "Senior, I am an alchemist. To be honest, I came here for the "Spiritual Power Maintenance Method". If you can know that the city lord has taken some I can prepare any elixirs in advance and choose what I want."

If you want to do what you want, the current City Lord's Mansion only likes the method of increasing longevity. What she said...doesn't it mean that she also has several recipes in her hand?

The steward was a little moved, but when it came to the city lord, he didn't dare to make the decision at will. Finally, he frowned and said, "Fellow Taoist, can you wait for me for a moment? I'll ask the city lord for instructions?"

Qin Shu nodded in agreement. Before the exam, she thought of a way to solve the questions. Now that people are willing to ask more questions for her, what else is she dissatisfied with?

Not long after the steward left, he came back.

Qin Shu looked at the joy on his face and knew that what she asked this time should be almost the same.

Sure enough, I heard the steward say: "The city lord agreed! Wait for me to write down those elixirs."

When Qin Shu left, there was already a jade slip in the storage bracelet, on which were written the names of the pills that the city lord had taken.

Some of the less popular pills had annotations next to them.

Qin Shu just glanced at it and looked numb.

He had taken so many pills, but his cultivation had not improved... He really didn't want to work hard at all!

When they came out of the city lord's mansion, the sky had turned pale, and the people waiting outside the city lord's mansion to watch the excitement had also dispersed.

Qin Shu and the fish demon came out of the city lord's mansion and saw only small vendors setting up stalls at the street corner.

The fish demon glanced at Qin Shu, "You humans are really interesting."

Qin Shu was puzzled, "Why do you suddenly have this feeling?"

The fish demon shook his head, "If it were our demons today, we would have to fight to settle it. Now that others have come to our door, how can we admit defeat?"

Qin Shu laughed, "Girls, how bad is it to always fight and kill? Sometimes, we still have to convince people with reason."

The fish demon frowned and wanted to refute her, but her simple language ability could not find words to convince the other party.

If Wen Chi heard what Qin Shu said, he would definitely laugh at her.

What's wrong with girls fighting and killing? She went to practice iron head skills? Practice swords? Find people to learn from all day?

This is a bit too double standard.

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