Qin Shu has always been a good child who is willing to help others, not to mention that now the person seeking advice from her is a beautiful sister with a good temper and good swordsmanship.

Hearing this, she immediately nodded in agreement, "Senior Sister, it's better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. I wonder if Senior Sister is free today?"

Lianyun didn't expect that this little girl was still impatient, so he raised his eyes at her in surprise, and responded softly with a smile, "I wish you all the best!"

Although Qin Shu is a bit off-tempered, she is still very serious when it comes to business matters.

He met the senior sister in front of him and said, "That day I watched you use the Cloud-Breaking Rain Sword Technique. It coincided with the clouds and rain, and it seemed that the power was much higher than other times. When I fought against the junior sister, I also seemed to have My impression. Although I may be slightly better than my junior sister in terms of sword control, my junior sister is much better than me in understanding the way of the sword."

What she said was really modest. When it came to controlling the sword, she was just a little better than Qin Shu.

Qin Shu had self-awareness in her heart, she smiled, her eyes clear, "Senior sister, I admit that due to chance, I saw the full force sword used by senior brother Cheng Yan, and I have some insights because of it, but for the sword The understanding of the Dharma is really not profound, it can only be said to be superficial.”

"The path of swordsmanship is very broad, including the ruthless sword, the killing path, the Dugu swordsmanship, the guardian swordsmanship... What I have realized is just one of them - taking advantage of the situation, we monks are born between heaven and earth, and everything such as food, clothing, housing and transportation are taken from heaven and earth. Even the spiritual energy in our body comes from the heaven and earth. When the magic is released and returns to the heaven and earth, we only rely on the spiritual energy stored in our body to use the sword. Its power will naturally be affected by our own cultivation. For influence. But if we directly rely on the power of heaven and earth, it will be completely different..."

Qin Shu spoke seriously, and Lianyun also listened carefully.

It's just...she understood every word Qin Shu said, and she could even understand it.

But she still has the most important question, how to use this opportunity...how to use it?

Qin Shu couldn't explain clearly. It was as if her soul had been blessed that day, and she suddenly touched a trace of the rules.

She couldn't explain it, scratched her hair, thought for a long time, and finally looked up at Lianyun, "Sister, since it's not clear, why don't we go out? I'll show you, maybe you'll understand. Woolen cloth?"

Having the opportunity to learn about other people's swordsmanship is like pie in the sky.

How many people have learned the art of swordsmanship and kept it secret, unlike a silly child like Qin Shu who wished he could teach him step by step.

Lianyun's heart was touched. No wonder so many disciples of the Sword Sect liked Qin Shu. This little junior sister's temperament was really lovable.

The two of them came to the deck from outside the house. There were not many disciples on the deck. Most of them were practicing in seclusion in the house. Only a few of them were a little excited when they were flying on a flying boat for the first time.

Qin Shu and Lianyun were originally influential figures in the sect, a scroll king and a great beauty. They were the center of attention wherever they went.

Ruoyou's seemingly absent gaze swept across the two of them. Lianyun frowned and looked at Qin Shu, but hesitated to speak.

She wanted to say that there were many people here, so why not wait until next time to demonstrate?

But Qin Shu was not afraid of others stealing her lessons. She carefully realized that in the world, the only thing she could borrow was the wind.

She did not take out her sword, but looked at Lianyun and said: "Senior sister, look at my feet."

Lianyun was stunned, weren't they discussing swordsmanship?

Before she could think clearly, she saw Qin Shucong suddenly moving. She turned over and jumped onto the second floor, then stepped on the fence of the second floor and floated down.

It looked no different from ordinary movements. Qin Shu asked Lianyun, "Senior sister, do you see clearly?"

Lianyun pursed her lips and looked solemn: "..."

As soon as Qin Shu looked at her like this, she knew that she probably didn't realize it. She could only sigh and took out the wooden sword, "Sister, please take a look at the sword skills again."

The swordsmanship in Qin Shu's hand seemed chaotic, but there was an indescribable rhythm to it.

She is describing the wind, using the power of the wind to draw the sword. Each sword uses the strength of the wind to be more lethal.

Lianyun still didn't understand what she was doing. Qin Shu demonstrated it to her a few more times. Even she herself felt a little embarrassed. "Junior sister, I have written down your actions just now. I will think about it carefully when I get back."

Qin Shu was worried that she would get into trouble, so she comforted her before leaving, "Senior sister, maybe I shouldn't say this. If you really can't realize how to take advantage of the situation, there's no need to feel bad about it. Maybe this path is not suitable for you? On the road to fifty, you will always find the road that belongs to you.”

Lianyun met her bright eyes, which seemed to be clear enough to see through. No wonder she cultivates so quickly. Although she is young, her character is much firmer than that of many older people.

She knows what she wants and is not swayed by external things or influenced by outsiders.

Although this conversation with Qin Shu did not make any substantial progress in her swordsmanship, it greatly helped her character.

Doing her best and obeying fate, she practiced hard and left the rest to time.

When Qin Shu returned to her room, the two rooms next door were quiet.

She quietly lay on the crack of the door, trying to peek to see if the second senior brother was practicing secretly.

Before I saw anything, the door opened.

She couldn't steady herself and fell headlong in. A ball of spiritual energy cushioned her body so that it wouldn't hurt so much when she landed.

"What are you looking at, sneaking around?" Wen Chi was lying on the chaise longue, with a table in front of him, on which were various spiritual fruits and drinks.

There were two maids behind him, one was massaging his shoulders, and the other was fanning him.

Qin Shu was stunned by this scene. How could he, a cultivator with a fire spirit root, feel hot?

Also, when did he bring two maids here?

It seemed that the shock in her eyes was too prominent. Wen Chi sat up, waved his hand, and the two little maids turned into a pair of palm-sized porcelain dolls again.

"Brother, there are such good things?" Qin Shu was really envious, "Can they help to make pills?"

Wen Chi rolled his eyes silently, "If puppets can make pills, why do you need them? Tell me, what do you want me for?"

Qin Shu got up from the ground, stood up straight, and said to Wen Chi: "Nothing, I just came up from downstairs, and happened to pass by, so I wanted to see if the second senior brother was practicing."

As the saying goes, cramming at the last minute and making a little progress before the big competition will always give you a little more chance of winning.

There is nothing wrong with Qin Shu thinking so, but her second senior brother doesn't think much of this extra chance of winning.

He sneered, "Brother, since I'm here, one of the top three places in our sect has been locked."

Nine out of ten.

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