I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 301 Why are there so many Jindan stage

Qin Shu was so frightened by his voice that she almost couldn't hold the fish in her hand.

She turned sideways and looked at the few people who came in from the door. They were dressed like locals. With their fierce looks, could they be here to collect protection money?

Qin Shu subconsciously looked at her senior brother Tieniu again. Senior brother Tieniu is a loyal person. If he rushes out to stand up for the sixth brother without even understanding what happened, wouldn't that be trouble? ?

Sure enough, Tieniu looked anxious and seemed a little aggrieved.

But fortunately, he still had sense and sat in his original seat obediently.

Qin Shu felt calm for a moment, but when she took a closer look, why was Senior Brother Tieniu's posture so wrong?

She subconsciously glanced at Senior Brother Rui Ming who was calm and composed beside her. The moment their eyes met, she suddenly understood everything.

Fortunately, she wanted to say that Senior Brother Tieniu had quite some self-control today. It turned out that Senior Brother Ruiming was "helping" him!

Tieniu was speechless and unable to move. He could only stare at these people with gritted teeth.

And they shouted for a long time, but Qi Liu didn't come out.

These people were obviously not very patient, and the leader rushed directly towards the kitchen.

The remaining people drew their swords and wanted to drive everyone out of the store. However, this place was different from the human world. It was easy to kick the iron plate if they wanted to clear the place.

This time they will be unlucky. Of course, the iron plate is not Ruiming, but someone else.

Qin Shu looked at this small restaurant and saw eight monks standing up.

"Who should I let go?"

"Did I give you face?"

"You can call me here and there, too?"

"Get out!"

Naturally, the people looking for trouble are not afraid. They knew before they came here that they would come here to eat under the golden elixir.

Those who have attained the golden elixir level and above have become inedible, and few people still care about this little appetite.

And the five of them are all in the late stage of foundation building, so why are they still afraid of these little miscellaneous people?

"Get out as soon as you are told, otherwise you will be thrown out and unable to get up or down later!"

The hot-tempered man couldn't bear it after hearing these words. He raised his hand and threw a bolt of lightning.

"Thunder element!" Qin Shu's eyes lit up, and something that had been engraved in her bones suddenly started to move again.

However, at this very moment, an electric arc that was several times stronger than before spread along Qin Shu's wrist to her spine.

Qin Shu froze for a moment. When the electric arc in her body completely dissipated, she gritted her teeth and complained in the sea of ​​​​consciousness: "Orochi! What on earth are you doing?!"

Xie Shiyuan said leisurely: "I'll help you."

Qin Shu: "..."

Ruiming seemed to notice the subtle fluctuations in Qin Shu's body. After seeing Qin Shu return to normal quickly, he turned his head to watch the show again.

Qin Shu could see at this time that the thunder cultivator who took action was not a foundation-builder at all. He could easily tell with this casual move that this man's cultivation level was definitely above that of the golden elixir.

The few people who were looking for trouble were also stunned. One of them pulled the sleeve of the brother next to him and winked at them, "Why don't you leave quickly?"

The group of people had just taken two dejected steps when one of them whispered again, "The boss is still inside!"

The brother in front immediately said: "Qi Liu is only in the foundation-building stage, nothing like this... a group of dads."

Another person just made a move, one with a golden elixir level. The remaining seven must have at least three or two golden elixirs, right?

They are no match at all. There is no point in staying here. I should have known they would come back after closing time.

"That's right." His brothers passed him and walked towards the door. The man who spoke first saw this and ran away quickly.

When he arrived, he didn't even understand how it could be that there were so many masters in just a small grilled fish shop.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Ruiming raised his hand and removed the restraint on Tieniu.

Tieniu was worried about Lao Liu and hurriedly chased him to the kitchen.

He saw the confrontation between Lao Liu and the man in black. He heard the man in black say to Lao Liu with a cold face: "Don't you have five places? You can bring four of my brothers in, right?"

"No, I've reserved all the places."

"Don't be ungrateful!"

"Kill me if you dare. If this quota is reserved, it will be reserved!" Lao Liu yelled at him with a red face and thick neck.

Upon seeing this, Tieniu quickly took out his gloves and put them on, then approached, "Old Liu!"

Qi Liu looked a little excited when he saw Tieniu, "Old Tie!"

The man in black saw that his brothers had not come in for a long time, but instead came this stupid young man.

Hearing that Tieniu was already standing in front of Qi Liu, blocking Qi Liu, who was half shorter than him, behind him, his hands collided and moved his joints, and he sneered and said: "Are you still arrogant here? Your brothers outside have already I just left you and ran away!”

"Run away?" The man obviously didn't believe it, "This is impossible!"

Tieniu twitched his lips again and said, "Don't you believe it? Otherwise, it's been so long and I'm the only one coming in? Where are your good brothers?"

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