I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 114 Does the Buddha save people based on race?

After entering Xuantian Gate, Qin Shu rushed directly to the Mission Hall, handed in the mission, and asked them for a way to break the formation.

Senior Sister Shu Ying from the Mission Hall told her that the formation was drawn by a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, and ordinary disciples were not good enough, so they would most likely not be able to break it.

"What should we do?! That little willow spirit will be chopped by them soon, and there is also the water spirit A Ling, she is a spirit born by heaven and earth, protecting the village for thousands of years, but finally trapped in the palm-sized well..." Qin Shu frowned, trying to find a way to break the formation from Senior Sister Shu Ying.

Senior Sister Shu Ying looked at this excited little junior sister, and finally could only shake her head helplessly, "Junior sister, the seniors of the Formation Sect have more important things to do. Compared to that... a water spirit being trapped is really insignificant."

Qin Shu frowned, she was silent for a long time, and finally just clasped her fists at her and turned away.

Since no one else was free, she would think of a way herself!

She had promised Liu Cheng and A Ling to rescue them, so she would definitely not ignore them.

The seal was set by a Yuanying-stage cultivator, and her two senior brothers were both in the Jindan stage. Now the only people she could find were her two masters.

She first went to see Ling Xu Zhenren, but found that Ling Xu Zhenren was not in the cave at all. People said that he went to play chess with Elder Tianchi of Yanyue Sect.

Qin Shu then went to Jian Sect to find Wang Jian Zhenren, but coincidentally, Wang Jian Zhenren was not in the cave either.

To be precise, except for two disciples who were left to guard the gate, the rest of the Jian Sect were either in seclusion or out on missions.

Qin Shu was stunned, "Does everyone work so hard?"

The two disciples were also happy to talk to Qin Shu, so they explained with a smile: "Junior sister, you still say that others work hard, but who in our entire sect can compare to you? I just stopped to take a breath yesterday, and Senior Brother Xiong Jun said that you swung the sword two thousand times in one breath without rest..."

Qin Shu had a headache. She never thought that working hard was bad, but the reality now was... the entire Xuantian Sect worked so hard that she couldn't even find a rescuer.

Is it really... that she really has to break her promise?

Qin Shu sat cross-legged on the top of the sword-testing stone. The slightly higher gravity could help her calm down and think carefully.

What should I do? How can I help the two of them? If only she could also issue a task.

No, she can also issue tasks! I almost forgot about this.

Qin Shu took out the communication jade slip, clicked on the square, and chose to publish it publicly.

[Seeking help from a great master to break a formation set up by a Yuanying stage cultivator. The reward is two high-grade earth crystals and two bottles of top-grade spirit-replenishing pills. ]

Qin Shu also knew that it was not easy for her to recruit. Except for sword cultivators, cultivators above the Yuanying stage almost all have no shortage of spirit stones. Now she can only hope that a great sword cultivator will be willing to help.

However, within a quarter of an hour after the message was sent out, someone replied to her, [What formation? Can you tell me in detail? ]

Qin Shu immediately became energetic and quickly replied: [A trapped formation. ]

[Someone is trapped? ] The reply from the other side was also fast.

Qin Shu said again: [Yes. ]

[Do you want to break the formation, or just want to rescue her? ]

[Rescue her, is there any difference between the two? ]

Qin Shu was a little confused. If you want to rescue someone, don’t you have to break the formation?

At this moment, she saw the jade slip in front of her light up again. She looked down and saw this line of words.

[I can't break the formation, but if you just want to rescue people, then I might give it a try. ]

Based on the words of this person, Qin Shu could easily guess that this person's cultivation should not have reached the Nascent Soul stage, but he was sure to rescue people. This person must have some unorthodox methods.

Qin Shu now had no other way, so she could only try her best and decided to let him try.

[Come and try? There is a well-mouthed village near Tailai City. I'll wait for you under the willow tree at the entrance of the village. ]

[It just so happens that I'm nearby. I have a task here. Let's meet at midnight in three days. ]

[What's your name? ]Qin Shu asked.

[I don't practice Taoism, I practice Buddhism, and my Dharma name is Kong Shen. ]

Qin Shu jumped down from the sword-testing stone and ran to the mission hall to rent a magic tool that can transplant plants. Seeing that she was not giving up, Shu Ying told her to pay attention to her own safety while helping others. Qin Shu thanked her for her kindness, put away the magic weapon, and flew towards Jingkou Village again.

Because she had an appointment with Kong Shen in three days, she didn't need to be too anxious this time.

Three days later, Qin Shu arrived at Jingkou Village, and it was completely dark at this time.

When Liu Cheng saw her, he floated down from the tree, "Shushu! You came so soon!"

Qin Shu nodded, "I found someone to help, let him try later."

Liu Cheng smiled happily and said to Qin Shu, "Shushu, you are really amazing. Many people came here to burn incense for A Ling these two days."

Qin Shu also saw the changes in the incense burner in the moonlight, and said, "This is what they owe to A Ling."

She sat cross-legged and said to Liu Cheng, "The weather is good today, I will sit for a while, if someone comes later, you can wake me up."

Liu Cheng agreed, "Okay!"

Today is a full moon. Every time there is a full moon, Qin Shu's cultivation speed will be faster.

She didn't know how long she had been practicing. When she heard a wave of spiritual energy around her, she gently opened her eyes.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw A Ling and Liu Cheng sitting side by side on the wellhead. Liu Cheng saw that she was awake and said happily: "Shu Shu, A Ling asked me not to call you directly, saying that you would go crazy. ”

Qin Shu looked at A Ling, and the corners of A Ling's lips slightly raised, and she nodded gently at her.

"somebody is coming."

Qin Shu looked up at the entrance of the village and saw a figure walking over under the moonlight.

Qin Shu was stunned and saw the moonlight shining on his shiny head.

He's actually a little... monk?

When the young monk reached the boundary of the village entrance, he paused slightly before walking in.

Qin Shu quickly stood up and greeted him, "Are you the young master Kongshen?"

The young monk clasped his hands together and recited the words "Amitabha Buddha, right below."

After saying that, he looked at Qin Shu again and confirmed, "Are you Qin Shu?"

Qin Shu nodded, "It's me, young master, do you really have a way to rescue people?"

It's not surprising that Qin Shu was suspicious, this little monk looked too young.

Kong Shen did not answer directly, but asked: "Where is the formation?"

Qin Shu pointed at the well, and Kong Shen followed her finger and looked over. Unsurprisingly, he saw two demons sitting at the mouth of the well.

"Are you going to rescue her?" Kongshen asked.


"But she... is a demon..." Kong Shen's brows knitted into knots, and his expression looked extremely contradictory.

Qin Shu said, "So what about the demon? She has never hurt anyone, she has been trapped here for thousands of years, and she has supported the people here for thousands of years. What's wrong with her?"

Kong Shen subconsciously felt that she was right, and Qin Shu continued: "She originally just didn't want the people here to have no water to drink, so she helped the people, but she was trapped here using the formation. The young master is a Buddhist "Zhongren, does the Buddha also divide people into different races?"

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