I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 119 No one can resist a two-handed sword

Xie Shiyuan looked at the little girl in front of him with his brows twisted into knots. Those who knew that he had to help her practice swordsmanship, and those who didn't know thought that he had bullied her.

His slender fingers tapped gently on the stone bed, as if he had thought of something.

He looked at Qin Shu and asked slowly: "Tell the truth, why don't you want to practice swordsmanship?"

Qin Shu looked up and met his gaze. She turned her face away with a guilty conscience and muttered softly: "It's nothing, it's just... it's just... who can refuse a two-handed sword?"

Xie Shiyuan never dreamed that it would be this reason. He frowned and asked back: "Two-handed sword?"

Qin Shu nodded, slapped the storage bag on her waist, and offered the white jade sword.

"Watch it."

Xie Shiyuan's eyes fell on the sword in Qin Shu's hand, and he saw Qin Shu raised the sword and chopped it down on Xie Shiyuan's stone bed.

However, just when the sword was about to touch the stone bed, Qin Shu's movement suddenly stopped.

Xie Shiyuan was stunned, and then he saw Qin Shu holding a sword and walking hurriedly outside, "I'd better go outside to chop, if I break your bed, I can't afford to pay."

She rushed out of the yard, and Xie Shiyuan looked at the half-open stone door, chuckled, and followed her out.

In the yard was a sword-testing stone that Qin Shu had brought back from the Sword Sect. Qin Shu injected a little spiritual power and chopped directly at the sword-testing stone.

Xie Shiyuan walked out of the cave and saw the white jade sword broken in the middle.

However, the broken sword was not useless as he thought, and the broken part of it turned into a purple sword blade?

Qin Shu was about to walk back to the cave to show Xie Shiyuan, but when she turned around, she saw him standing behind her, so she raised the sword in her hand to show him, "How is it, is it a two-handed sword?"

Xie Shiyuan's expression was also a little confused when he saw this, what was going on?

Qin Shu, who was standing in front of him, was holding a sword in one hand and showing off, saying, "Look, this sword can also become longer or shorter. How convenient is that? Why do you need to repair it? I think it's very useful now?"

Xie Shiyuan's eyes fell on the two swords that were sometimes longer and sometimes shorter, and suddenly he thought of the long-forgotten name of this sword - Zixiao White Jade Sword.

Could it be that the Zixiao in its name came from this?

But its previous owners had never discovered this kind of use. If the sword was broken, it was broken. This sword is powerful, but it is too fragile, so it can only be reinforced continuously.

It was okay to use it in the early stage, but when it came to the later stage, if you wanted to reinforce the sword, the quenching materials used were too many, and it was really a bit useless, so the sword was put aside.

Now it seems that perhaps this Zixiao White Jade Sword has never met its destined person?

Seeing that Qin Shu was having a lot of fun, Xie Shiyuan simply turned around and walked towards the cave.

Qin Shu was still thinking about the reward for running errands, so she hurriedly chased after him.

Liu Cheng sat on the branch of the willow tree, holding Xiao Xiao in his arms.

Seeing the two of them disappear at the entrance of the cave, Liu Cheng asked Xiao Xiao curiously, "Who is that person?"

Xiao Xiao was sitting on her lap, looking up at Liu Cheng, squinting his eyes and thinking for a long time before saying, "It should be Shu Shu's... ancestor?"

Liu Cheng suddenly realized, "So that's why Shu Shu's cave was given to him. A Ling always told me that humans all pay attention to respecting the elderly and loving the young..."

"That big snake is very fierce, we should stay away from it."


Xie Shiyuan didn't know that he had become an old man in the eyes of the two little things outside. He sat down on the stone bench in the house, waved his sleeves, and a set of tea sets appeared on the table.

When a cup of tea was about to be filled, Qin Shu just walked in, and the timing was just right.

Qin Shu was still holding two swords in her hands. She stopped two steps away from Xie Shiyuan and asked tentatively, "This sword can really be used as a two-handed sword. I'm used to it now. Can I not repair it?"

Xie Shiyuan took a sip of tea and glanced at her indifferently, "The sword is yours. You can repair it if you want to, and you don't have to repair it if you don't want to."

Qin Shu felt relieved when she heard his non-compulsive tone, and then continued, "Can I change my reward?"

Xie Shiyuan thought about it and threw a talisman out.

Qin Shu thought he was going to attack her again, so she dodged quickly.

The golden talisman paper lost its support point in the air and fell lightly to the ground.

Nothing happened.

Xie Shiyuan glanced at Qin Shu's movements and sneered, "I want to kill you, so why waste a talisman?"

Qin Shu was stunned, and suddenly realized that perhaps this talisman was the new reward given to her by the big snake. Her eyes lit up, and she quickly stepped over and bent down to pick up the talisman.

The strokes on the talisman were very complicated. Even if Qin Shu had never seen one in the market, she could guess that the grade of this talisman was not low.

She carefully held the talisman and blew away the dust on it. Then she came to Xie Shiyuan happily and asked, "Big Snake, what kind of talisman is this?"

Xie Shiyuan glanced at her sideways, "The teleportation talisman can be randomly teleported thousands of miles. This talisman paper can be used three times. After three times, it will turn into ashes."

This light talisman paper seemed to weigh a thousand pounds in Qin Shu's hand. How could this be an ordinary talisman paper! This is clearly the lifeblood of Qin Shu!

The tortoise shell that the big snake gave her before could resist three attacks, and the teleportation talisman given this time could escape three times.

This means that the big snake gave her six lives!

He seemed to be afraid of dying?

Qin Shu was in a good mood. It seemed that her spiritual energy was indeed extraordinary.

"Thank you, big snake! If there is such a good thing in the future, I will do it for you!" Qin Shu patted her chest and promised.

After that, she seemed to remember something and took out the porcelain bottle given to her by Li Niang from her storage bag and presented it with both hands.

"Your lover is concerned about your injury and asked me to bring you the mother of ten thousand poisonous insects. Please accept it."

Qin Shu kept calling her lover. Xie Shiyuan was too lazy to explain his private affairs at first, but now he couldn't bear it anymore.

He frowned and said, "Li Niang is my subordinate! What lover or not, you are so young and don't learn well!"

Are human children so precocious? They are not in estrus at this age!

Qin Shu faintly heard the displeasure in his words and quickly shut up.

"If you don't have any other instructions, I'll leave first." Qin Shu was about to run away.

Xie Shiyuan glanced at the poisonous insect mother in his hand and hummed, "Leave."

Qin Shu immediately put on the oil on his feet and did not forget to close the stone door of the cave for him.

Qin Shu's chattering voice disappeared, and the cave returned to its former tranquility.

Xie Shiyuan liked the shade, and he also covered half of the window of the cave with a curtain. The light shone through the pattern of the curtain, casting various dreamlike spots on his face.

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