I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1076: Not to mention it is only a seventh-grade elixir, even if it is an eighth-grade elixir

Qin Shu nodded, "Yes."

He Xin breathed a sigh of relief, "We were thinking of coming back to help you fight, but nothing happened."

Qin Shu smiled at her, but He Xin said, "Although my cultivation is low, Chiyu's is high. At least you can hold him back and we can take him away."

Qin Shu looked at her serious face and felt very satisfied.

Although her cultivation is not high, she is indeed one of the few people in the world who is really good to her.

Just when Qin Shu was just beginning to feel a little touched, Chiyu suddenly interrupted her, "Don't be touched yet, there is something important."

Qin Shu's emotions that had just been brewing suddenly stopped, "What?"

"I heard that in this competition, one person refined the ancient Tianshou Pill, which can extend lifespan for fifty years; another person refined the Thunder Reshaping Pill. Although it cannot directly increase lifespan, it can increase cultivation. Once a breakthrough is made, lifespan will still increase."

Chiyu frowned when she said this. She had known Qin Shu's idea for a long time, but she didn't know what pill Qin Shu had prepared.

If that pill is not as good as this Thunder Reshaping Pill, then her original plan may be in vain.

Even Qin Shu frowned when she heard her words.

Whether it is the Tianshou Pill or the Thunder Reshaping Pill, she had never heard of it before.

Qin Shu thought for a moment, and for the sake of safety, she finally decided to find the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion in private to test the waters.

What surprised her was that the senior who had always treated her as a guest of honor this time actually asked her to sit in the side courtyard and wait for a while.

What does this mean? It means that the person the housekeeper is meeting now is more important than her.

Qin Shu's heart sank. Things are in the hands of people. As long as there is a competition organized by the organizer, there is a certain amount of room for maneuver.

This is not immune to the common practice in the future or in the world of immortal cultivation.

Will the person the housekeeper meet be one of the two alchemists?

Qin Shu waited for a quarter of an hour and thought about it for a quarter of an hour.

Finally, her consciousness detected that the door of the room over there was opened and someone came out.

The person who came out was a young man. Judging from his appearance, he was only in his early thirties. It can be seen that this person broke through the golden elixir at a very early age.

Qin Shu retracted her gaze and took out the communication jade slip with her backhand to take a look.

This alchemy competition is also a big event in the entire Linxian City. If she looks at the communication square, won't she know who this person is?

The communication square did not disappoint her. The two alchemists were highly discussed.

Especially the alchemist who made the ancient Tianshou Pill. Almost three out of five messages were about him. There were images from various angles. Qin Shu clicked on it and recognized him.

This person was the one who just came out of the main house. She had a look of understanding on her face. No wonder he was a guest of honor in the City Lord's Mansion. Perhaps among so many cultivators, he was the only one who could help the City Lord extend his life for another fifty years.

Not only that, he who had the Tianshou Pill formula would be the object of many forces to make friends in the future.

He was not only a guest of honor in the City Lord's Mansion of Linxian City, but also a guest of honor for many families.

This cultivator was named Song Yi. I had never heard of him before. He became famous after refining the Tianshou Pill.

Qin Shu stroked her chin, wondering if the giant spirit master who had refined the Thunder Reshaping Pill could still sit still...

Just as Qin Shu was thinking, a servant came in from outside, bowed to Qin Shu, and said, "Senior, the housekeeper invites you."

Qin Shu retracted her thoughts, nodded in response, and followed the servant to the main house.

The housekeeper saw Qin Shu coming and hurriedly got up to greet her. The maid in the house had just replaced the old tea.

"Senior, I'm really sorry, there were guests in the mansion just now, so I kept you waiting for a long time."

Qin Shu still had something to ask him, so she naturally didn't care about these, so she waved her hand and said, "You are too polite, I came late, it's okay to wait a little longer."

The housekeeper looked at her expression and sighed silently in his heart, feeling a little bit sorry.

To be honest, he actually preferred to interact with this fellow Daoist Qin. She had superb skills, but she never looked down on others.

But unfortunately, the Tianshou Pill was not made by this senior.

Qin Shu sat down, and the maid brought new tea.

Qin Shu looked at the tea in front of her, which was the same as that of the Taoist friend Song Yi just now, and she could also see the attitude of the housekeeper from this.

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief. Attitude determines everything. At least it means that this matter can still be discussed.

Qin Shu thought for a moment and said, "Daoyou, I am a straightforward person, so I won't beat around the bush with you. I'm sure you know that I came here today just to ask if I can get the book "Spiritual Power Maintenance Method" with the pills I handed in?"

The housekeeper was also stunned when he heard her words, and asked back, "You didn't come here for the three drops of Qingluan's blood?"

Qin Shu nodded, "I know my level is not good, and I may not be able to win the first place. In comparison, the book "Spiritual Power Maintenance Method" still has some chances."

The housekeeper met Qin Shu's eyes and sighed, "Since you are frank, there is no need for me to hide it. To tell you the truth, I'm sure you have heard that someone has refined the Tianshou Pill these two days, which can actually increase the life span by 50 years. This is very important to our city lord."

Qin Shu nodded, "I know, we won't compete with him for the first place, just see if there is any possibility of second place?"

The butler's brows were still furrowed, "In the past two days, the Giant Spirit Immortal Master has also sent people to inquire. The Thunder Reshaping Pill he refined also improves cultivation. Compared with your Nine Turns Condensation Pill... It’s really hard to tell the difference between time and time.”

Qin Shu's eyes narrowed and she interrupted him, "No, fellow Taoist, my Nine-turn Concentration Pill is definitely slightly better than his."

The housekeeper raised his eyes and looked at her, "Senior, based on our personal relationship, I must be towards you, but I have no say in this matter... The Giant Spirit Immortal Master is still very influential in Linxian City."

Qin Shu laughed, "It doesn't matter if he is influential. Not to mention that he only refined seventh-grade elixirs, so what if he refined eight-grade elixirs? Fellow Taoist, please don't forget, our original intention is still to If you take this elixir to increase the city lord's lifespan, even if it really works and can break through to the god transformation stage, but... we still have to survive the thunder tribulation by ourselves. Do you think that based on the city lord's current physical condition, What are the chances of successfully surviving the tribulation?”

Qin Shu's words successfully silenced the housekeeper.

Of course he also knew this truth, otherwise he would not have directly assigned the first place to fellow Taoist Songyi.

Qin Shu picked up the tea, took a sip, and gave him a moment to think.

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