"How much has it increased?" Master Lingxu asked nervously and excitedly with his eyes wide open.

He hadn't had such mood swings in years.

"It didn't increase much at the beginning, each attribute increased by one or two points. Later, the disciple went to the Sword Sect to become a disciple of Master Wanjian, and measured the spiritual root value again. This time, it increased a bit, and the fire spiritual root increased. It was a full five points, and the others also increased by two or three points. The disciple thought that even if the error was not that big, he took it to heart and thought about finding a test spirit stone to try again. ... Then I got busy and forgot about it..."

After hearing what Qin Shu said, Master Lingxu was so angry that he just wanted to roll his eyes. How could she forget such a big thing? ! ! Of course, now was not the time to talk about this. Without saying a word, he immediately took out a spiritual test stone from the storage ring and placed it in front of Qin Shu.


Qin Shu knew that the master was seeking confirmation. She also thought that the spiritual root value measured by the same spirit test stone should not have too much error, so she pressed her hand on the spirit test stone.

The three colors of red, green and yellow gradually appeared. Qin Shu looked at the changes in the values ​​​​on the spirit test stone, and finally stopped at...

"Seventy-eight, sixty-two, fifty-three."

Master Lingxu frowned and looked at it for a long time, then coughed, looked away, looked at Qin Shu again, and asked her: "Shu'er, what was your spiritual root value when you first started? Master?" Now that I’m older, I can’t remember many things.”

He was a little embarrassed when he said it, but Qin Shu didn't think anything of it. Remember your own affairs. In addition, the master is over 800 years old, so it is normal to have a bad memory.

"The previous spiritual root values ​​were seventy-one, fifty-six, and forty-eight! Master, my fire spiritual root is almost eighty, and my wood spiritual root has passed sixty. Now I feel that refining alchemy is much easier."

"Weird!" Master Lingxu stroked his beard and fell into deep thought.

He has lived for more than 800 years, and this is the first time he has seen the spiritual root value of growth.

"Gather your energy, concentrate, and wait for the master to investigate."

Qin Shu closed her eyes and did as he asked, feeling a pair of big hands pressing on the back of her heart.

This was the first time that Master checked the situation inside her body, but then Qin Shu suddenly reacted belatedly. Would Master discover the inner elixir in her Dantian? !

Ah this? How was she going to explain it?

It's over, her mind was racing and her heart was beating extremely fast.

Master Lingxu also noticed something strange about her, and slowly withdrew his hand, looking down at the little disciple in front of him who was blushing because of his guilty conscience, and said in a gentle voice, "Don't be afraid, Guild Master of Spiritual Root Value, this is something that many people can't ask for." Good thing.”

Qin Shu saw that there was nothing strange on her master's face, as if she had not found the inner elixir, so she tentatively asked, "Master, are you okay?"

Master Ling Xu shook his head and frowned, "I don't see anything wrong so far. Where is your spiritual energy?"

Qin Shu stretched out a finger, and a wisp of slender smoke-purple spiritual energy floated from the fingertips.

Master Lingxu's eyes widened when he saw this, "Shu'er, this...is your spiritual energy?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Yes."

"Don't you have the three spiritual roots of fire, wood, and earth?" He felt really strange.

In other words, he wouldn't be so surprised if the aura coming out of her fingertips was any of the three colors.

Qin Shu still nodded, but as her mind changed, the aura on her fingertips also changed, like a shining lantern, and finally turned smoky purple.

Master Lingxu was really filled with emotion. He boasted that he had lived for almost a thousand years, what had he not seen before?

But he didn't expect that he would see the world many times in his little apprentice. Innate moon aura without water spirit roots, spiritual root attributes that can grow, and... auras that can fuse.

He had just checked his little apprentice's bones and meridians, and there were no problems. On the contrary, her meridians were very wide, and it seemed that she had been deliberately refined.

How can this little girl practice so fast even after she has sacrificed her meridians?

If you mention these three spiritual root qualifications, you will probably shock a lot of people's jaws.

Fortunately, he had taken a fancy to the child's understanding of alchemy, and overcame all objections to connect her to Lingxiao Peak. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste if such qualifications were placed outside the door?

Master Lingxu once again rejoiced in his heart about his discerning eyes, while thinking about Qin Shu's physical condition.

"In my opinion, the specialness of your aura and spiritual roots may be related to your physique. Once your physique is good, it is like fertile soil. No matter what kind of spiritual plant is planted, good seedlings will grow."

Qin Shu felt that what he said made sense, and she was not anxious about it. All of this was developing in a positive direction. How many people could only dream of it?

When she said it, she just felt that she should have a clear path with her master, so as not to have to cover up her troubles in the future.

After Qin Shu left, the smile on Master Lingxu's face never fell.

He thought that happiness alone was not as good as happiness among everyone, so he personally visited Tianji Pavilion. Last time, Elder Wuchen gave him a message and told him to accept a disciple.

Fortunately, Elder Wuchen had this hexagram, otherwise wouldn't he have missed out on such a good disciple?

When he arrived in front of Elder Wuchen's hall, he saw Elder Wuchen and a young man playing chess under the cedar tree in the courtyard from a distance.

Master Lingxu walked over and said cheerfully: "Fellow Taoist Wuchen is really enjoying himself today."

When Elder Wuchen heard his voice, he put down the chess piece in his hand, stood up, clasped his fists towards him, and said, "I knew that a guest would come today, so I waited here with my junior brother."

Only then did Lingxu Zhenren look at the young man standing next to him. The young man was very tall, wearing a purple robe, and looked a little weak.

He raised his head and saluted Lingxu Zhenren, who then saw his pale face and gray eyes.


Sui Han stretched out his slender white hands from his wide sleeves, saluted Lingxu Zhenren, and said, "I am Sui Han from Tianji Pavilion. Senior brother said that there is a distinguished guest coming today. It turns out to be Lingxu Zhenren. I have heard of you for a long time."

Lingxu Zhenren knew that these charlatans in Tianji Pavilion could predict the next game while others would think three steps ahead.

It is very unlikely that Sui Han would be here by coincidence. He was probably waiting for him.

Wu Chen Zhenren saw the strangeness on Ling Xu Zhenren's face, so he simply said: "Ling Xu Zhenren, my junior brother is sick. I learned that you were coming today, so I wanted to ask you to help take a look."

Sick? People in the world of immortal cultivation will never get sick. Even the diseases brought from the mother's womb can be cured by elixirs at once.

So, generally speaking, they are sick. Either they are poisoned or cursed...

His eyes fell on the young man in front of him, but he didn't know what kind of person he was...

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