The three of them turned their heads to look at Qin Shu beside her, and the atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

Qinglong was the first to speak, his tone full of disbelief, "You mean Qin Shu?!"

Although the other two did not speak, it was clear from their eyes that they did not believe what she said.

When they first met Qin Shu, she was only in the foundation-building stage, and could be killed with just one finger. How could she be her master?

But Zuyin nodded obediently after hearing his question, and stood beside Qin Shu with a look of waiting for orders.

Qin Shu faced everyone's gaze and explained: "Maybe there is some origin?"

At least so far, she has no relevant memories. In addition to the eighteen years of her previous life and the ten years of memory she got from her original body, there are only memories of her cultivation in these years.

She once doubted whether she was herself, but... she really couldn't remember anything.

Later, she simply let it go, and let her go, and she would know when she should know.

Xie Shiyuan came up at this time and said to them: "Go back first, you haven't seen each other for many years, it's good to reminisce about the past."

Suzaku also nodded, "Go back."

After many years, the four of them sat at the same table again, and everyone was filled with emotion.

Seeing this, Xie Shiyuan turned around and walked out the door.

Meng Liang raised his head and called him, "Xie Shiyuan, where are you going?"

Xie Shiyuan turned his head and glanced at them, "Of course I'm going to see my wife, I don't have anything to reminisce about the past with you."

Meng Liang: "..."

Qinglong: "..."

This time they watched Xie Shiyuan leave and didn't stop him anymore, waiting until he left, and the room fell into silence again.

It's true that they used to be companions, but... no matter how familiar someone is, they will become strangers after not seeing each other for thousands of years.

After a long time, Zhuque broke the silence first, raised his eyes and looked at Zuyin sitting opposite, and asked: "Who is Qin Shu?"

Everyone knew what he meant by this, so they all looked at Zuyin, but Zuyin still shook her head.

"It's not the right time yet. I can't say it."

Qinglong turned his head and looked at Meng Liang on the side, and asked: "Where is Manjia? Who is he?"

Meng Liang knew that he had noticed something, but still said stubbornly: "He is my son."

Qinglong sneered, "You, a tiger, can give birth to a dragon?!"

Seeing that he had exposed him, Meng Liang was not angry, but said firmly: "I raised him, I am his father!"

Qinglong wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhuque. Qinglong looked at him and he shook his head gently.

The two have been living together for ten thousand years, and they have a tacit understanding, so they shut up.

Then Zhuque asked again: "What happened to you in these years?"

Meng Liang shook his head, "The gods have left here, what else can I not deal with here?"

Zhuque then asked: "Where did you meet Manjia?"

Meng Liang seemed to be lost in memories, and spoke for a long time: "Back then, two groups of humans were fighting for an egg. I happened to pass by and found that there was dragon blood in this egg... so I picked it up."

He said it calmly, but in fact it was not the case.

Back then, their lineage of divine beasts was defeated, and his brothers were almost all sealed in the demon world. He was alone in a foreign land, and finally came across a dragon egg.

Then, he felt compassion.

This egg was not picked up by him, but robbed by him.

How could the dragon blood fall into the hands of humans? !

"I hatched the egg. At first we were traveling outside. Later someone targeted Manjia and implicated the whole village, so I took him into seclusion.

"It wasn't until more than a year ago that we ran into Qin Shu by chance, and she brought us out."

As soon as he finished speaking, the room fell silent again.

But then Zuyin's voice was heard, "You are worthy of being the master!"

The three people's eyes fell on her again. Zuyin looked at them and said, "The master gathered us all here. Everything is destined."

Meng Liang frowned and asked, "Why did she gather us all here?"

Zuyin shook her head, "The master has not awakened yet, and there is no next instruction."

Suzaku said, "Let's deal with the Teng Snake first. He has become more and more outrageous over the years."

Qinglong glanced at him, "But to deal with a Teng Snake, do we need so many people to take action? You can go by yourself. "

Suzaku looked at him, "It must not be that simple, otherwise Xie Shiyuan would have cleaned it up himself, why would he have to find us all?"

Qinglong tilted his head and looked at him, and after a moment he said, "You are still smart."

The four said they were reminiscing about the past, but in fact there was nothing much to say.

After all, the lives of the four of them in the past ten thousand years were more boring than each other, so they said a few words and then went their separate ways.

As soon as they opened the door, they saw Bai Shuang standing outside the door.

Zu Yin looked at Bai Shuang, and her expression became a little strange.

Bai Shuang frowned, stood at the bottom of the steps and looked up at her, with a confused look.

"Who... are you? Why do you look so familiar?"

Zu Yin smiled, "You haven't remembered anything even though your souls have merged?"

Bai Shuang shook her head, and her mind seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and she couldn't remember anything.

Facing the curious looks of the other three, Zu Yin introduced them to them: "Bai Shuang. "

Hearing this name, the three of them showed a look of understanding.

Seeing this, Bai Shuang suddenly became more confused.

What's happening here? Everyone knows me, but I can’t remember anything?

"Who am I?" she asked, frowning and looking at the four people in front of her.

"Bai Shuang." Zuyin replied.

The expression on Bai Shuang's face became more complicated. Zuyin raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, still saying: "If you can't remember, it means the time has not come yet. Don't be anxious, just do what you should do."

Bai Shuang seemed to understand but didn't seem to understand. Looking at the backs of a group of them leaving, he thought about it and left.

At this time, Qin Shu was lying on the table and reviewing the situation with Xie Shiyuan: "Orochi, you said that Bai Shuang is Zuyin, so the Wen family has the blood of Bai Shuang. In other words, the Wen family is the descendant of Bai Shuang, that is, the descendant of Zuyin. People...and I have the blood of the Wen family, Zuyin is also my ancestor...but now she calls me master? Isn't this a mess?"

Xie Shiyuan was silent for a while, and then said after a moment: "It is better for us, the Xiangliu clan."

With him alone, you never have to worry about figuring out the relationship.

Qin Shu sighed and said, "Now that these ancestors have been found, shall we go to the Demon Realm again?"

Let's kill the snake first so that it won't harm more people.

Xie Shiyuan shook his head, "It doesn't matter yet, the most urgent thing is to go to Nanzhou first."

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