I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1195 Since it is going to rain, why not rain on the summer solstice?

The sword in her hand stabbed into the air. The movement seemed light but the sword in her hand was extremely sharp, passing through all the water elements at a tricky angle.

Xie Shiyuan looked at this scene, a happy smile gradually appeared on his face.

He knew that she was dissatisfied with her learning speed, but in his eyes, her progress was already very fast.

He didn't say anything, but she could see the secret of his swordsmanship, and it took less than five days for her to figure it out and it was already beginning to take shape.

Although her sword ability can only dodge larger elements now, if she practices it, she will definitely become very powerful in the future.

At this moment, he stared at Qin Shu's sword tip and made a confused sound.


He felt the chaotic force at the tip of Qin Shu's sword, thrusting out with her sword moves.

Xie Shiyuan laughed, she learned very quickly.

The power of space and the power of chaos are both forces that are superior to the five elements. The power added to such an unexpected sword move will definitely cause a fatal blow to the enemy.

It rained for two days, which is very rare in the world of immortality.

Xie Shiyuan stood under the eaves, looking at the rain curtain in front of him with a strange expression.

Qin Shu had been standing in the rain for two days. With her fire aura and strong physique, she was not afraid of the cold.

Since there were no negative effects, it seemed like the rain was really falling for her.

Indeed, as she said, this rain was really a timely rain.

She stood in the rain, her fire spirit evaporating the water vapor on her body, and the surroundings were surrounded by clouds and mist.

The sword in her hand stabbed out one after another. Her eyes were sharp and her face was expressionless, like a sword-training machine programmed in advance.

Around noon, there was a wave of vibration in the yard, and then Ao Yong and Zu Yin appeared together.

Qin Shu's silent sword-practicing atmosphere was also broken. She put away her sword and looked up into the air, and the smile returned to her face little by little.

Zuyin frowned and looked at Qin Shu with a distressed look on her face and said, "He shouldn't let you get wet in the rain all the time, right?!"

Qin Shu: "?"

There seemed to be a misunderstanding, so she quickly explained: "This rain helps me understand swordsmanship and has nothing to do with Lao Xie."

Xie Shiyuan had also walked down the steps at this time, and the umbrella he was holding was blocking Qin Shu's head.

Qin Shu's spiritual power circulated for a long time, and the water in her body was almost exhausted.

Ao Yong felt the humidity in the air and sighed, "Zhu Zhu still thought that his strength would increase by the summer solstice, but with this rain, everything was ruined."

After hearing this, Qin Shu frowned when she saw Zuyin next to him glance at him, "What are you afraid of? As the water aura increases, won't you and I become stronger?"

As soon as these words came out, Ao Yong finally stopped restraining himself and burst into laughter.

"That's right, it's my turn to be in the limelight this time."

Zuyin glanced around the courtyard before saying, "Master, is Bi Huai here?"

Qin Shu looked confused and subconsciously turned her head to look at Xie Shiyuan beside her.

Bi Huai? who is it?

It was obvious from Xie Shiyuan's expression that she knew him. She heard Xie Shiyuan's voice transmission, "Bi Huai is Suzaku."

Qin Shu suddenly realized that in the past, everyone called them ancestors, many times, but no one knew their real names.

Before she could answer Zuyin's words, there was another wave of waves in the yard, and another familiar figure appeared in the air.

"Find me?"

The person who came was none other than the Suzaku Ancestor himself. He seemed to prefer his original form. At this time, floating in the air was a miniature version of Suzaku.

Ao Yong looked at him and said, "It's raining."

Suzaku nodded, "It doesn't matter. Since it can rain at any time, it's better to let it rain at the summer solstice."

Qin Shu nodded slightly, convinced.

If it rains when the concentration of fire spirit energy is at its highest, it will only offset the two, but it will not weaken the strength.

In addition, at the level of Suzaku, his Suzaku True Fire is probably not affected by ordinary rain.

"Where is Meng Liang?" Zhuque looked around and asked after not seeing his figure.

Ao Yong said lazily: "Yue Mo must have been tripped by the child."

Suzaku raised his hand and pinched a flame, then said, "Meng Liang, let's go."

Before he finished speaking, a figure walked in from outside the courtyard.

Holding an umbrella in his hand, wearing white clothes and dark hair, he looks extremely chic.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Seeing everyone clicking, Bai Shuang laughed, "I don't know why you insist on taking me with you, but when you go to the devil world, you don't have to be fussy about me. I only listen to the master."

Zuyin looked at her ignorant look and touched her chin.

Sometimes, not knowing anything is a good thing.

About a quarter of an hour later, Meng Liangcai arrived late.

"Let's go." He said as soon as he came.

After hearing this, Qin Shu suddenly became excited for a moment.

Could it be that today is the day for the snake to die?

This time there were only seven of them going to the Demon Realm, but this time it was perhaps the strongest lineup in the entire world of immortality.

Qin Shu, who was in the transformation stage, was only at the bottom among them. She felt that going there might be a drag, but Xie Shiyuan reminded her that swordsmanship improved the fastest in actual combat.

Qin Shu stood up straight in an instant. That's right, sword cultivators never give up.

This time, I have to use the demon sacrificial sword again.

They first came to the entrance of the Demon Realm under Nanzhou. Even though they knew from the beginning that there was a huge sacrificial formation here, none of them had ever seen it with their own eyes.

This time, they saw it with their own eyes and understood how big a commotion the Teng Snake had made.

Qin Shu and Xie Shiyuan saw this formation for the second time, and it was much more complete than the last time they saw it.

Qin Shu had a basic understanding of formations, and when she saw this formation, she always felt a little strange, but based on what she had learned, she couldn't see where the strangeness was.

But it didn't matter, she didn't understand but there were still people who did.

Qin Shu left a shadow on the edge of the formation and sent it to Junior Brother Kong Shen...

Kong Shen hadn't received any message from Qin Shu for many years, and thought that Qin Shu was in seclusion. This time, the jade slip fluctuated, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a message from Qin Shu.

His eyes lit up immediately, and when he looked at the content sent by Qin Shu, it turned out to be a corner of the formation.

[Senior Brother, I saw a formation, and I always felt a little strange, but I couldn't see where the strangeness was. I wonder if Senior Brother can help to solve the confusion? 】

After reading the message sent by Qin Shu, Kong Shen looked at the photo again.

It was a bit strange, so he took out a piece of paper and drew a corner of the formation.

He realized something was wrong when he drew half of it.

This formation... didn't look like something done by the righteous way. Did Junior Sister Qin Shu encounter any danger?

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