I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1174 I come to you openly

Master Qi Nan: "..."

Grow together for tens of thousands of years? Isn’t this familiar?

Ancestor Qinglong opened his eyes, glanced at Suzaku, and said, "Stop teasing him."

As soon as Master Qi Nan heard this, he quickly looked at Ancestor Qinglong and heard Ancestor Qinglong say: "His body has been sealed in Qiyuan Mountain for countless years. My dragon horn seemed to have some sense a while ago. I don't know if he is." Escape. But since he is sealed, he cannot become a demon, so you don’t need to worry about that.”

Master Qi Nan's heart was filled with turmoil. Listening to the opinions of the two ancestors, he turned out to be a being comparable to their ancestors.

Since his body is sealed, does that mean that what the eight sects jointly dealt with many years ago was actually Xie Shiyuan's clone?

Under such circumstances, they actually lost? ?

In the past, everyone knew that Xie Shiyuan was powerful, but no one knew how strong he was.

Ancestor Qinglong looked at the stunned Qi Nan and knew his shock.

"Actually, we are quite surprised. You have never seen that guy Xie Shiyuan. He is cold-blooded and a loner. Guo Chong and the others are a little closer to him, but they have not seen his shadow for thousands of years. Who would have thought of him? He even found a Taoist companion from the human race, that little guy..."

Ancestor Qinglong's tone was filled with emotion, and Ancestor Suzaku spoke at the right time.

"If it's Shu'er, I wouldn't be surprised. That girl is quite lovable."

After hearing what he said, Patriarch Qinglong nodded, "That's true."

Master Qi Nan listened to the two of them talking to each other, and quickly asked: "How should we deal with this matter? Please give me some advice from the two ancestors."

Suzaku and Qinglong were silent for a moment, and finally the Suzaku ancestor spoke.

"If Xie Shiyuan's true form has escaped, all of your sects combined may not be his match. If you are his enemy, you will only push Shu'er out, and you will not be able to snatch him away."

Qi Nan's brows furrowed. According to Xingchen Zhenren's speculation, Qin Shu will have great fortunes in the future. If she is really forced to leave Xuantianmen, it will really not be a good thing for Xuantianmen.

Ancestor Suzaku spoke again, "Let's arrange for him to meet with us. Once we meet, we will know everything."

The two ancestors were willing to come forward to take care of the matter. Qi Nan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly clasped his fists and said, "Yes!"

When Qin Shu returned to the cave, Xie Shiyuan was lying where he had been lying before, holding a picture album in his hand and reading it carefully.

Hearing the noise, he turned to look at the door and saw Qin Shu walking in and closing the door.

As soon as Qin Shu closed the door, she met a pair of dark golden eyes.

She walked over, bent down and gathered up his hair that had been blown down. She took out a jade hairpin with a flick of her wrist and pulled up his hair.

"What did your boss say?"

Qin Shu retracted her hand, met his probing gaze, and said, "Ancestor Suzaku and Ancestor Qinglong want to see you."

Xie Shiyuan raised his eyebrows, "I thought they were going to stay in that turtle shell for the rest of their lives. Why did they remember to see me?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "I don't know either. Do you want to see her?"

Xie Shiyuan raised his hand and put his arm around Qin Shu's shoulder, and touched the side of his head to hers, "Of course I have to meet them. Only if I meet them... Haha, I will be able to come to you openly in the future. There is no need to hide. On this stone bed, waiting for your return."

Qin Shu pressed her cheek against his. His body temperature was always cold, and her cheek seemed to be touching a piece of fine jade.

"I'll explain it to you. Master and the leader will agree."

Feeling her closeness, Xie Shiyuan raised the corners of his lips slightly, "Take me to see them."

When Qin Shu brought Xie Shiyuan to the head cave, Master Lingxu and Master Qi Nan gradually fell into deep thought as they looked at his appearance.

No wonder Ji Duo looked familiar to her before. It turned out that she looked a bit similar to Xie Shiyuan.

They had always thought that the big flower was Shu'er's spiritual pet.

Today's young people like to have their spiritual pets call them parents, but they never thought that the flower was related to Xie Shiyuan.

Furthermore, he was able to move freely when the Xuantian Gate Formation was activated, which Qin Shu could not do.

Xie Shiyuan had a panoramic view of their faces, and then he gave them a fist.

"Master Qi Nan."

He turned around and called Master Lingxu again, "Master."

Master Lingxu's eyelids twitched and he wanted to say something, but Master Qi Nan stopped him with a look.

Master Qi Nan invited him and Qin Shu to sit down, and asked his disciples to bring tea.

Xie Shiyuan looked calm, Qin Shu sat next to him and listened to their words with her eyes, nose and heart.

"You..." Master Qi Nan paused for a moment, then continued: "I heard that you are an old friend of our ancestors Qinglong and Suzaku?"

Xie Shiyuan shook his head slightly. Qi Nan's heart just started to rise when he heard Xie Shiyuan continue to say: "It's not an old friend, we just met each other when we were young and have practiced together for a few years."

Xie Shiyuan did not say it clearly, but Qi Nan knew that some of the years he mentioned should be in units of ten thousand years.

He pursed his lips, wanting to ask something, but he didn't know how to ask.

After thinking about it, I might as well take him directly to see the ancestor.

Some words may be more convenient for the ancestor to talk to him. Qi Nan's eyes fell on Qin Shu, who was sitting opposite Xie Shiyuan.

Sensing the fluctuation on her body, Qi Nan was stunned again.

This girl really is... She doesn't even waste this little bit of time. She took the time to temper her soul while drinking a bowl of spiritual tea?

Qi Nan Zhenren exchanged a few more words with Xie Shiyuan before taking him to see Zhuque and Qinglong Patriarch.

Coming to this small world again, feeling the rich spiritual energy fluctuations in it, Qin Shu's spiritual energy surged again.

She forcibly suppressed the urge to break through, and two familiar figures appeared in front of them in the distance.

Zhuque Patriarch had just landed when he glanced at Qin Shu, "Come here to break through again?"

Qin Shu: "..."

How should she explain that the last time was an accident, and this time it was an accident that had not yet happened? The intention to break through has been suppressed by her.

Zhuque Patriarch's words led Qinglong Patriarch to look at her.

He looked at Qin Shu, raised his eyebrows in surprise, turned to look at the Suzaku Patriarch beside him, and asked: "Zhu Zhu, when we opened this small world, did we adjust the speed of time?"

The Suzaku Patriarch shook his head, "I don't have that ability."

After saying that, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he said, "If you give me a nickname again, I will roast all your sleeping candies dry."

The Qinglong Patriarch didn't care about this, "You can also call me Qingqing or Longlong, I can accept it."

The Suzaku Patriarch rolled his eyes at him and turned his head to look at Qin Shu. He knew what the Qinglong Patriarch meant.

They didn't adjust the speed of time, which means that the speed of time here is actually the same as outside. Although they live the same life every day, they are not so confused about what day it is, not to mention that Qin Shu has just left here not long ago.

In just a few years, her cultivation has skyrocketed to the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body. This cultivation speed is a bit too fast...

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