Qin Shu checked the Zen room and made sure that there were no formations, magic talismans, puppets or the like, and then she felt relieved.

It really deserves to be a Buddhist holy land, everyone behaves properly and stands upright.

Now that you've settled in, it's time to connect with your friends.

Qin Shu took out the jade slip and sent a message to Senior Brother Kongshen, [Is Senior Brother here? I have arrived at your sect! 】

Kongshen also responded very quickly, which showed that he was really bored, "Where are you?" 】

[The Zen room next to Nanyin Hall. 】

[That’s good. It’s a long way to get here from Xuantianmen. Junior sister, I have a good rest. Let’s see you tomorrow. 】

Qin Shu frowned, isn't that right? Just one word and it's over? It really doesn’t look like the hospitable and hospitable senior brother Kongshen?

[Senior brother, what difficulties have you encountered? ] Qin Shu asked tentatively.

Kong Shen's sigh came over, "Junior sister still understands me. I am imprisoned by Master. I can't go anywhere except practicing every day."

Qin Shu also sent a message with a regretful look, "I brought two formation disks here. I originally wanted to take this opportunity to ask my senior brother for advice, but it seems I have to give up."

"Wait for me and come."

The words stopped suddenly, and Qin Shu was left looking down at the jade slip in her hand and covering her lips with a smile. She really had the formation disk, which was given to her by Taoist Hongyuan.

It doesn't hurt to show it to Senior Brother Kongshen. According to Senior Brother Kongshen's understanding, if he really understands this formation, she should have endless formation disks to use in the future.

Kong Shen's movements were really fast. It didn't even take a quarter of an hour for the message slip in Qin Shu's hand to light up again.

"Junior sister, which meditation room are you in?"

Qin Shu cast a spell on the door, and the restriction was released. She walked out of the door and saw the figure in the courtyard.

She excitedly waved to Kongshen, "Senior brother! Here!"

Kong Shen ran over and quickly closed the door as soon as he entered.

With this sneaky attitude, you can tell at a glance that he is sneaking out.

A hint of cunning flashed in Qin Shu's eyes, and she asked him, "Senior brother, weren't you in solitary confinement? How did you get out?"

Kong Shen raised his hand and touched his bald head. He was helpless and said, "He climbed the wall."

In fact, this is not the case. The master has set up a formation, and he can only escape through the lackey hole.

However, this kind of shady method is not worth talking about.

Worried that Qin Shu would ask more questions, he quickly changed the subject, "Junior sister, what formation disk is it? Take it out and take a look?"

The world of immortal cultivation doesn't care much about the defense between men and women. A one-night stand is not a big deal. There are even people who specialize in double cultivation, such as the Hehuan Sect. They can achieve greatness even if they practice to a high level. It's just inner demons. Guan is not having an easy time.

The two closed the door and discussed the array. It was really not a big deal.

Qin Shu touched the storage ring, took out the two formation disks given by Master Hongyuan and handed them over.

Kong Shen reached out to take it, glanced at the mysterious patterns on it, and his eyes lit up.

"Seventh level formation disk? There are two more? Junior sister! Where did you get such a good thing?" Kong Shen asked.

"Uncle Zongmen gave it to me."

Kong Shen hugged the formation plate without letting go, and said with an envious look on his face: "Your uncle really loves you, our uncle will only ask me to practice Iron Head Kung Fu..."

The deep resentment in his tone was solidified, but Qin Shu's eyes lit up when she heard it, "Senior brother, don't you like it? Otherwise, I will practice for you?"

Kong Shen was trying hard to memorize the patterns on the array disk, but his brain had not yet reacted.

"Ah? Wha... what?" He looked up at Qin Shu, his eyes a little confused, and his whole person looked stunned.

Qin Shu's face shone with a strange brilliance, as if the door to a new world had opened, "Tietou Gong! Don't you like practicing, senior brother? Should I practice for you? Wait until I learn to protect you!"

Kongshen: "..."

He watched Qin Shu look up and down, and finally his eyes fell on Qin Shu's round head. Even though it was restrained by a hair band, a stubborn little curly hair was still exposed.

"Junior sister... Are you a girl from a family, learning Tietou Kung Fu? Isn't it a bit too..."

Qin Shu's little head shook like a rattle, "No, no, it's just right for the girl to learn this!"

Her idea was extremely simple. Train your body to protect your heart from being stabbed, and train your head to protect your head from being shot.

When she refines herself into an iron wall, she won't be afraid of anything! What kind of spiritual weapon? Sister herself is a big treasure!

The survival index rises sharply, then work hard! I'm afraid Xuangui won't live as long as she does!

Seeing that Kong Shen was still hesitating, Qin Shu pursed her lips and asked solemnly: "Senior brother, just tell me if you can learn it!"


The corners of Qin Shu's lips curled up again, "As long as you can learn it, where can you learn it? Is it with you, senior brother?"

Kong Shen shook his head, "I don't have the ability to teach you Kung Fu. If you want to learn this, you have to go to Uncle Wan Chi."

"Uncle Master?" Qin Shu murmured, a feeling of admiration rose in her heart, and she praised: "This Uncle Master is so advanced! He can even forget to eat. This kind of spirit is really worthy of us little wastes." study."

Kong rolled his eyes at the self-proclaimed little loser King Juan in front of him, and explained feebly: "False delusion, delusion of delusion."

The smile on Qin Shu's face paused, she laughed, and praised: "It's indeed a good name! Haha, where is Uncle Wanchi now? Are you busy? Otherwise, I will go find him now?"

Kong Shen added, "Our Putuo Temple accepts outsiders to practice Buddhism. Uncle Wangchi will teach in the practice hall every two days. If you don't need to compete tomorrow morning, you can go."

Qin Shu quickly wrote it down and bowed to Kong Shen, "Thank you for your guidance, senior brother!"

Kong Shen responded casually and had no time to pay attention to her. He held the array plate and looked at it carefully, his brows sometimes relaxed and sometimes frowned, and Qin Shu followed his mood.

"Senior brother, do you understand this array plate?"

Kong Shen shook his head, "I want to write down all these patterns and go back to the Sutra Pavilion to look at them."

After saying that, he knocked his head in annoyance, "This is too hard to remember."

Qin Shu was helpless. When will these people understand that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen?

She took out a pen and paper from the storage ring and placed it next to Kong Shen silently, and sat down obediently, saying nothing, hiding her merits and fame.

Kong Shen glanced at the paper and pen, then looked up at Qin Shu, their eyes met, and they both blinked.

Kong Shen suddenly laughed, "Look at me! Are you stupid? Just copy it down! Why bother to remember it yourself?"

Qin Shu watched him push his paper and pen aside with disdain, took out a blank jade slip and copied the pattern on the array plate.

Qin Shu was silent. This is the difference between some people who have reached the eighth industrial revolution and others who are still wandering in the Neolithic Age, right?

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