I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 117 It’s better not to look for these three souls and seven spirits

Xie Shiyuan snorted lightly, "I don't want to use the Soul Gathering Lamp to search for three souls and seven souls for you all over the world."

Qin Shu blinked her eyes after hearing this, "If I die, will you still find three souls and seven souls for me?"

If he said that, then she really had no fear of death.

Somehow, Xie Shiyuan seemed to see through her thoughts in an instant, and immediately said: "Forget it, a soul in the Qi training period, it's okay not to gather."

When Qin Shu heard this, she immediately became anxious.

"What happened to the Qi Refining Stage? Who hasn't cultivated from the Qi Refining Stage? I am not an ordinary Qi Refining Stage, I am still a future alchemy master!"

Qin Shu always positioned herself extremely accurately. After hearing her words, Xie Shiyuan chuckled, "Then you have to be able to live until then. With your current ability, I think...not everyone Everyone can eat the pie you painted."

Qin Shu: "..."

Seeing Qin Shu's deflated look, Xie Shiyuan was in a good mood, but he did not forget to warn: "Your cultivation level is still shallow now. If you have nothing to do, don't go out for a walk. You should improve your cultivation level in the sect." ”

Qin Shu pursed her lips and said disapprovingly: "But senior brother and the others said that after the third level of Qi training, you can go out to do tasks."

Xie Shiyuan snorted softly, "Have you ever heard of a sentence?"

"What?" Qin Shu asked curiously.

Xie Shiyuan was seen with his hands behind his back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was somewhat solemn, "Today is different from the past."

Qin Shu nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly remembered something. She took out a porcelain bottle from her arms and threw it towards him, "Liniang asked me to give this to you, saying it would be good for your injury."

Xie Shiyuan raised his hand and put the porcelain bottle in front of her. "You put it away first and give it to me when you get back."

Just when Qin Shu was about to ask him why he couldn't hold it himself, she saw his figure dissipated out of thin air as the wind blew.

Qin Shu froze on the spot, and then suddenly realized that he was not his body at all, but a ray of spiritual consciousness.

And that disciple of the Beast Control Sect in the Foundation Establishment Stage couldn't even withstand a ray of his spiritual consciousness. He was so advanced that he could really do whatever he wanted, which was really enviable.

Qin Shu turned around and looked at the mess behind her, suddenly feeling that she had to do something more.

The little turtle under her feet was replaced by green leaves because it consumed too much spiritual energy. She squatted on the green leaves and thought for a moment. Finally, she took out the jade slip and sent a message anonymously in the square, "Something big happened! Seven hundred kilometers south of Tailai City, a disciple of the Beast Control Sect in the foundation period killed the Yue-Yue Sect practitioner. Disciple Qi! The ferocity of his methods is really mind-numbing, fellow Taoists, please be careful when you go out!"

After sending this message, Qin Shu quickly put away the jade slip and ran away.

If she didn't leave quickly, if something happened again, no one would be able to save her.

Her soul in the Qi refining stage really doesn't need to be reunited once.

What she didn't know was that while she was on her way, the Message Plaza had already exploded because of the message she dropped.

Just because the Beast Controlling Sect and the Moon Covering Sect are both famous and decent sects, how could such famous sects kill each other? Could it be that in the future, even famous families will not be able to trust people who are away from home?

What a coincidence was that the great-grandson of Elder Fuchen of the Hidden Moon Sect went out for training this time, and his soul lamp went out, and he directly blamed the Beast Control Sect for this.

The Beast Control Sect also wanted to know who was responsible, so they sent people to follow Elder Fuchen to a place seven hundred miles south of Tailai City.

This matter is mentioned every day in the message plaza, but no one responds at all.

Five days passed before the Beast Control Sect released the news that there was an invasion of demons, and their disciples should have been replaced by demons.

At this time, Qin Shu had already flown to the front of her mountain gate, and her whole body was darkened by two degrees of darkness after being on the road for days.

She jumped down from the green leaves, and when she was about to enter the Danzong, she was stopped by someone.

"Non-disciples of our sect must register before they can enter."

Qin Shu was stunned and looked up at the person who was speaking. He was actually a half-acquaintance.

"Chen Rong! It's me!" Qin Shu took out his badge and waved it in front of her, trying to prove his identity.

Chen Rong got closer and saw the words on the token clearly.

"Junior sister?!" Chen Rong looked at Qin Shu with a look of disbelief on her face, "How did you get yourself into this state?"

Qin Shu smiled and said, "The sun has been a bit bright these past two days. It doesn't matter. I'll go back to seclusion for a few days and I'll be white."

After saying that, she slipped away towards her cave, leaving only a word, "See you later!"

Chen Rong looked at Qin Shu's retreating figure and opened her mouth. I'm afraid junior sister doesn't know yet, right? She wanted to be in seclusion for a few days, but she probably couldn't. The entire Alchemy Sect's disciples were eagerly waiting for her to share her alchemy experience with everyone!

Qin Shu rushed all the way back to the top of her mountain and found that Xiaoxiao had woken up early.

But this time she stayed near the experimental field and did not dare to go anywhere else.

Seeing Qin Shu back, she looked like her eyes were filled with tears, and she threw herself into Qin Shu's arms, "Shu Shu, you are back! Xiaoxiao thought you didn't want Xiaoxiao anymore! Wuwuwu... That snake is so scary, Xiaoxiao will wait for Shushu to come back and take care of him!"

Qin Shu was originally quite happy to see her awake, but now she had a complicated look on her face after hearing her words.

"My little one, we don't know who will deal with who. We'd better not say this in the future, as it could easily get burned." Qin Shu covered her mouth with one hand and whispered in her ear.

Xiaoxiao's body, which was lying in her arms, froze, and then struggled to jump up and landed on her shoulders.

"Shushu, can't you deal with him?"

Qin Shu nodded, "That's right."

Xiaoxiao's ears drooped, "Then you can only live in the experimental field with Xiaoxiao at night?"

Qin Shu looked bitter, "Who said it wasn't?"

While she was talking, she did not forget to release the big willow tree from the scroll and put it in the open space between the experimental field and the pond.

Xiaoxiao looked at a big willow tree suddenly rising from the ground in the open space in front of her, and was also stunned, "Shushu, this tree... grows so fast!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a small figure floated down from the willow tree and landed in front of Qin Shu.

She looked around and said excitedly: "Shushu! We really changed places! Where is this?"

She squinted her eyes, raised her head and took a deep breath, and said with satisfaction: "Even the spiritual energy is so rich! It's simply a blessed place for gods!"

If she grew up here from the beginning, it wouldn't take thousands of years for her to become intelligent.

Xiaoxiao looked at the two of them being intimate, and suddenly asked: "Shushu! Who is she!"

Her sharp voice appeared in Qin Shu's mind, and she was also amused, "She is my friend, her name is Liu Cheng."

After speaking, she raised her eyes and looked at Liu Cheng, pulled Xiaoxiao off her shoulders, held her in her palm and introduced her: "Her name is Xiaoxiao, she is my contracted monster, you can play together in the future."

Xiaoxiao and Liu Cheng in front of her looked at each other, and suddenly heard her "squeak" twice.

Qin Shu was about to explain, and heard Liu Cheng smiled and nodded, "Of course! As long as I am here, you can live on my tree trunk!"

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