I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 170 It turned out to be an illusion

Qin Shu's whole body stiffened, she raised her head and stared blankly at the man in front of her. A teardrop hung on her eyelashes, as if it had not yet fallen.

The breeze blew through her eyes, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

She was still a little confused, and her emotions could not be fully transformed for a while.

Is it an illusion? But why is this illusion so real?

Previously, Orochi made a jungle of hundred ghosts in the cave, and she could tell at a glance that it was an illusion.

The blood in her heart began to circulate little by little, and her cold hands and feet gradually regained some warmth.

She opened her mouth and heard herself asking: "Are you sick? Are you setting up such an illusion in a cave?!"

Xie Shiyuan's handsome brows knitted together, and his golden vertical pupils stared at Qin Shu, seemingly a little dissatisfied.

However, before he could speak, Xiao Pei fell from the sky and pounced on Qin Shu's head.

Qin Shu's high ponytail was also flattened by her, and her big umbrella-like tail drooped on Qin Shu's face.

Qin Shu took her off her head and heard Xiao Xiao's excited voice, "Zhizhi! Zhizhi!"

"Shu Shu! Is the little illusion powerful?! Are you scared?"

Chirping sounds sounded in her mind, and Qin Shu fell silent.

After a long time, he raised the small piece in his hand and said through gritted teeth: "I suddenly want to eat squirrel!"

Xiaoxiao looked at her in shock, "How...what? Isn't Xiaoxiao amazing?"

It covered its eyes with its little hands, "No, don't eat dried squirrel! Dried squirrel doesn't taste good!"

Qin Shu couldn't hold back anymore when she saw this. She hugged Xiaoxiao and cried with joy, "It's great that you are all right! It scared me to death! I really thought you were all gone."

Xiaoxiao also hugged her arm and patted her gently, "Don't be afraid, Shushu, Xiaoxiao will not abandon you."

The atmosphere between the master and the servant was just right, but suddenly a cold snort came over, which seemed a little out of place.

Only then did Qin Shu realize that she seemed to have wronged Xie Shiyuan just now. This...

Her heart skipped a beat, and she raised her head and smiled at Xie Shiyuan. There was no shame in apologizing honestly.

"Orochi, I'm sorry, I blamed you wrongly."

Xie Shiyuan snorted lightly, a hint of contempt flashed in his dark golden eyes, "You will also fall into such a clumsy illusion. If it were an illusion set by me personally, you might never be able to get out of it in this life."

Qin Shu quickly followed his words and said: "Yes, yes, you are right. It was because I was not good at learning that I did not see the flaw and wronged a good person. It is really wrong!"

"A good person?" Xie Shiyuan's lips raised slightly, "In your heart, can I be considered a good person?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Shu actually shook her head. Xie Shiyuan seemed to change his face, and his beautiful face suddenly turned dark.

He stared at Qin Shu with sinister eyes, as if if she said one more word, she would feel the care of Snake Tail again.

But she heard Qin Shu correct her seriously: "No, he's not a good person, he's a good snake."

When it comes to speaking, she is still very strict.

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

How about just chatting with him here?

Liu Cheng was not as heartless as Xiaoxiao. The powerful aura of the big snake made her dare not approach him at all.

She stood under the tree from a distance and waved to Qin Shu. Just as Qin Shu was about to walk over, she heard the gloomy voice behind her again, "I haven't been back for a long time. I will leave as soon as I come back. When are you going to replace me?" Healing? Do you think my spiritual stone is so easy to earn?"

Qin Shu twitched the corner of her mouth, thinking of the spirit stones that she had exchanged for points, and there was absolutely no reason to return them...

She quickly corrected her attitude, pretending that the customer was God, and said: "I was wrong. I have just been in seclusion and training for a while. If you are okay, can I heal your injuries now?"

After saying this, she quietly raised her head and glanced at Xie Shiyuan.

I originally thought that my attitude was already very good, but I didn't expect that his expression was even colder than before.

"It seems that not only did you forget to heal me, but you also forgot the Qingyuan Pill."

Qin Shu pursed her lips into a straight line and didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

She had indeed forgotten. She was more focused on doing things and rarely thought about other things when she was training.

What's more, hadn't she given him so many elixirs before and he had used them all?

"Have you used up all those elixirs?" Her fifteen opportunities to enter the frog haven't been used yet!

Xie Shiyuan's fingers rubbed a blood-red bracelet on his right wrist and said lightly: "The more pills, the better."

Qin Shu sighed. She admitted that she had a hard life.

But who makes Xie Shiyuan her biggest financial sponsor?

She raised her head and looked at Xie Shiyuan, negotiating terms with him in a neither humble nor condescending manner, "I will go to Wanfa Terrace with the sect to participate in the sect competition. I'm afraid I won't have time to make elixirs and heal your wounds. Can you wait until I come back? "

Xie Shiyuan hummed softly, and just when Qin Shu was curious about why he suddenly became so easy to talk to, she heard him continue: "Take me with you."

Qin Shu: "??"

Her eyes widened with questions.

What did this ancestor think? Wanfa Terrace is the pure land of Buddhism, and the sect competition is also the time when the eight sects gather. He, a big devil, ran over at this time, didn't he fall into a trap?

"Are you serious?" she demanded.

Xie Shiyuan raised his chin slightly and responded, "Yeah."

Qin Shu's facial features were all wrinkled, "The eight major sects will send people there, aren't you afraid of being discovered by them?"

Xie Shiyuan's expression was still stern, but Qin Shu still detected a trace of disdain from his face, and heard him say: "What about the eight major sects? They can't detect me together."

Qin Shu thought of his tattered tail and the mess of veins.

I don't know who gave him the courage to make such a big talk. He didn't know whether he believed it or not, but she didn't believe it.

"What if we are discovered?" Qin Shu asked tentatively.

Xie Shiyuan's eyes met hers, and he grinned, "Then you can only be buried with me."

Qin Shu's scalp tingled when she heard it. Just when she was trying to refuse him, Xie Shiyuan continued, "If you don't take me with you, I will make your Dan Sect pay the price today."

Qin Shu: "..."

Okay, can't she take it?

Once you get on the pirate ship, you can't get off. If she is given another chance, she will definitely boil water and stew the little black snake.

As soon as this thought came to her mind, she felt a creepy feeling in her heart. When she raised her head, she met Xie Shiyuan's cold eyes.

Qin Shu was startled and quickly hid the shameful thoughts in her heart. She smiled at him, "Take you, how can I not take you? I will have the confidence to go out with you!"

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