I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 134 I will consider not asking for your compensation (overhaul)

Qin Shu had just come out of the Sword Sect and was rushing towards the alchemy room.

Wen Chi saw her from a distance and was about to call her, but found that she was very fast.

But in an instant, she distanced herself from him. The body movement she used was very rare. He claimed to be knowledgeable, but he had never seen it in many years.

Curious, Wen Chi chased after her, "Junior sister, your body movement? Who taught you?"

This came and went without a trace, more elegant than him stepping on a fan.

"Lu Li, when I taught him the algorithm, he taught me divination and this body movement. You know what, it's really useful."

"Lu Li from the Tianji Pavilion?"


Wen Chi: "..."

She has been so busy these days that she didn't know where to start or end. She didn't expect that she had learned so many things in private and even became good friends with the elders of the Tianji Pavilion? Although Lu Li can no longer calculate accurately, he is still a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage!

He taught Qin Shu all his special skills, just to learn an algorithm? What algorithm is worth it?

"Is this Lu Li trying to steal our master's girl?" Wen Chi asked in a low voice with a hint of interest in his eyes.

Qin Shu didn't even think about it, and shook her head directly, "Impossible, he wanted to take me as his master at the beginning? I rejected him."

Wen Chi's footing was unstable and he almost fell off the fan.

Lu Li is already a Nascent Soul, right? He took a young disciple in the Qi training stage of their Xuantian Sect as his master? What was he thinking?

Wen Chi came back to his senses and continued to ask: "What kind of calculation method is this? Why haven't I heard you mention it before?"

"It's a kind of arithmetic. Next time, if you are in doubt, come to me and I will tell you a fortune."

Wen Chi didn't trust her fortune-telling ability. Lu Li couldn't tell the fortune himself, so how could he teach her?

But her body movement...

"Junior sister, your body movement looks good. Can I learn from you?"

Qin Shu thought seriously about the possibility of teaching him, but finally shook her head and said: "Senior brother, this is the body movement of Lu Li Zhenren. I really can't teach it to others. Besides... you don't have earth spirit roots."

Wen Chi: "..."

It's really a pity.

"Senior brother, how did you get here?" Qin Shu blinked curiously.

The jade bone fan in Wen Chi's hand shook slightly, and a beautiful arc appeared at the corner of his lips, "I came to discuss business with the head."

Qin Shu: "?"

As a disciple, how could he be so outstanding?

But thinking of his magnificent cave... Qin Shu suddenly calmed down. There are also big differences between disciples.

"Junior sister, are you going to... Sword Sect?"

Qin Shu nodded slightly, "I'm going to see the injured brothers and sisters."

Wen Chi looked at his little junior sister's anxious face, and suddenly thought that if the master knew about this, he would be jealous again.

"You have been running to the Sword Sect recently. I'm afraid you don't have much left of your wealth, right?" Wen Chi asked jokingly.

As he spoke, he casually threw a jade bottle over.

Qin Shu reached out to take it quickly, and the porcelain bottle just fell into her hands.

"This is..." Qin Shu's face was a little confused.

Wen Chi glanced at her, "A little pill, not worth any spirit stones, you can play with it."

After leaving this sentence, his figure gradually disappeared from the original place.

Qin Shu came back to her senses and suddenly thought...

Oops, I forgot to look closely at my senior brother's eyebrows just now.

She lowered her head and looked at the jade bottle in her hand.

Pulling the cork out of the bottle, a strong fragrance of elixir wafted in her face, and Qin Shu was stunned on the spot.

She had always known that the second senior brother was a local tyrant, but his wealth was still far beyond her cognition.

The elixir that the senior brother mentioned, which was not worth any spiritual stones, turned out to be the Qianyuan Zaizao Pill!

"This... so much?"

There were ten elixirs in the jade bottle. One Qianyuan Zaizao Pill was worth 30,000 points. How many were ten?

Qin Shu opened her mouth slightly, and her eyes burst into amazing light bit by bit.

She subconsciously took out the communication jade slip and sent a message to Senior Brother Wen Chi, "Senior Brother! This elixir is too expensive, I can't take it."

Then the jade slip lit up, and she sent a stream of spiritual energy to it, and Senior Brother Wen Chi's voice came out, "I told you to take it, so take it. With your reckless appearance, I really worry about your little arms and legs."

Qin Shu: "..."

Why do I suddenly feel that this elixir... is neither good to have nor to have?


After parting with Senior Brother Wen Chi, Qin Shu went straight to an empty alchemy room and went in. She had promised to refine the third-grade Qingyuan Pill for Da She. The Qingyuan Pill was very difficult to refine. If she tried directly, it might not be easy to succeed. It would be better to find a pill with a lower difficulty.

She found the lowest difficulty bone-refining pill from a third-grade pill and planned to try it first.

Her foundation in alchemy was very solid. The extraction of spiritual liquid and fusion were very smooth in the early stage, but when it came to the stage of pill formation, Qin Shu was a little embarrassed.

With her current strength of the fifth level of Qi training, the spiritual energy was indeed not enough.

While taking the spirit-replenishing pill, she pinched the formula and refined ten furnaces of pills in a row, but only 30% of them were successful.

And the pills that came out of the furnace were only of low quality, which was a waste of spiritual plants.

Qin Shu sighed. What she faced now was not the problem of alchemy skills, but the lack of cultivation.

Nowadays, when she is refining the simplest third-grade Bone Continuing Pill, her pill formation rate is so unstable, how can she refine the Qing Yuan Pill?

She frowned and walked out of the alchemy room.

The sunlight outside the house instantly shone on her body, which was a little dazzling.

Qin Shu narrowed her eyes slightly, and her nerves, which had been tense for a long time, suddenly relaxed.

It's her fault. In this world... there are some things that cannot be rushed.

Whether it's cultivation or alchemy, it's better to do it naturally.

At this time, the discussions from the surrounding Dan Sect disciples faintly reached her ears.

"Jian Sect sent many spiritual plants early this morning, saying they wanted to cooperate with our Dan Sect."

"Cooperation? Don't sword cultivators have enough food in their pockets? How can they cooperate?"

"I heard from Manager Ma that this time our Alchemy Sect came to help us. They were very grateful and sent many spiritual plants. They also asked Manager Ma if they could directly send spiritual plants to us in the future to exchange for elixirs, directly from the sect. The points required to redeem are too expensive…”

Qin Shu couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this. She thought this was not bad. We all benefited from each other and made progress together!

There was endless chatter and laughter behind them, but Qin Shu did not turn around to join them.

She looked up at the sunny sky above her head, let out a long breath, and then shrank back to her cave.

Back on the top of her mountain, Qin Shu made a breakthrough that night, and everything fell into place.

Under the moonlight in the sky, colorful three-color light spots crazily poured into her body. It gathers in the meridians and merges into the Dantian little by little with the general circulation. The color of the spiritual energy in the Dantian becomes darker and darker.

Xie Shiyuan, who had closed his eyes to rest in the cave, also opened his eyes. This little girl was practicing very fast indeed.

An innate moon spirit body without water spirit roots? interesting.

Qin Shu mobilized the spiritual energy to circulate in her body for two more days before she opened her eyes, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and showed a little excitement on her face.

She has reached the sixth level of Qi training. The original owner in her previous life only had the third level of Qi training until her death. Now her ability to protect herself should be doubled compared to the original owner.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she didn't seem to die so easily...

Just when she was happy, Xie Shiyuan suddenly appeared in front of her without warning.

"You broke through."

Qin Shu nodded, with a hint of excitement in her tone, "Yeah."

Xie Shiyuan glanced at the corner of her mouth that had not yet been suppressed and said, "We can start refining the elixir."

Qin Shu's shoulders slumped, "I know."

Xie Shiyuan thought of something else, glanced at her, and asked, "I heard that your sect wants to gather the souls of those disciples who died?"

Qin Shu was very surprised, raised her eyebrows and said, "Have you even heard of it?"

He has always been an indifferent person, and I don't know where he heard these gossips.

Xie Shiyuan is still a man with jade slips now, even though he is not interested in most of the human beings.


Qin Shu said with a serious face: "Our famous and upright sect is the one who never abandons or gives up."

Xie Shiyuan lowered his head and looked condescendingly at the little girl in front of him. The moonlight dyed his hanging black hair a layer of silver, and a trace of sarcastic smile appeared on his face, "Oh? It's true that he belongs to a famous family..." Decent, I heard that the person who attacked your sect is also what you call the famous sect, right?"

Qin Shu: "..."

Qin Shu was speechless for a moment and her face turned red. It took her a long time to hold back another sentence, "People are different, and sects are also different from sect to sect."

Xie Shiyuan's dark golden eyes fell on the top of her head. He looked away for a long time and murmured to himself: "It's different..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Shu called him, "Big snake."

Xie Shiyuan had become accustomed to her name. He turned his head and glanced at her, and saw Qin Shu raising her head and saying with a very solemn expression: "If I die one day, you'd better not gather my soul for me."

Xie Shiyuan's face showed confusion, and he heard Qin Shu continue to say: "Even if you die, I will be a good man again after eighteen years."

She spoke impassionedly, but when she saw Xie Shiyuan's probing look, her little head drooped again, "I heard that the cost of gathering souls is very high, and I...can't afford it."

Xie Shiyuan laughed, and the evil look on his brows dissipated a little, "If you try to be a useful person to me, maybe I will consider not asking you to compensate."

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