I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 112: Kidnapped a little demon (revised)

There are several large stones under the willow tree. I don’t know how many years they have been placed there. The surface of the stones has been polished very smooth. It can be seen that people often sit here to chat.

There is a well next to the tree. Rich water vapor floats out from the wellhead. It should be such a well that feeds this small village.

Qin Shu glanced casually and walked towards the village.

There were no people on the road, not even dogs.

The doors of every household were closed. Qin Shu looked up at the chimney and saw smoke coming out, indicating that there were people in the house.

She knocked on the door of a house, "Is anyone home? I pass by here. Can I ask for a bowl of water?"

The people in the house looked outside and saw that it was just a little girl.

How can her family feel at ease if such a little girl goes out alone? Thinking of the laughter of the child at night, she dared not open the door.

Qin Shu knocked on several doors in a row, but no one opened the door. She looked through the cracks in the door and saw some children tied up by their families.

Many families were like this, which was a bit strange.

Qin Shu felt that she should change her strategy. This time she walked directly to the door of a family and raised her hand to remove their door panels.

The people in the house were so scared that they hugged each other. Qin Shu stood in front of the door and looked at the old couple in the house and said, "You are obviously at home, why don't you open the door?"

The two people quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to her, "Fairy, spare me! Fairy, spare me!"

Qin Shu put the door back on them, and the wood spirit moved, and the damaged places were repaired.

Qin Shu sat down at the table nearby and looked at the trembling old couple, "Get up! Can you tell me why there are people in every household, but no one opens the door?"

The old woman looked at her and asked tremblingly, "Are you a fairy?"

Qin Shu stretched out her hand, and a ball of fire appeared at her fingertips, "What do you think?"

The old woman breathed a sigh of relief and clasped her hands together again, "Fairy, help me!"

Qin Shu asked, "You answer my question first, and don't say anything. How can others save you?"

"It's like this..."

The old couple talked for a long time before Qin Shu understood.

Three months ago, there were laughter and laughter coming from their village every night.

At first, although everyone was scared, they just didn't go out at night and worked during the day.

Until one day, when they were about to go out to work, they suddenly found that they couldn't leave the village, and everyone became scared.

However, at this time, they found that the children in their village always ran out in the middle of the night. Families with children were panicking and could only tie up their children.

"There is only so much food in the village, and it will eventually run out. What should we do when the food is gone? And those children, we don't know what is attracting them outside. Do you think it's creepy to run out in the middle of the night?"

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, it was a bit scary, she had to investigate carefully and send a message back to the sect.

At this time, she also understood, no wonder the sect sent a task without details, it turned out that these people couldn't get out.

"Then can I go out?" Qin Shu asked.

The old couple looked at each other and shook their heads, "We don't know either."

Qin Shu simply got up and opened the door, and walked out towards the village entrance.

The old couple looked at her actions and burst into tears of joy.

"Although this little fairy is not very old, she looks very powerful." The old man said.

The old woman also nodded excitedly, "Yes! So! We may be saved!"

The old couple looked at each other, tears in their eyes.

On the other side, Qin Shu raised her foot to the entrance of the village, but found that even she was stopped. There seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of her blocking her way.

Her spiritual energy was running, and she raised her hand to poke the barrier, and found that her finger had poked a hole in the barrier.

Her expression froze, and she quickly withdrew her hand. She looked around again and saw that there was no one around, so she put her hands behind her back and walked into the village as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Qin Shu coming back so quickly, the old couple came over and asked her, "How is it? Fairy, can you get out?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No."

When the old couple heard her say that, they immediately beat their hands and stamped their feet anxiously, "What should we do? Even you can't get out, are you not their opponent?"

Qin Shu didn't say yes or no, but just raised her hand to interrupt them, "You guys sleep tonight, I'll go out and take a look. Isn't it tempting children? I'm a child too."


The old couple was a little worried. The little fairy in front of them did look young, but the age of these fairies was a mystery. Maybe she was older than the two of them combined.

The night gradually fell, Qin Shu sat cross-legged at the door, and the moonlight shone on everyone equally without distinguishing good from evil...

The spiritual energy in Qin Shu's body circulated a big cycle, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Fortunately, this barrier was not yet able to block the spiritual energy.

Just as she lowered her eyes to practice, she suddenly heard a burst of laughter, which was really scary in the dark and silent night.

Qin Shu opened her eyes and looked for the sound.

She saw a little girl sitting under the big willow tree. The little girl was sitting by the well, her feet could not touch the ground, she had two pigtails, and looked about six or seven years old.

Seeing that Qin Shu saw her, she smiled sweetly at Qin Shu, and the wicker above her head swayed slightly, as if the wind was blowing.

"Are you here to play with me?" She was far away, but she could hear her voice clearly.

Qin Shu stood up, folded her arms, and looked at her from a distance, "Yeah, how do you play?"

"Kicking shuttlecock?! I'm the best at kicking shuttlecock." The little girl seemed very happy.

Qin Shu nodded in agreement, "That's okay."

The little girl jumped into the well and came back with a shuttlecock after a while.

Qin Shu played with her for a long time. This little girl was very poor at kicking the shuttlecock and couldn't kick Qin Shu at all.

Seeing that the sky was almost getting bright, Qin Shucai said: "You can't beat me."

The little girl said angrily: "This is my first time kicking!"

Qin Shu suddenly realized it and took a look at her shadow in the moonlight. She was even more puzzled. There was a shadow.

"Are you a ghost cultivator?" she asked.

The little girl shook her head, "I'm not, I'm a demon."

Qin Shu thought to herself that the common people were looking for Taoist priests to drive away ghosts, but you, a demon, were more dedicated than ghosts.

Qin Shu also frowned, "Can you only go out to play at night?"

The little girl shook her head, "That's not true. No one plays with me during the day, only at night."

Qin Shu was stunned, "At night? Someone is playing with you?"

"Yes, Ah Ling can only come out at night."

Ah Ling? Who is it again?

Qin Shu looked at the little girl in front of her and asked, "Where's Ah Ling? Why didn't I see her tonight?"

"She is shy and doesn't dare to meet strangers."

Qin Shu thought that the laughter in the village at night was probably caused by these two people playing around at night.

"You already have people playing with you, why did you call those kids out?"

“It’s so fun when there are more people playing together!”

That said...there's nothing wrong with that...

"Do you want to come with me? They are still afraid of you if you stay here. I have other friends at home. We can play together." Qin Shu suggested.

The little girl shook her head, looking a little sad, "But I can't leave."

Qin Shu turned around and asked, "Why can't you leave?"

"I am the spirit born of this willow tree. If the willow tree is here, I can't go far." The little girl sighed.

Qin Shu thought for a while and then said, "If I cut off one of your willow branches, can you come with me?"

The little girl shook her head, "I don't know."

Qin Shu continued to fool around and said: "I'll give it a try first and then I'll tell you. I'll take you back to my mountain. I have plenty of spiritual energy there. If you go to my place and there are people to play with you, it will definitely be much better than if you are here." "

The little girl was persuaded by her and agreed to let her try it first.

Qin Shu raised her hand and cut off a willow branch, then walked out of the barrier with the willow branch.

The little girl looked a little confused as she walked out of the barrier seemingly without much effort.

Why can she go out?

The little girl hurriedly chased after him, only to find that she had also walked out.

As the big willow tree behind her got farther and farther away from her, she stood there, a little confused.

Why...can't the barrier trap people?

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