I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1178 Are you still not going to take action?

Qinglong frowned and said slowly: "Zixiao and Baiyu are two swords..."

Xie Shiyuan nodded slowly, "Just wait and see, this level of thunder tribulation can't do anything to her."

Qinglong frowned at Xie Shiyuan's proud look, and then laughed.

"To be honest, her current physique is inseparable from me."

Xie Shiyuan raised his eyebrows, and heard Qinglong say: "When she came to the small world, I taught her for a while."

Suzaku also spoke at this time, "If you say so... I have something to do with it."

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

It has something to do with everyone, but not him?

That's not right, at least Shu'er's body training method was taught by him.

While speaking, another thunder dragon rushed down from the thundercloud, and Qin Shu drew swords with both hands at the same time, one hand Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword Sixth Style, and the other hand Endless Life.

The Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword stopped the thunder dragon, and Endless Life disintegrated the power in it.

For a moment, the light was so bright that it seemed as if a circular light curtain was propped up above her head, wrapping her up completely.

The force from the sword made her arm numb, and the force spread along her arm to her whole body.

Qin Shu hurriedly used the body refining technique to buffer these forces, but even so, when these forces completely disappeared, Qin Shu still vomited blood.

She circulated her spiritual energy, and her body was like a black hole, absorbing the purple spiritual energy that originally enveloped her body.

She exhaled a breath of turbid air, took both swords in her left hand, touched the storage bracelet with her right hand, took out a bottle of pills and swallowed it.

Just as she recovered some of her blood and energy, the third thunder dragon in the sky followed closely.


Qin Shu climbed up from the scorched earth and looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky.

Seventy-eight, right? I don’t know how many thunder tribulations there will be this time.

Logically speaking, 9981 thunder tribulations are already the maximum, but the thunder tribulations she encounters are always unjust...

At this time, Qin Shu was in a very bad state, as if she was burnt, her skin was burnt black, as hard as armor, and it hurt when touched.

After experiencing countless times of flesh and blood recasting, Qin Shu didn't care about this level of pain at all.

She used a trick of dead wood coming back to life on herself, felt the pain in her body eased, and frowned and looked at the sky again.

The thundercloud did not dissipate, but tended to get darker and darker.

Suddenly, a thunder exploded in Qin Shu's ears, and in her field of vision, a huge thunder dragon emerged from the thundercloud.

This thunder dragon was bigger than the ones Qin Shu had dealt with before, and in addition, this thunder dragon was different from the previous ones.

This feeling came from Qin Shu's sixth sense, but she couldn't tell what was different for a while.

Just as Qin Shu was carefully investigating, the thunder dragon in the air slowly opened its eyes.

A purple thunder dragon has a pair of golden eyes. Qin Shu was startled. She knew what was different.

If the previous thunder dragon was just a thunder tribulation in the form of thunder, then this thunder dragon seemed to have consciousness.

It was no longer just an ordinary thunderbolt, it had its own life.

Qin Shu slowly rose into the air and stood in the air. The spiritual energy around her was drained by her. The next moment, two purple lights appeared on her two swords.

Attack is the best defense. This time she completely gave up defense and would strike the strongest sword.

The thunder dragon rolled for a while, and then with a long roar, it swooped down towards Qin Shu with a mighty force.

Qin Shu stood in the air, holding the sword in both hands, looking down at the sky, like an invincible god.

Kill gods when you meet gods, and slash dragons when you meet dragons.

Zhuque in the distance looked expressionless, and asked Xie Shiyuan beside him softly: "Are you still not going to take action?"

Xie Shiyuan shook his head slightly, "It's not time yet."

Zhuque disagreed, "This thunder dragon has consciousness, it's not something that ordinary people can stop, if you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xie Shiyuan, who turned his head to look at Zhuque and said to him solemnly: "She is not an ordinary person."

Zhuque: "..."

He was speechless for a moment, and after a moment he said: "If you don't take action again, the irreversible situation will be established, let's see what you can do! She is just a human, but she doesn't have as many lives as you."

Xie Shiyuan stood with his hands down, and his nails were almost embedded in the flesh in his wide sleeves.

"I can certainly help her get through the disaster, but what about in the future? If I help her every time, how do I know that I won't ruin her Tao heart? This is her Tao."

Xie Shiyuan stared straight in the direction of Qin Shu, his whole body tense as a string.

To ensure that if Qin Shu really couldn't hold on, he could take action at the first time.

Zhuque didn't say anything else. He knew that what Xie Shiyuan said made sense. Since the Purple Sky White Jade Sword recognized her as its master, she should shoulder some responsibilities, and no one else could replace her.

The sword blade wrapped in purple air chopped straight towards the dragon head of the Thunder Dragon without dodging or evading. The dragon head that was originally clamoring and baring its teeth was cut open by her sword at the moment of the two collisions.

Qin Shu's eyes were dyed purple, and the charred tiger's mouth was cracked again, but Qin Shu seemed to have lost all the pain and didn't say a word.

After a stalemate of about a quarter of an hour, the purple on Qin Shu's body became more and more intense, and purple arcs began to emerge from her sword and her arms. Qin Shu made up her mind and began to operate the shielding of the secret.

She suddenly raised her head, and her purple eyes met those golden eyes. The thunder dragon seemed to be alarmed, and roared, but its head was stopped by Qin Shu's sword.

The next moment, the huge dragon's tail swung over. Qin Shu held a white jade sword in her left hand. The purple light blade on it gradually expanded. She swung it out without thinking, cutting off a section of the thunder dragon's tail.

Qin Shu stared at those eyes, her whole body seemed to have entered a mysterious state.

She was neither sad nor happy. Looking at the thunder dragon, she seemed to be looking at an ignorant and fearless youngster.

"I see clearly what you are doing, why don't you retreat quickly!"

Her voice was not loud and was almost easily drowned in the thunder.

But Xie Shiyuan heard it, Qinglong and Suzaku also heard it, and the Thunder Dragon in front of her seemed to hear it too...

The golden eyes suddenly darkened, and the entire thunder dragon seemed to have its soul taken away.

Today's Brontosaurus looks no different from the previous Brontosaurus, except that it is twice as big.

Qin Shu carried away the last three thunder tribulations. There was no good flesh on her body, and her whole body seemed as if she had just been fished out of blood.

Until the thunder clouds completely dispersed, the sane Thunder Dragon did not appear again.

Qin Shu knew in her heart that the person behind it was guilty.

Qin Shu was kneeling on the ground with a sword in both hands. The sword in her hand was stuck in the scorched earth, but its brilliance could not be concealed.

A figure fell beside her, kneeling and pulling her into his arms, and the cool breath enveloped her instantly.

Qin Shu's heart suddenly settled, and she leaned against Xie Shiyuan.

The strong smell of blood on her body made Xie Shiyuan frown again and again, wishing he could bear the pain for her.

He raised his hand and performed a cleaning technique to wash away all the blood and stains on Qin Shu's body, and then raised his hand to feed her the next pill.

At this time, two other figures fell behind them. Ancestor Qinglong raised his hand and struck a water spirit on Qin Shu. The gentle power of water wrapped around her meridians, and the power of the pill she had taken also dissolved. .

Xie Shiyuan watched Qin Shu's frown relax, then he breathed a sigh of relief, picked her up horizontally, and said to Suzaku and Qinglong behind him: "I'm going back to Chongtian Palace, will you come with me? Or at Xuantianmen? ?”

Qinglong and Suzaku looked at each other, and they discussed over the message before saying: "You go first, we will go to Chongtian Palace to find you in three days."

Xuantianmen had treated them well over the years, and they still had some things to deal with before leaving.

Xie Shiyuan nodded slightly and agreed, then said to Qinglong and Suzaku: "You go back and tell her master that she is seriously injured, and I will take her back to Chongtian Palace to recuperate."

Qinglong and Suzaku responded and saw a wave of space fluctuations in front of them. The figure holding Qin Shu had completely disappeared in front of them.

Upon seeing this, Qinglong couldn't help but sigh: "His talent and skills are really good."

Suzaku also nodded. Although they, the Suzaku clan, fly very fast, they... can't stand up to other people's space talent, so they can cross the world with just one kick.

However, he also knew in his heart that even if he envied someone else's talent ten thousand times, it would not be his own. The most important thing was to do his best.

He glanced at Qinglong beside him and said, "Let's go, let's go back too."

"I'm going to find Qi Nan. You can find a way to sense Xuanwu's whereabouts." Suzaku explained.

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