I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 158: Not good at it but can win

Duan Shou looked at the little girl opposite him who was half a head shorter than him. She had a straight waist and a high ponytail. Most of the female nuns in the sect were dressed like this now.

"I am Qin Shu of Danzong, please give me some advice from my senior brother!" Qin Shu clasped her fists neatly.

Duan Shou also bowed back, "I am Duan Shou of the Qi Sect. Junior sister, please do your best in the upcoming competition. Senior brother, I will not be merciful."

Qin Shu slapped the storage ring and presented her white jade sword. Her eyes gradually became firm, "I wish you all the best!"

The purpose of a competition is to try your best. If the opponent gives in to her as soon as he makes a move, then she will lose from the beginning.

The moment Qin Shu stepped onto the ring, the entire restriction on the ring was triggered.

An egg-white barrier surrounded the arena, and someone around them exaggeratedly shouted, "Junior Sister Qin Shu is here!"

The disciples of Danzong and Jianzong who were originally gathered in other arenas also gathered around. The junior sister's cultivation level is low, so she has no advantage at all in this kind of competition. But you can lose the competition, but your momentum is not good!

Qin Shu looked at the wall of people outside and listened to them cheering her up, feeling slightly moved in her heart.

Duan Shou, who was standing opposite her, raised the two hammers in his hands, and the two hammers collided with each other, making a "bang bang" sound.

"Junior sister, accept the move!"

After all, they were competing with each other, and he knew to be polite before fighting. A golden light flashed in his hand, and a sledgehammer came out and hit Qin Shu.

The strong fluctuations of golden spiritual energy on the sledgehammer made the brothers and sisters outside the formation extremely worried.

"This Duan Shou has reached the ninth level of Qi training. Can Junior Sister face him?"

"It's definitely not going to work. It's not like I'm trying to embolden others' ambitions and destroy my own prestige. In fact, our junior sister Qin Shu has only been practicing for two years. Even if you are a genius, it always takes time to grow."

"It doesn't matter, even if Junior Sister loses, when this kid falls into my hands, I will teach him a lesson for Junior Sister!"

"You two have the same cultivation level, it's not certain who will teach the other!"

"With the same level of cultivation, no one can be the opponent of sword cultivator!"

There are so many people talking about anything.

What's more, he opened a market directly, "Junior sister Qin Shu, the odds are thirty-six to one, buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

"Bet on my junior sister to win!"

"Yes, no matter whether my junior sister wins or loses, I will bet on her!"

"Don't talk to me about your rationality. I don't have any rationality now. Bet on my junior sister to win!"

Of course, more disciples still had the sense to be online, and they silently placed the spirit stones on Duan Shou.

When Duan Shou struck with the hammer, he thought Qin Shu would at least dodge to avoid its sharp edge.

But they didn't expect that she would just go up with the sword. Everyone was stunned by this scene.

The thin figure raised her sword to block Duan Shou's blow. Her feet slid far back before she stopped, and most of the floor on the ring was broken by her.

Qin Shu was kneeling on the ground with one knee, her mouth was cracked, and her whole arm was numb, but she could feel that the body-building skills in her body were rapidly repairing her body.

All the flesh and blood in her body was surging, every cell was numb, and sweat covered her skin, as if she had had a hearty dream.

This feels really good!

Qin Shu raised her head and wiped the sweat, and the blood on her hands also spread on her face.

The addition of this blood stain on the face exudes a wild beauty. Her eyes showed a hint of excitement, staring at Duan Shou's hammers, she supported the white jade sword on the ground and stood up using the strength.

"Come again!"

The reaction on the stage was obviously beyond the expectations of many people. They all speculated on how many moves Qin Shu could perform in Duan Shou's hands. Some people said that if Qin Shu could pass the test, she would be able to hold on for a while longer.

But he didn't expect that Qin Shu didn't use any physical skills at all, but met head-on.

Is it because she doesn't know how to move? Of course not, many people in the sect have seen Junior Sister Qin Shu shrink into an inch.

Everyone had guessed what would happen if they hit an egg against a stone, but this time the ending did not go as they imagined.

There was another burst of whispers under the ring, "What kind of cultivation level is Junior Sister Qin Shu now?"

"I don't know, I can't see through it."

"I can't see through it either."

"You've already built the foundation and you still can't see through it?"

"It should be that she has a magic weapon that hides her cultivation."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

If Junior Sister Qin Shu is really only on the first or second level of Qi training, there is no point in wearing the secret treasure that hides her cultivation. This means that her cultivation must be higher than everyone thinks.

At this time, Duan Shou was also very confused. Even if he didn't use all his strength in the blow just now, he at least used six or seven points of strength. She actually followed it?

It seemed that this junior sister's cultivation level was much higher than he imagined, but in the face of the absolute strength gap, these were of no use.

He raised the hammer and struck again, but Qin Shu still refused to dodge.

But this time, after her first hammer blow, the second hammer hit the first golden hammer steadily.

Qin Shu's feet sank halfway down again, and the egg-white formation shone slightly, stopping her from sinking.

Although the ground did not sink, the pressure on Qin Shu was real.

She gritted her teeth and held on, blood dripping from the pores on her arms.

Just when it felt like both arms were about to become useless, the pressure on her body was relieved. It seemed...she had withstood another wave of attacks.

There was a faint taste of blood in her mouth. Qin Shu knew that it might not be enough to just rely on the operation of the technique to temper her body.

She took out a bottle of Pei Yuan Dan and swallowed one. The effect of the top-grade pill was very significant. In an instant, the warm power of the medicine spread throughout her body, and the feeling of breaking and then building became more obvious.

"Brother! Come again!"

Duan Shou was shocked by her performance, and his expression became more serious.

"I want to see how many more moves you can take!"

More and more people were watching around the arena, and even Xu Jicheng and Jindan stage came around.

"This junior sister should have practiced body training."

"She is a ruthless person. I am a grown man and I cannot bear the hardship of practicing body training, but she is a little girl..."

"Junior sister Qin Shu practices basic swordsmanship every day, stabbing flatly, swinging the sword... two thousand times each, how can she have time to practice body training?!"

"She can practice all night without sleeping, and she can't find time to practice body training?"


More and more people praised her, and at this time, a voice suddenly interrupted, "You say... since she is good at swordsmanship, why is she here competing with the disciples of the weapon sect? It seems that she has not lost yet?"

The disciples of the weapon sect are all strong and have good endurance. They often beat tens of thousands of times when refining weapons, and their strength is really not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators.

This disciple reminded everyone with one sentence, and everyone was silent. After waking up, they quickly took out a few spirit stones to bet on Qin Shu to win.

I really didn't expect that a competition in the Qi Refining Period could make them watch with such relish.

"Junior Sister Qin Shu seems to be relying on the attacks of this junior brother to strengthen her body?" A Jindan stage cultivator looked at the two people on the stage and spoke hesitantly.

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