I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1193 You are more important than sword moves


Qin Shu saw Xie Shiyuan agreed, and the arc of her lips suddenly became bigger.

She knew that the big snake had no resistance to the poison pills "specially made for him".

"Where are we going now?" Qin Shu asked.

Xie Shiyuan: "Go back."

Qin Shu looked up at the sky and asked, "Wait for them?"

Xie Shiyuan took Qin Shu's hand and turned to enter the space channel, "Why wait for them? They can go back by themselves."

Before Qin Shu had time to think more, she had already felt the space turbulence in the space channel, and the next moment she was standing in the courtyard of Chongtian Palace.

She sighed helplessly and said, "They can come back by themselves, but the journey is long, and it's a bit too slow to come back."

Xie Shiyuan shook his head, "They haven't been out for many years. The world of immortal cultivation that we heard from them is definitely still a little different from the reality. They don't even know much about the influence of demonic energy. It's better to let them see more on this way back."

Qin Shu frowned and continued, "That Teng Snake..."

Xie Shiyuan took over the conversation, "It doesn't matter. They will come back in three or two days at most, so these two days won't make a difference."

Qin Shu originally thought that her second senior brother's flying boat would take a month to fly, but she didn't expect their speed to be so fast.

Qin Shu also had a clear understanding of the abilities of these peak-stage beasts. They are the real peak of the entire immortal cultivation world.

As Xie Shiyuan was talking, he took out the Biluo Sword again and said to Qin Shu: "Take advantage of these two days to teach Shuer swordsmanship first."

He was tall and graceful, with fair fingers pinching the hilt of the sword. He really didn't look like a sword practitioner.

Thinking back, she had never seen Xie Shiyuan use a sword before, but today was an eye-opener.

Qin Shu also took out the wooden sword she used to practice swordsmanship. Xie Shiyuan looked at her and shook his head.

"Not appropriate, it's better to practice swordsmanship with your natal sword. The connection between you and it is something that no other magic weapon can achieve."

Qin Shu listened to the advice, put away the wooden sword, and took out the Zixiao White Jade Sword.

Xie Shiyuan motioned her to step back a little, and Qin Shu retreated to the eaves, watching the sword in Xie Shiyuan's hand slowly slash out...

It looked like a child playing, if he used such a sword technique to defeat the gods and smash the immortal lantern, Qin Shu would not believe it at all.

But after three moves, Qin Shu found that the seemingly simple sword technique gradually changed.

Her expression also became serious, staring at Xie Shiyuan's movements without moving, fearing that she would miss something.

Finally, Xie Shiyuan's sword technique became faster and faster, and Qin Shu felt that her eyeballs could not keep up with his movements.

At this time, Xie Shiyuan's voice suddenly came from her sea of ​​consciousness.

"Close your eyes and feel it."

Qin Shu quickly closed her eyes, and the various five elements floating in the air fluctuated with his sword.

There was a little space element on the tip of his sword perfunctorily. As his movements became faster and faster, the tip of the sword with the space element was like a swimming dragon, and it was possible that it would appear from somewhere in the next moment.

Qin Shu fell silent upon seeing this...

She roughly understood it, but she didn't have the space element, so she couldn't use this sword technique at all...

Xie Shiyuan put away the sword in his hand, looked at Qin Shu, and asked, "Did you see it clearly?"

Qin Shu nodded and sighed, "But I don't have the space talent, so I can't use this sword technique."

Xie Shiyuan looked at Qin Shu and shook his head gently, "You haven't understood it yet, let's see."

Qin Shu listened to Xie Shiyuan's words, calmed down again, closed her eyes and began to feel Xie Shiyuan's sword.

After carefully feeling it for a quarter of an hour, Qin Shu realized that she was not completely unsuccessful.

Xie Shiyuan's sword technique did not have fixed sword techniques, and he even had very simple horizontal stabs and vertical chops... These were the basic sword techniques she had practiced countless times.

But his sword techniques were changes made on these basic sword techniques, and the sword techniques themselves were actually these basic sword techniques.

The divine consciousness fell on the tip of his sword again, and as time passed, Qin Shu, who had closed her eyes, suddenly opened them.

"I saw it!"

Xie Shiyuan stopped his sword moves, and with a flip of his wrist, he put the sword behind his back.

He stood in the courtyard, looked up at Qin Shu who was sitting on the steps, and asked softly: "What did you see?"

Qin Shu's face gradually showed a smile, she stood up, jumped down the steps, and took two steps at a time to give Xie Shiyuan a big hug.

"Big Snake! You are worthy of it!"

He is really a genius.

Qin Shu always thought that his superb sword moves were the result of his spatial talent at first, but later she gradually understood that it was not entirely the result of spatial talent.

The world in the eyes of different people is different.

In the eyes of ordinary cultivators, the world is composed of heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, flowers, plants, trees, etc.; but in the eyes of high-level masters like Xie Shiyuan, the world is composed of countless elements.

At the beginning, his sword moves would drive the five elements around him. Later, as his movements became faster and faster, the five elements driven by the tip of the sword also decreased a lot.

She had previously thought that this was caused by the spatial element on the tip of his sword, but later she gradually realized that the spatial element was simply a trick.

The most fundamental reason why his sword force did not cause any fluctuations was that he stabbed out with his sword but perfectly controlled the tip of the sword to pass through the gap between the elements.

In a monk's fight, it is not easy to see sword moves with the naked eye. Most of them rely on spiritual consciousness. If it can not cause elemental fluctuations, the sword moves are almost as invisible as being invisible.

If you can fully understand this move, then combine it with her endless life.

When the killing moves arrive silently one after another, the opponent may not have any consciousness yet.

Listening to Qin Shu's words, Xie Shiyuan showed a touch of pride on his face. He raised his arms and hugged her. He imitated her tone and said, "You are indeed my Shu'er."

Qin Shu withdrew from his arms embarrassedly, but her eyes were extremely bright.

"Orochi, you watch from the side and I'll give it a try."

Xie Shiyuan was originally dissatisfied when Wenxiang Nephrite left his arms, but he also knew Qin Shu's love for practice, so he could only smile helplessly, "Okay, I watched from the side, and I knew that the sword moves were better than I'm important."

Hearing his jealous words, Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, looked at him and said, "If this is really the case, how can I be with you like my senior brother, who uses a sword as a companion?"

Xie Shiyuan was stunned when he saw Qin Shu's face suddenly moved a little closer, almost touching his ear.

Her voice also sounded in his ears, and her warm breath fell on his ears.

My ears are itching, and my heart is itching too.

"Orochi, there is no doubt that you are more important than sword moves."

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