I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 129 I went to a treasure place

As soon as the words were spoken, Qin Shu wanted to slap herself.

Make your mouth dry.

She lowered her head and didn't dare to see the big snake's reaction now. She quickly smiled and twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, "I was just kidding, just kidding, haha..."

Xie Shiyuan's gaze fell firmly on her body, and he looked away after a long time. The sunlight above his head seemed a bit dazzling, and his eyes narrowed, and his vertical pupils opened little by little.

"I'm sorry you don't have the guts either."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Shu's originally worried heart was relieved, and she relaxed a little.

Based on the experience she gained from raising snakes these days, it should be over now that she has reached this point.

He is so magnanimous now that it is a bit incredible.

The scene was a little quiet for a while. Xiaoxiao and Liu Cheng stood far away under the willow tree and did not dare to come over. Qin Shu wanted to say something to break the strange silence, but she didn't know how to say it.

Finally, it was Xie Shiyuan who broke the silence first, "What the hell were you doing just now?"

Qin Shu lowered her head, played with her fingers, and whispered: "It's nothing... I just want to study the formation breaking."

"Break the formation?" Xie Shiyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, looking a little surprised.

When did she start studying formations again? It seems that this posture has achieved some success?

Xie Shiyuan casually grabbed it in the air, and the stone frog that Qin Shu threw into the cave appeared in his hand again.

"Is this what you used to break the formation?" He looked at the small thing in his hand curiously, a little incredulous.

Although there is some spiritual energy fluctuation on this stone frog, it is not that strong. Can such a small thing break through his restriction? Can you still summon him?

Qin Shu herself didn't quite understand. When Kongshen used a broken wooden barrel to remove Ah Ling from the well, she clearly needed Ah Ling's cooperation, but now she was able to kill him without Orochi's knowledge. Swap it out? Could it be that there is something wrong with her runes?

But she...can be considered a success, right?

Before Qin Shu spoke, Xie Shiyuan himself saw the runes on the frog, looked up at Qin Shu again, and said, "Is it because of this rune?"

Qin Shu came to her senses at this time, nodded, thought of something, and suddenly shook her head.

Xie Shiyuan didn't understand, and saw Qin Shu turning around and pointing at the two runes on the stone door, "It's not just because of this, there are also those two. They need to be used together."

Xie Shiyuan was also a little interested. He raised his chin towards the stone door and said, "Go in."

Qin Shu was stunned, "?"

Xie Shiyuan saw the confusion on Qin Shu's face, raised his narrow eyebrows, raised the corners of his lips in a nice arc, and asked her, "You summon me once, and then I summon you again. What? Isn't it unreasonable? ?”

Qin Shu: "..."

It was reasonable, but it was so reasonable that she couldn't understand it. Is he addicted to playing?

Even though there were countless slanderous words in her heart, when she faced Xie Shiyuan's dark golden eyes, she still gave in without hope.

That’s all, isn’t it just being replaced once? It's not enough for her to go in, and she can also experience the joy of walking through the wall.

She walked slowly to the stone door, pushed it open, and walked in.

Xie Shiyuan weighed the stone frog in his hand and watched the stone door being closed. Then he walked to the door and said to the inside: "It's begun."

Xie Shiyuan's voice rang in Qin Shu's ears. She was standing in the stone door with her head bowed. There was still a little expectation in her eyes. She really wanted to know what it felt like to be replaced.

Immediately afterwards, the stone door was pushed open a crack.

The sunlight outside the door broke through the door together with the stone frog. Qin Shu's body reflexively caught the flying stone frog.

The green frog shone brightly in her hand without any precautions. In the next moment, it completely wrapped Qin Shu, and her figure gradually disappeared into the cave.

When Qin Shu opened her eyes, what she saw was neither inside her cave, nor outside her cave, nor even any place in their Xuantian Gate.

All that appeared in front of her was darkness. Qin Shu's Du'e technique was still running, and she didn't notice any danger.

Fire energy surged out of her palms, and a ball of fire illuminated her eyes.

This is not a darkroom or a cave, but a large area of ​​green plants. There is no end in sight within the range of her firelight.

Green plants? ?

Qin Shu looked at the sudden fire in her palm. She suddenly realized that the stone frog she had been holding in her arms was missing?

Could it be that she was in that frog's belly now?

"Hey! Are you there?" Qin Shu shouted, "Is there anyone there?"

Her voice traveled a long way, but still no one responded to her.

Qin Shu frowned and continued: "You have so many spiritual plants, but you only gave me five seeds after eating my spiritual stones?!"

No one answered her, Qin Shu snorted, took out a storage bag, and said, "If you don't speak anymore, I will pull out all the green plants here!"

Still no one said anything. Qin Shu was no longer polite this time. These spiritual plants can be used to make many potions of elixirs!

She happily dug out the herbs with a small shovel, putting the high-grade spiritual plants into the jade box, and throwing the low-grade ones into the storage bag.

Qin Shu waited until a huge fireball rose in the sky before she stopped what she was doing.

It was daybreak, but it wasn't the sun that rose.

How should I put it? This fireball hung in the sky, and it seemed to be for the spiritual plants to thrive. It should be considered an artificial sun.

Qin Shu's vision gradually became clearer. She could see the enclosed nurseries in the distance. She should be in one of them.

Thinking of so many good things, Qin Shu was immediately full of energy.

She picked up her clothes and ran forward. She would choose a high-grade spiritual plant base and dig it up!

However, just as she was running, the air suddenly twisted, and her figure disappeared in the endless medicinal field.

Qin Shu returned to her cave again, still holding her small shovel in her hand.

Xie Shiyuan felt the fluctuation of Qin Shu's spiritual energy outside the stone gate and hurried in from outside.

Looking at Qin Shu, who was covered in mud, he frowned and asked, "Where did you go?"

Qin Shu blinked. This question...she also wanted to know, and...she wanted to go again.

No! I can move there and live there for a long time!

Qin Shu put away the shovel and her eyes fell on the stone frog that fell on the ground of the cave. She bent down to pick it up, looked up at Xie Shiyuan, and smiled like a mouse that fell into a rice jar, "You may not believe it, but I went to a treasure place!"

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