I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1187 There is no Penglai in the world anymore

The woman in front of him smiled shyly, but still answered him, "I've always been here."

Qin Shu looked at the two of them, who looked like old acquaintances, and guessed whether this was a mythical beast that grew up with them, so she quietly sent a message to Xie Shiyuan and asked, "Who is she?"

Xie Shiyuan looked very complicated and asked: "She just called you master."

Qin Shu's expression became more complicated, "Did she admit the wrong person just like Bai Shuang?"

But Xie Shiyuan knew that no, they did not admit the wrong person.

The Qin Shu just now was indeed different from now. If he admitted his mistake, no one would admit that his wife was wrong. They were two completely different auras.

"Xuanwu." Qin Shu heard Xie Shiyuan say.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she heard Xie Shiyuan ask the woman in front of him: "You left quietly back then, did you just come here?"

Zuyin nodded, "Yes, I have always been here."

Xie Shiyuan asked again: "Do you know that the lineage of divine beasts has suffered a great disaster?"

Zuyin still nodded, "I saw what happened back then with my own eyes."

Xie Shiyuan frowned even more tightly, "Since you know, why didn't you show up back then?"

The bloodlines of the four elephants influence each other. If she had been there back then, the combat power of Qinglong and White Tiger could have been improved, and perhaps they would not be in this situation now.

Zuyin's eyes fell on Qin Shu who was holding hands with him beside him. Zuyin was obviously startled when he saw their hands tightly held together.

Then I heard her say: "I am here to wait under the orders of my master."

The master said that what she did was of great importance. No matter what happened, even if all her companions died, even if the master fell, she must stay here.

"Waiting?" Xie Shiyuan asked, "Who are you waiting for?"

Zuyin shook his head, "Master said, I will know when the time comes."

Xie Shiyuan asked again: "Then do you know now?"

Zuyin's expression was confused for a moment. She seemed to know something, but she seemed to know nothing.

Qin Shu listened to the conversation between the two of them and quietly sent a message to Xie Shiyuan: "Who is her master? Does he know anything?"

She must be powerful to be able to make Xuanwu recognize her as his master. If they can cooperate with her, they will have a strong teammate whether they are dealing with the gods or the snakes.

Unexpectedly, Xie Shiyuan actually shook his head, "I don't know, she left us a long time ago, saying she was going to become a disciple to practice."

Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice in her heart. It seemed that besides the divine beasts and the gods, there were other powerful beings in the upper realm.

While Qin Shu was thinking, Zuyin spoke again: "Master, are you here to take Zuyin away?"

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, and when she raised her head, she met her bright black eyes.

Qin Shu was shocked to realize that she was talking to him. She quickly waved her hand and said, "I am not your master."

As soon as she spoke, Zuyin's face was obviously a little disappointed.

She also saw that although the girl in front of her looked very similar to her master, she was not the same person.

But the voice of the master just now did come from her. What's going on?

She has never been very smart, and the current situation is beyond her understanding and she cannot understand it at all.

But it doesn't matter, the master has one last explanation before she leaves.

"The master said that if she comes back one day, she will let me leave with her."

Just now, the master did come back.

To be fair, Qin Shu also wanted to take her away.

The Green Dragon, White Tiger and Suzaku are already waiting in Nanxiang City. If they find Xuanwu back, they will have a big help.

But it was obvious that Xuanwu was a very important move made by her so-called master. She was worried that taking people away rashly would affect the other party's arrangement.

Qin Shu expressed her worries, but Zuyin looked at her and suddenly smiled.

"I was mistaken before. You are indeed my master."

Qin Shu was startled when she heard her continue: "Although you seem to remember nothing now, your essence will not change."

Qin Shu scratched her hair and became even more confused.

She used to consider herself a smart person, but why is it that the current situation makes her even more confused?

She thought for a while and asked tentatively: "Do you... know Bai Shuang?"

Zuyin laughed after hearing her question, "She actually found you first, so it's even more correct. You must be the master."

When Qin Shu looked at her like this, she knew that they knew each other.

"Are you familiar with each other?" Qin Shu asked again.

Zuyin looked at her and smiled, "Master, it seems you have forgotten that Bai Shuang is my clone!"

Qin Shu: "?"

As soon as she said this, even Xie Shiyuan looked at her in surprise.

Zuyin said again: "Zuyin has been waiting for you here for countless years, waiting for you to take me away. You asked Zuyin to guard here. Zuyin met many human races and many demon races, but Zuyin "Yin doesn't know who you asked Zuyin to wait for."

She looked around and looked at the huge stones and said: "When the ladder to heaven broke and these stones fell from the sky, Zuyin caught them all and no one noticed them.

"There are also colorful stones, which were also taken down. It's just that when Zuyin was asleep a few years ago, the little guy seemed to have lost his mind and ran away with someone."

When she said this, she suddenly paused, and a look of sudden realization appeared on her face.

She suddenly understood that the master asked her to wait here, could it be that he wanted her to catch these stones and colorful stones?

However, the master didn't know what happened, and now it seemed that he didn't remember anything. What her original intention was, there was no way to know.

Qin Shu looked at Xie Shiyuan, and thought for a while, "Do you really want to leave with us?"

Zuyin clasped his fists and saluted, "Zuyin swears to follow the master to death!"

Qin Shu was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Then follow, Zhuque Qinglong and others have been looking for you for many years."

Qin Shu didn't expect them to leave so soon, and didn't even see the monsters here at night.

She took out her boat, sat on it with Xie Shiyuan, and turned around to look at Zuyin behind her.

She saw her raise her hands and pinch her fingers, and the huge Penglai Fairy Island behind her shrank little by little, and then floated out of the water.

The pattern on its back made Qin Shu's eyes widen in shock. She understood, no wonder everyone said that Penglai Island was hard to find, just because Penglai Island was alive!

The entire Penglai is on Xuanwu's back. Wherever she swims, there is Penglai.

As for Bai Shuang, it is roughly the snake on Xuanwu's back, which is what she calls the clone.

It was not until Zuyin stood on the boat that the Penglai Island completely disappeared on the sea.

It seems that the Ziwu Immortal Grass will be useless in the future.

There is no Penglai in the world anymore.

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