I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1172 I am very relieved

Taoist Xuantian did not refuse. He took out the jade slip and left messages with him before watching A Yang leave.

It wasn't until A Yang completely left his field of vision that a smile appeared on Taoist Xuantian's lips.

He felt that A Yang was strange this time, and it turned out that he came with bad intentions.

People change throughout their lives. The person I am today is no longer what I used to be. Naturally, I am not naive enough to think that these more than a thousand years have passed in vain.

In the past nine days, A Yang went to many places with him, reminiscing about the past together.

It looked very harmonious, but it was precisely because of this that he knew that A Yang was different from before.

In the past, A Yang would never waste time on such things. If he suppressed his temper and accompanied him to do something he didn't like, it was definitely because he was asking for something.

He was like this before, and he is like this now, but this aspect has never changed.

I just didn’t know what he was asking for, so in the end he didn’t ask.

But he was very sure that it had nothing to do with the passage between the demon world and the ghost world.

They demon cultivators have lost one soul and cannot withstand the evil wind of the ghost world. Who would come here to seek punishment for nothing?

He said he wanted to visit him more conveniently, maybe... it only accounted for 20% of his true intention.

Taoist Xuantian was like a bright mirror in his heart. As long as A Yang didn't mention it, he wouldn't say much.

He died long before he was forced to become a demon, and he became a demon voluntarily.

Taoist Xuantian didn't know what was going on in his heart, but knowing that he had fallen into a demon was even more uncomfortable than knowing that he was dead.

Taoist Xuantian remained silent for a moment, and finally took out the jade slip.

He still had to send a message to his silly and sweet disciple, but when others asked, they told him everything.

Qin Shu had just put away her sword after practicing all morning when she received a message from her master. Qin Shu was a little surprised. Her master almost never took the initiative to send her a message. What happened to the ghost world?

Qin Shu frowned and looked away. Seeing her master's instructions, her brows suddenly furrowed even more tightly.

There is only one sentence on the jade slip, "Stay away from A Yang." 】

Qin Shu wrote a long list of explanations, but finally deleted it after making a secret.

He only replied, [Master, has A Yang gone to find you? 】

Taoist Xuantian: [Come and leave again. He has lived for countless years and is not something that you can deal with. It would be best for everyone to stay away from him. 】

Qin Shu thought for a while and replied, [Disciple understands. 】

Xie Shiyuan told himself that it was necessary to be on guard against others, and Master told himself to stay away from A Yang.

This Ayang... there must be something wrong indeed.

It was because I had some preconceptions. I learned from the Kunpeng clan and Xie Shiyuan that there was some rift between the two clans, but their ultimate enemies were all the gods.

She also learned from A Yang that the establishment of Xuantian Clan was inseparable from him. The combination of the two made her naturally close to A Yang.

Looking back now, this person... is really good at playing with people's hearts.

Qin Shu put away the jade slip and looked up to see Xie Shiyuan standing under the eaves looking at her.

Seeing Qin Shu looking over, Xie Shiyuan smiled at her.

Qin Shu walked over and asked, "When did you come back?"

"just came back."

Qin Shu thought for a while and then said: "Master Cai just said that A Yang went to the ghost world."

Xie Shiyuan raised his eyebrows, "Have the demons gone to the ghost world?"

The demon's own soul is not stable. If he wants to go to the ghost world, someone must have helped him.

There is no doubt that this person is Tan She, and Tan She should be the only one in the entire demon world who has this ability.

Why do they have to go to the ghost world? What is the purpose?

The two of them thought about it for a long time, but for a while they had no clue.

After a long time, Qin Shu suddenly looked up at Xie Shiyuan and asked: "Orochi, who is the one who can break through the ghost world?"

Qin Shu had heard before that the ghost world does not belong to the three thousand worlds. It is a small world that was broken open by the great power the day after tomorrow. Even the reincarnation in it was extradited by the great power.

Xie Shiyuan shook his head, "I don't know either. I used to be in the fairy world and didn't know anything about it."

Qin Shu touched her chin and nodded, "Since the ghost world was broken by a great power, are they going for something left by the great power?"

Xie Shiyuan's eyes gradually became deeper, "If you say that, then I am more inclined to... He may know the role of wish power."

The ghost world is equivalent to a jar filled with wish power. For those who need wish power, the entire ghost world is a huge secret treasure.

Qin Shu's heart clicked. The ghost world has a natural rejection of the demons. They may have had the idea of ​​​​the ghost world for a long time, and they have never been able to do it.

Now... isn't the idea going to hit his master?

With a dark face, Qin Shu took out the jade slip and sent another message to Taoist Xuantian, "Master, please stay away from A Yang..."

The next moment, the message slip lit up, and the voice of my master came out from the jade slip, "Nonsense, if I didn't know anything, how could I warn you like this."

Qin Shu held the jade slip and looked at Xie Shiyuan. Xie Shiyuan heard the voice of his master just now clearly. When he met Qin Shu's eyes, he couldn't help but laugh.

He raised his hand and rubbed Qin Shu's head, "Master knows it well, you don't need to worry."

Qin Shu shook her head, "I don't worry anymore, I just worry about myself. These people have too many eyes..."

Listening to her emotion, Xie Shiyuan's lips curved even wider.

"Most of the monks in the world of immortality like to practice in seclusion in caves and don't go out much because they are too tired to get along with others."

Qin Shu thought about it and considered herself lucky. Almost all the monks she met when she went out were... evil-minded.

In the following days, Qin Shu stayed in seclusion for a few more days before receiving a message from her second senior brother.

She said that her brothers and sisters had returned from the devil world and asked her where she was. Master wanted to see her.

Qin Shu: "..."

How could she not know what the master wanted to ask? It was probably to thank Shi Yuan.

But this kind of thing can be avoided in the first grade of junior high school, but not in the fifteenth grade.

That’s all, let’s go back.

Xie Shiyuan's true body didn't know what he was doing, and the only one left in Chongtian Palace was his clone.

Qin Shu said she wanted to go back to Xuantianmen, and Xie Shiyuan's clone immediately stood up.

"I'll go with you."

Qin Shu frowned, "I'll go back and confess our relationship to Master first, can you come back later? I'm afraid that if you follow me directly, it will be too irritating for him."

Xie Shiyuan raised his eyes and looked at Qin Shu, "Shu'er, in this situation, there are countless pairs of eyes outside looking at you. If you want to go alone, how can I dare?"

Qin Shu fell silent. Xie Shiyuan's worries were not groundless.

Finally, she was heartbroken.

No matter what, Master could only say a few harsh words to her, but it would not kill her.

If something happens to her, Master will still have to save her.

I'd better bring the big snake with me, but...

She looked at Xie Shiyuan, "Otherwise, you will turn into a little snake first like before... Ahem, I know I feel a little wronged to you, but if you do it step by step, Master will be more able to accept it."

As she spoke, she raised her head and met Xie Shiyuan's dark golden eyes. They looked at each other for a long time, and finally Xie Shiyuan's expression softened.

"There is always nothing I can do against you. Even though I, the majestic Lord of Chongtian Palace, have become a shameless one."

The resentment in his tone was almost solidified, and Qin Shu felt a little guilty. She walked over and hugged his waist, putting her head on his chest.

"I want to make it clear to Master when I go back this time. This is the last time, and I won't do it again in the future."

Xie Shiyuan raised his arms to hug her, and hugged her tighter, "That's all, I've long been used to it. Who makes us not from a well-known family?"

Qin Shu broke away from his arms and looked up at him, "Why not? You are more upright than the Luoyun Sect!"

Xie Shiyuan laughed, "Okay, okay, I'm very relieved to have Shu'er's words."

Qin Shu returned to the sect, and no one noticed the inconspicuous little black snake tattoo on her arm.

After diving into the sect's barrier, Qin Shu didn't even return to her own cave, but went directly to her second senior brother's cave.

Wen Chi poured Qin Shu a cup of spiritual tea and watched her drink it down like a cow drinking. He smiled helplessly, "It's still the same as before. No matter how good the tea is in your mouth, it's no different than a cow chewing peonies. "

Qin Shu felt the warmth in her meridians and shook her head, "It's not exactly like cows chewing peonies. There is still a slight difference."

Wen Chi raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the difference?"

Qin Shu smiled, put down the tea cup in her hand, and said, "I don't taste any difference in my mouth, but my body is more honest."

Wen Chi laughed out loud, "Is your body more honest? Hahaha... OK, senior brother will give you a bigger bowl."

He flipped his wrist, and a sea bowl the size of his head appeared in his hand.

It wasn't until the Haiwan filled with a bowl of tea was placed in front of her that Qin Shu looked at Wen Chi in surprise and gave him a thumbs up.

"Senior brother's hospitality is indeed the best in the world of immortality."

Wen Chi agreed with satisfaction, "That's natural."

Seeing this, Qin Shu quickly asked him, "Senior brother, how is our master these days?"

Wen Chi glanced at her with a half-smile, "Are you still afraid? You still pretend that you are not afraid of anything!"

Qin Shu cupped her hands at him with a begging look on her face, "I am not afraid of heaven or earth, but I am afraid that Master will be angry. Good senior brother, please talk to me quickly."

Wen Chi still laughed, but after all he said to her, "Our master, you don't know yet? No matter how angry you are, your anger will dissipate when he sees you. But this time, you have hidden it from him for so long, I'm afraid you have to hide it from him." Explained.”

Qin Shu sighed, "It's not that I want to hide it, it's just that I didn't have the opportunity before..."

The reputation of Chongtian Palace has improved a lot in the past two years, so she dared to take Xie Shiyuan to meet her senior brothers and sisters, and brought him back to meet her master.

But in the past, when the two sects were still at war with each other, she wouldn't dare to borrow her courage...

As the saying goes, things go smoothly if things are slow, and there is indeed some truth to it.

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