I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 107: Asking for a Title

Qin Shu left the sect and ran all the way there. She had two bottles of body-refining pills made by her second senior brother in her storage ring.

She had guessed the difficulties and obstacles she might encounter on the road, but there was only one thing she really didn't expect.

She never dreamed that the speed cloth shoes on her feet would be broken by her running.

She bent down to pick up the soles of the shoes that had run away and sighed deeply.

"The family that was not rich to begin with will be worse off."

Without shoes to wear, she simply went barefoot. The rugged mountain road was a bit painful? No problem, just treat it as a foot massage.

After walking on the mountain road for who knows how many days, a small market appeared in front of Qin Shu. Most of the people here sold local specialties. Qin Shu finally found a shoe seller and hurried over.

"Auntie, how much do you sell these shoes for?"

The old lady was hunched over with a scarf wrapped around her head.

Hearing Qin Shu's voice, she raised her head and looked at the little person in front of her. The smile on her face looked weird.

Qin Shu's heart skipped a beat, and the Du'e technique also turned twice, but she did not feel any sense of crisis.

Just when Qin Shu had just stabilized her emotions, the curve of the corners of the lips of the lady in front of her deepened again, and her slender eyes narrowed, seeming very happy.

Qin Shu frowned and was about to leave when she saw the lady in front of her speak. Her voice was very sharp and seemed a little inconsistent with her age.

"Little fairy, do you think I look like a human being?"

Qin Shu was stunned. In a flash, she suddenly thought of the legend that had been circulating among the people for a long time.

This... isn't this asking for a title?

She thought for a moment and said carefully: "I think you look like a fairy."

The lady in front of her was even happier when she heard this. A red light flashed on her body. Qin Shu squinted her eyes subconsciously. When she opened her eyes again, she saw that there was no lady in front of her. Instead, there was a girl in a pink dress.

Her eyebrows were slender and raised, her eyes were smart, and her skin was white. She bowed to Qin Shu, "Thank you for your help, fairy."

After that, she handed all the shoes in her hand to Qin Shu, "Fairy, these shoes are all for you."

Qin Shu was a little happy. So many shoes were enough for her to cause trouble for a long time.

She wanted to give the girl spirit stones, but was rejected by the girl, "You helped me, and these shoes should be given to you. Please don't refuse."

Qin Shu could feel that these shoes were the most ordinary shoes, and they were not as effective as her previous pair of speed cloth shoes.

She accepted it, "Thank you for the shoes, fairy."

She took out a pair of shoes and put them on, then turned to say goodbye to the girl, but she didn't expect that the girl had been following her.

She looked around and found that the people in the town looked at the girl with envy.

Qin Shu suddenly had a guess in her mind, could it be... these people are here to ask for a title?

This is not an ordinary town, it is probably a gathering place for monsters.

After walking for a long time, the sky gradually darkened, and Qin Shu turned around and looked at the woman who had been following her.

"Fairy, where are you going?"

The pink-dressed woman came forward and said to Qin Shu: "Don't call me fairy, fairy, my real name is Que Qian, I am a spirit fox who has practiced for thousands of years in Zinan Mountain. If it weren't for you, the fairy, today, I don't know when I can transform into a human form."

Que Qian? Short of money?

The name given to this spirit fox by her parents is really simple and unpretentious.

However, there was one thing Qin Shu didn't quite understand, "You've already reached the transformation stage at such a young age?"

Que Qian laughed when she heard what she said, "If you really have reached the transformation stage, why would you come to ask for a title?"

Seeing Qin Shu's puzzled look, she explained, "We foxes can come out to ask for a title after practicing for a while. If we get help from a destined person, we can transform into a human form, and the speed of practice will be much faster."

After that, she bowed to Qin Shu again, "I'm really lucky today. I met a fairy. I'll be here today. Once the mountain gate is closed at midnight, I don’t know when I will come out next time. ”

Qin Shu also understood the general situation and said, “My name is Qin Shu. Today is the fate between you and me. Fairy, you don’t have to be grateful. I want to go to Tailai City. Fairy Que Qian, are you going the same way?”

Que Qian shook her head, “I don’t know where to go either. Since the fairy is going to Tailai City, why don’t I go with you? There is an uncle in our clan who opened a shop in Tailai City. I just want to go there to take a look.”

Qin Shu thought about it and thought, okay, with a companion on the road, I won’t feel lonely on the road.

After most of the day, the two of them had only walked less than 40 miles. Que Qian couldn’t help but asked, “Shu Shu, don’t you have body skills when you practice?”

I don’t know when I will get there if I rush like this.

Qin Shu laughed, "I have body skills and flying magic tools, but I am now training my body and I am not in a hurry to travel."

Que Qian nodded, thinking for a moment, and asked again, "Are you practicing hard?"

Qin Shu: "..."

"Physical training." Qin Shu emphasized.

Que Qian suddenly realized and said, "You have to practice. Your human body is indeed too weak."

Seeing the moon rise, the two who were resting stopped at the same time, one holding his breath to practice, and the other kneeling to worship the moon.

After this night, the fatigue of the two was swept away.

The two opened their eyes and looked at each other.

If it weren't for the certainty that the original body was born in the human world, Qin Shu would have doubted whether her body had anything to do with the fox clan.

Practicing with the help of moonlight every day, isn't this exactly the same as the fox clan?

Qin Shu thought for a long time, but found that Que Qian beside her was missing.

She turned around and found her frowning and staring at her feet.

Qin Shu asked: "Fairy Queqian, why are you staring at my feet?"

Que Qian touched his chin, with a thoughtful look on his face, "I have just transformed into a human form, and I don't know how to walk. I saw you walking pretty well, so I wanted to learn how to do it."

Qin Shu nodded. She walked a little strangely, so she said, "Don't be too anxious. By the time we get to Tailai City, you should have learned this step by the time we arrive."

Since meeting Que Qian, Qin Shu has never encountered any monsters along the way.

She should train her body and practice her sword, but she didn't fall behind at all.

By the time they arrived at Tailai City, it was already a month later.


Qin Shu turned her head and saw a look of surprise on Que Qian's face, "Human cities are really majestic."

He glanced at her exposed fox tail, carefully covered it for her, and reminded her, "Sister Qianqian, your tail is exposed again."

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