The corners of Qin Shu's lips curved into a nice curve, and she held back her smile and walked towards a fortune-telling stall on the street.

There was a white flag hanging next to the stall, with four big characters written on it - "Divine Plan."

Two people next to the stall seemed to have an argument. A burly man with a heavy sword on his back picked up the old man's collar and lifted him up.

"You said that day that I had excellent financial luck recently. I went to the Nichang Pavilion and opened seventy-one gift boxes, but I didn't win anything! So what do you mean?"

The old man bowed and said with a sad face: "People's fortunes are always subject to change, and I'm talking about your positive fortune, but you just want to make partial fortune. Now that you have lost your capital and come to me again, it's all wrong in the world. There’s no such thing!”

"Then I don't care. You pay me seventy-one gift boxes! Otherwise, I will destroy your stall!"

"You can smash it if you want. I really don't have any money."

He is so poor that he is deceiving others, so there is no money left to compensate him.

The strong man didn't dare to really fight him. After all, this was Tailai City, and fighting had to be in the ring. If it was a private fight, he would be kicked out.

In the end, he could only vent his anger by smashing the old man's stall. The old man had long been used to it. He took out another table from the storage ring and put it on it. He cleaned up the mess on the ground, stroked his beard with satisfaction, and returned to his previous state. He has an enigmatic and immortal appearance.

Qin Shu walked over and stopped in front of his stall. The old man looked at the little doll in front of him and frowned, "Why can a little doll also tell fortunes?"

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows. This sentence sounded very familiar to her. The last time she asked her this question, Lu Li was still in retreat at the foot of her master's mountain!

She grinned, looked at the old man and shook her head, "Old man, I don't count my fortune, but I have something to ask you."

The old man frowned and said with a straight face: "Two low-grade spiritual stones for one question."

Qin Shu raised her hand and took out two spiritual stones, slapped them on the table, with a bright smile on her lips, "Old man, can I ask now?"

The old man quickly put away the spirit stones, his eyes flying wildly. He coughed lightly, stroking his beard in a covert manner, and accidentally pulled out a few strands, "Ask me."

Qin Shu waved at him and motioned for him to come over.

The old man stretched his ears curiously, and heard a sentence coming from his ear, "What did that person say when you asked for a seal?"

The old man's face turned dark, he pointed at her and said incoherently: "You, you, you..."

Qin Shu looked at his excited expression, smiled, pressed back the finger he pointed at her, and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

"How do you know?" The old man looked at her warily, his eyes rolling, and now he looked a bit like a spirit fox.

Qin Shu stopped teasing him and asked directly: "Are you Que Qian's clan uncle?"

"Que Qian? This name seems familiar." They haven't seen each other for three hundred years. In the past three hundred years, he has welcomed and sent off in Tailai City. He doesn't know how many people he has experienced, and he still remembers them clearly.

He thought carefully and then said: "It seems that we know each other. Are you Que Qian's friend?"

Qin Shu hummed, "I only met her that day when she asked me for a title."

As soon as he heard that the two of them had such a connection, the old man's expression became serious. Asking for the title would be a great favor to the Linghu clan.

He stood up and bowed to Qin Shu, "Thank you Fairy Chengquan. My name is Xu Chi, and I have been staying in Tailai City for eight hundred years. If Fairy has anything you don't understand in Tailai City, just come and ask me."

Qin Shu shook her head and said seriously: "Old man, your question is too expensive. I can't afford it."

The rare solemnity on Xu Chi's face also collapsed at this time.

He returned the two spiritual stones, "If I knew that you were kind to Que Qian, I would definitely not want them. Don't call me an old man, just call me uncle along with Que Qian."

Qin Shu blinked at him, "Uncle Xu Chi?"

Xu Chi smiled with satisfaction, thought for a while and asked: "Fairy, how did you know that I am Uncle Queqian?"

Qin Shu folded her arms and pursed her lips to show off, "Because..."

Seeing Xu Chi's eagerness to know, Qin Shu told him, "Because, you and Que Qian are a bit similar."


Qin Shu moved closer to him, raised her hand to cover her lips, and whispered, "Both of you, uncle and nephew, can't hide their tails well."

Xu Chi: "..."

He has been in Tailai City for so long, how could he not hide his tail well? It wasn't because the man just picked him up by his collar and the tip of his tail couldn't be hidden.

That's all, you have to be extra careful in the future.

He looked at Qin Shu and asked, "I wonder where my niece Que Qian is now?"

"I should be looking for you all over the city. Why don't you close the stall and come with me to the Xuantianmen office to wait for her?" Qin Shu suggested.

This time Xu Chi did not refuse. He put away the tables, chairs and white flags and followed Qin Shu.

After turning two corners and walking out of an alley, a burst of red light dissipated from his body, and a young man in red appeared next to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu noticed the changes in the spiritual energy around her and turned her head. At this sight, she almost froze in place.

If the beauty of the big snake is feminine and dangerous, then the beauty in front of her is hot and gorgeous.

"Ah this? You..." Qin Shu suddenly felt that this world of immortality was not in vain.

She had been doing good deeds for eighteen years in her previous life, so it makes sense that she has met so many beauties now.

She just couldn't call out "Uncle Xuchi" when facing such a beautiful boy.

Xuchi was distressed when he saw her reaction, his picturesque eyebrows twisted into a ball, and he sighed deeply.

A beautiful woman sighing is also a special feeling.

"Why are you sighing? With such a face, you should be happy every day." Qin Shu advised.

Xuchi raised his eyes and glanced at her, his hair wavy into his temples, and his eyes turned and flowed.

"Am I beautiful?" He asked softly with his red lips slightly parted.

Qin Shu nodded, not sparing words of praise, "Beautiful! It's not an exaggeration to say that he is the most beautiful in the world."

Even though she was looking at the faces of the snake and the second senior brother all day, she still thought he was beautiful.

However, the next moment, she saw Xuchi with a sad face, looking at her and said, "Of course he is beautiful, this is the result of cultivation."

Qin Shu was stunned, blinked her eyes, and was a little unable to accept it for a while.

What does cultivation mean?

No, it should be asking for a title.

She asked directly: "When asking for a title...what did that person say?"

Xu Chi was almost crying after being exposed by her words.

"She said that I was a peerless handsome man with smiling lips, eyebrows like green feathers, and skin like white snow."

Qin Shu was silent for a moment, and said, "Blame me."

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