I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1197 Are you sure he came here?

Qin Shu had only one thought in her mind at this time. She didn't expect that Bai Hu's nose was so useful...

The group of people chased them all the way, and saw empty cities one after another along the way, with the strong smell of blood everywhere.

There were far fewer demons encountered on the road than before. They hid in all directions when they heard the slightest movement, like frightened birds.

Qin Shu's brows furrowed tightly. The demons were originally explosive and murderous. To be able to scare them like this, how many demons had Tan Snake killed...

The bloodshed all over the city can be seen.

The originally dim jungle of magic plants looked particularly gloomy under the blood.

It was unusually quiet in the jungle. There was a sound of leaves stretching, and... the sound of vines dragging.

Looking at this, Ao Yong couldn't help but sigh, "If Feng Cheng stays here for a few more years, these demons will probably become extinct."

Although there were quite a few demons who died in their hands, the mottled blood everywhere in front of them, as well as the remains hanging on the demonic plants, still made people uncontrollably creepy.

Only a hint of golden light flashed in Suzaku's dark golden eyes, seeming to look through the mountains to the center of the dense forest.

After a moment, he turned his gaze back to Meng Liang and asked him, "Are you sure Feng Cheng escaped this way?"

Meng Liang put his hands behind his back and looked back at him, "I was sure at first, but now I'm not sure."

Suzaku frowned slightly and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Meng Liang sighed, raised his hand and waved it casually, and a vine that was about to reach out to him turned into ashes.

"The smell of blood here is very strong. Feng Cheng is very smart. He may have noticed that we were coming for him and used the blood mist to completely cover up his breath. The smell here is very messy. I can only detect that he has been here before. Here, but where it will go next, I can’t quite tell.” Meng Liang said.

Where to go next? Everyone present was lost in thought.

In the midst of the ethereal black demonic energy, a dark cloud above his head blocked the dim yellow moonlight.

Qin Shu thought for a while and raised her hand to calculate, but to no avail.

She turned her hand and took out all the tortoise shells and yarrow, and the "clattering" movement behind her also attracted the attention of several people.

Everyone looked back and felt strange when they saw what Qin Shu placed on the ground.

"What is this?" Qinglong walked over to Qin Shu and took a look.

Qin Shu first placed the tortoise shell on the table, looked at it briefly, and wrote down the hexagrams on the paper.

Then he said: "I'll try and see if I can find Feng Cheng's hiding place."

Having said that, several others had no hope for Qin Shu.

Feng Cheng was very good at hiding, and Qin Shu was the weakest among them.

How should she find someone who even Meng Liang couldn't find?

While talking, Qin Shu arranged the yarrow neatly again, then made a seal and wrote down the hexagrams again.

After all the hexagrams were written on the paper, she took out the pen and started writing and drawing on the paper.

No one understood it, but no one urged it.

They didn't know where to go now, but they were still curious when they saw what Qin Shu wrote, what is it?

They don't recognize the characters, and they can't understand the patterns.

Qin Shu calculated for a long time, and finally made a judgment based on actual geographical analysis and hexagrams to speculate on the dual dimensions.

She raised her finger and pointed in the direction, "Over there."

[Composition: Brothers and sisters, I have to take a day off today because I have trichiasis in my eyes, which is grinding my eyes. 】

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