I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1167 It's still unclear who will protect whom

Xie Shiyuan seemed to be convinced by him. After a little thought, he nodded and agreed.

He looked up at the space barrier, as if he was looking at the many demons outside through the space barrier.

Then, he said in a deep voice: "Get ready for the fight."

A hint of excitement flashed in the eyes of Xishan and others, "Yes! We will definitely protect the lady and the young master!"

Jiduo turned into his original form, and his branches grew rapidly in the demonic energy, but in a moment his vines covered the entire space barrier.

"It's not certain who will protect whom!"

Jiduo's childish voice came out, clearly falling into the ears of everyone present.

Xishan and others wanted to refute, but looking at the huge vines surrounding them, and the big flower that was as tall as a person...

Everyone shut up. The young master was right. Maybe in the end, they really had to be protected by the young master.

But in a moment, the space barrier in the air was broken, and the broken space fragments scattered in the air, reflecting the phantoms of different angles around everything.

The demons who came to besiege them also appeared in everyone's vision. When they saw the woman standing in the crowd, they were immediately excited.

It was just a little strange. Where was the little flower that Tengshe said? Why wasn't it there? Was it moved?

But at this time, they had no time to think, and the group of people they surrounded launched an attack.

Qin Shu's spiritual energy moved, and she also opened her own domain. With a hand raised, ninety-nine and eighty-one swords were suspended around her.

Ten thousand arrows were fired at once, and the eighty-one swords carried the power of thunder and lightning, stabbing at the demons around.

This move did not hurt many demons. After all, the demon kings who came to besiege them were at least above the twelfth level. Her ten thousand swords took the lead by surprise, but only injured the arms of two of the demons.

But this move was not completely useless. At least it ruined their lineup.

Xishan looked at the lady surrounded by swords in front of him, his face full of shock.

It turned out that... the lady was actually a sword cultivator? If the power of this move is used against him, what should he use to block it?

Obviously, this is not the time to think about these things. Qin Shu raised her hand and swallowed a handful of Manling Pills.

The cultivators around Xishan also rushed up with magic weapons. Xishan roared and turned into his original form. A tall mountain rhinoceros appeared in front of them and rushed towards the demon kings in the distance without hesitation.

Xie Shiyuan's clone also restrained two fifteenth-level demon kings at this time. As for the other thirteenth and fourteenth-level demon kings, his clone alone could not deal with them all.

Qin Shu put away the extra swords and took the Zixiao White Jade Sword herself.

She had been using fire aura at first, but later she accidentally discovered that her purple aura seemed to have a greater impact on these demons, so she didn't have to transform back and forth.

And facing these demons, the best sword move turned out to be endless.

Other swordsmanship, such as "Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword" and "Haomi Sword", can give opponents a fatal blow in a one-on-one situation, but the group attack is still a little weaker than Shengshengbuxi.

Shengshengbuxi accurately used Qin Shu's purple spiritual energy on the surrounding demons. It couldn't kill them, but it could irritate them well.

There were a total of six demon kings on the opposite side, two fifteenth-level demon kings, one fourteenth-level demon king, two thirteenth-level demon kings, and one twelfth-level demon king.

Xishan led several other Chongtian Palace monks to fight against a twelfth-level demon king and a thirteenth-level demon king. Xie Shiyuan's clone alone restrained the two fifteenth-level demon kings.

Qin Shu's group attack directly attracted a fourteenth-level demon king and a thirteenth-level demon king.

Qin Shu has not yet broken through the Spiritualization Stage, and is still at the peak of the Out-of-Body Stage. It is already a bit difficult to deal with a 13th-level demon king, and a 14th-level one...

She looked solemn, and raised her hand to touch the life-saving means that Xie Shiyuan and her master had given her before. There were still a few attacks from the Spiritualization Stage in the two jade pendants. With her immortal guidance, she should be able to delay for a while.

The 14th-level demon king looked at Qin Shu as if he was looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

However, it was not enough to just kill her. He received an order to take her back alive.

This 14th-level demon king was a high-level blade demon. With a flip of his wrist, two sharp knives appeared in his hands.

The 13th-level demon king was a dream demon. His figure gradually became illusory, and an invisible ripple attacked Qin Shu's consciousness.

At this moment, the vines that were originally hovering around like a decoration suddenly moved, and a huge red flower attacked the dream demon without warning.

The attack of the dream demon was interrupted, and it dodged to the side in embarrassment.

The attack of the 14th-level blade demon also arrived at this time. The vines wrapped around Qin Shu's waist and took her away from the original place. The blade demon's attack directly chopped the vines, cutting the green vines in half.

Qin Shu's face was very ugly. Just when she was about to release the attack while holding the jade pendant, the green vines that had been cut off grew new branches again.

Qin Shu was startled, and saw one of the big red flowers suddenly blocked in front of her, saying to the two demon kings opposite: "Want to hurt my mother? You have to ask me if I agree."

The faces of the two demon kings changed. Didn't the snake say that there was only one woman and a small flower?

This is a small flower? He called it a small flower? !

This flower is taller than a person, what kind of small flower is it?

Xie Shiyuan had been paying attention to this side, and when he saw Ji Duo take action, he was slightly relieved.

Even if Jiduo is not a match for these two demon kings, they can at least hold on until his body returns by dragging him together.

Qin Shu also looked at Jiduo for the first time. In her eyes, Jiduo has always been a well-behaved child. Now she really realized that even a growing demon is much stronger than she imagined.

It must be said that Qin Shu's thinking is somewhat biased.

Although Jiduo is also a demon, he is not an ordinary demon...

In just a moment, the Blade Demon has fought with Jiduo several times, and Jiduo's vines have been cut off by him several times.

Even though Jiduo's vines would sprout new branches every time he cut them off, in Qin Shu's eyes, he still hurt Jiduo.

Rage surged up, and Qin Shu walked out of Jiduo's protective circle.

Her body moved without wind, and she raised her hand to sacrifice the Purple Sky White Jade Sword. The sword intent in her body shot out with the piercing of the Purple Sky White Jade Sword, and stabbed directly at the fourteenth-level Blade Demon.

Just as the Blade Demon was about to hide, Qin Shu quickly formed a seal with her hands and attacked with a move of Immortal Pointing the Way.

The Blade Demon was fixed in the air for five breaths and suffered Qin Shu's sword.

Ji Duo also noticed the difference between the two of them and knew that his mother must have done something to make them both unable to move.

A vine swept towards the Blade Demon at lightning speed, but was stopped by the Dream Demon at this critical moment.

The Dream Demon was not strong in combat and relied on his physique to stop this move, and the vine directly tore off half of his arm.

His face was extremely ugly. What was the origin of this flower? How could it be so powerful?

Ji Duo looked at their embarrassed appearance, just grinned, and then seemed to remember something, and raised two leaves to cover his mouth.

"My mother doesn't let me smile at others."

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